Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 9


(Alexis's Point of View)

Brendon and I seem to getting along better. Ryan and I on the other hand barely talk to each other. It kind of sucks not being able to talk to someone like Ryan. He is a really interesting person.

"But it's been no bed of roses.
No pleasure cruise
I consider it a challenge before the whole human race
And I ain't gonna lose." I sang softly trying to get the lyrics to stick in my head, which proved to be harder than I anticipated. More importantly I was deathly afraid of messing us in front of a large audience.

"Don’t worry about it." Brendon said trying to help.

"How can I not. I'm going to perform, and I'm going to mess up. Then no one will but our albums, and we're gonna be a band that never was because the lead singer is a complete moron."

"That won't happen."

"How do you know?" It was only a few hours before my band and I were to go and perform for the first time in front of a large crowd like this one will be. If only words could explain how nervous I was at this very moment.

"I've actually messed up before. I covered it up quickly, and started to sing the right lyrics." My eyes widened.

"I won't be able to recover though!"

"Not true. Just play cool, and if you mess up don't start freaking out on stage. Just switch over to the right lyrics, and act as if nothing happened in the first place."

"Thanks," I said smiling. Ryan walked onto the bus, looked at me, and then went to the bunks completely ignoring Brendon and I.
"He's going to be like that isn't he?"

"Once he's over everything things will be better."

"I hope so. I miss having him as a friend."

"I know so." With that we both got up and headed to the area where we would be performing that night.