Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 8


(Brendon's Point of View)

"Bitch?" I asked knowing Brent had called her that a few times. She nodded which made me look at her in shock. Ryan? George Ryan Ross called her a bitch? What was his problem? Wasn't he the one defending her from Brent three weeks ago? Now all of a sudden he is going to act just like him. That's unbelievable.

I looked down at Lexi and could tell she started crying. I had to admit over the past weeks she has really grown on me. I tried being a total ass to her, but it just doesn't work. She still doesn't hate me, and I still like her. When I found out Ryan had kissed her I freaked. I thought I could tell him how I was feeling, and when I was going to I find out he made a move on her. From then on out I would defend her, but also try to make her hate me. I pulled her into a tight hug trying to make her feel better. After a while she got up thanked me and went to the couch where Spencer and Jon were currently in the middle of a game of Crash Bandicoot Team Racing.
I did the only thing I felt I needed to do at this point; talk to Ryan.
I just walked into the bunk area not even knocking. Ryan was sitting on his and Lexi's bed reading a book. Him and his stupid books.

"What is your problem?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You know damn well what I'm talking about, you and your fucking mouth. You know your girlfriend came out crying. I thought of all people you would be the last to call her a bitch!"

"She was crying?"

"What do you think? She didn't like it when Brent called her it, and now you do too. I bet that probably made her feel a whole lot better."

"Whatever, since when did you care? I thought you thought was a total bi-" He said going back to his book. Unaffected that his girlfriend was in tears from something he did.

"You know what? You are acting just like Brent. Sure I may have thought that when I first met her, but first impressions aren't everything. I didn't exactly help with the way anyone acted either." He looked at me, got up, put his book down, and got off his bunk to face me.

"You think that?"

"After the way you've been acting towards Lexi, yeah." Next thing I know Ryan's fist collided with my jaw. I was about to get up and possibly hit him back, but was interrupted.

"What the hell Ryan?" I heard Lexi yell from behind me.

"What?" She looked at him astonished.

"Why did you hit Brendon?" She said looking down at me.

"He said I was acting like Brent."

"You hit him because of that?"


"You're unbelievable." She shook her head and helped me up.
"You know what Ryan? I thought I could do this. I thought I could work with this relationship, and even if it didn't work out I thought we could still be friends. Obviously it wouldn't work if you think I'm a nagging bitch. I'm sorry, but I don't think I can do this anymore. I can't be with you, but I know you could care less. You're free now, free from my 'nagging bitchyness'"

I looked at Lexi amazed she could be full of courage like that, and then I looked at Ryan. His face was drained of all color, and it looked as if tears were coming to his eyes. I looked back at Lexi and tears were falling from her eyes. She looked at me and then turned to go back by Jon and Spencer.

I looked back at Ryan who was now sitting on the floor. I had never seen him like this. He must have really liked her, but then why did he treat her like complete crap. Tears were now falling from his face, and I didn't know how to feel. He hit me for telling him the truth, but he is my best friend. So of course I'm going to be there for him during his breakdown.


"I screwed up," He started trembling, "I screwed up the best thing that has happened to me. I loved her. I actually loved her. I never told her I did. I didn't think it was so stupid little fling, but I screwed up."

"But you learned from this right? You learned what not to do next time."

"I guess."

"You'll get through this." Ryan got up and went into his bunk. I left the room to see Lexi alone at the table crying. Everyone else surprisingly seemed to be passed out.

"Lexi?" She looked up at me.


"You didn't want to do that did you?" She shook her head.

"No, but I felt it was the best thing to do. Ryan had been a total ass to me lately, he hit you, and we just don't seem to click." I nodded completely understanding.
"I know I'm not a perfect angel."

"Everything will be fine. Don't worry." I said rubbing her back slightly.

"I hope so. I just don't want things to be awkward between Ryan and me."

"Don't worry, it won't and if it is I will beat his ass for hurting a great girl as you." She looked at me and smiled. It was a fake smile, and it hurt. I wanted to know what was running through her head.

"Thanks a lot."

"No problem." I smiled.

"No really, thanks, I know we never got off to a good start. But I'm hoping we can really be good friends, 'cause you're awesome like that." She said holding back a small laugh. That made me feel good. She doesn't hate me.

"Of course we can, but I should be sorry for being such an ass. I am sorry too; I shouldn’t have judged you right away."

"You are completely forgiven, but I should be the one apologizing. I shouldn't have treated anyone like dirt just because I was too." She smiled. I pulled her into another hug, and then we got up to go and watch TV. If that is even possible with the five sleeping bodies on and surrounding the couch.

Boy was I falling for this girl.
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it was made by the wonderful
forever young.