Rosary Tucked Inside Her Lingerie

Chapter One

Name: Candace Withman.
Age: 16
Family: alcholic/pill-popper mom.
soon to get a new daddy and brother.
Other shit: plays drums REALLY good. loves bright colors. loves to draw. wants peace in the world and is a veggie.

i was sitting in the back seat of my mom's soon to be husband's car. i am pissed for multitudes of reasons:
1. i had to move from Brooklyn to Vegas.
2. i had no more drums.
and 3. cause i just am.
"almost there." George said to my mom. i seriously dont think he likes me. he doesnt seem the children type. even though he has a son.
soon i see a 2 story house. we park in the driveway and walk inside.
"GEORGE! GET YOUR ASS HERE NOW!" my future step-dad yelled.
suddenly, a boy comes down the steps looking tired. "what dad?"
"get their stuff outta the car!" Big George snapped. Little George sighed and went outside "and show Kathrine her room."
"Candace/Candy" i said, but he ignored me.
he took my mom downstairs to "show her something" +cough+sex+cough+. i decide to go help Ryan. i walk outside and see him takling to a boy, so i stay in the doorway hidden.
"so they came today?" the boy said.
"yea ... fuck why is he remarrying?" Little George said.
"umm to be happy?" the boy said.
"but this proves they are never getting back together. +sigh+ im still screwed." Little George sighed.
"dont you have a sis now?"
"yea ..."
"is she hot?"
"i dont know."
"yea you do ..."
i walk back inside. i plopped on the couch and turned on my iPod. that should drown out my mom's sex noises.
i feel someon poke me. it was little George.
"come on, ill show you your room." he said.
what was there to see? it was a room. a bed, tv, dresser. wow.
"thanks George." i said.
"dont call me that. ever. its Ryan okay?" he said.
"fine by me." i nodded.
he lefted and i plopped on my bed. i fell asleep til dinner. which was meatloaf. why does my mom hate me? i ended up eating only salad.
"dad. im going out." Ryan said after dinner with a guitar case slung over his shoulder.
"the hell you are. where do you think your going?" Geirge said.
"to Brenden's. come on! i did my chores and everything." Ryan sighed.
"stay here. if you step put that door---" George startd.
"fine!" Ryan went back upstairs. i expected to hear a door slammed but heard nothing.

next day

saturday. a day for cartoons and sugary cereals. i was watching The Buzz on Maggie when the hawtest boy came in.
he saw me "hey, wassup? im Brenden."
"hi. im---" i started.
"Bren this is Candy, Candy-Bren. come on, lets go pracitice." Ryan cut in.
"seeya chica." Brenden smirked and went upstairs.
i continued my shows. ew i sound like one of those old people who watch soap opreas.

Ryan POV

i was playing guitar while Brenden sang. "Go" by Blink 182.
"dude, thats your new sis?" Bren asked.
"how old?"
"our age."
"man shes pretty---"
"dont want to hear it okaY?" i stopped him.
"heh, Spence told me about the whole crushed hope." he fake laughed.
"+sigh+ think my new step-mom will slow him down?" i asked.
"maybe. hey maybe she'll even stop---"
"yea maybe." i started playing my guitar again.