Rosary Tucked Inside Her Lingerie

Chapter Three

it was tuesday night. i was sitting in my kitchen eating pie that Ryan made. thats when i heard a crash and scream.
i ran outside to find Spence on the ground clutching his leg. a skateboard laid a few feet away.
"SPENCE! you okay?" i ran to him.
"n-no my leg." he cried.
"hold up. can you walk?"
"ill try." but once he got on his leg he cried again. "agh! no."
"hold on hun i'll get Ryan." i ran back inside.
"huh? whats up?" his head popped out.
"Sp-spence fell. hurt." i was outta breath.
we ran outside back to our fallen friend. Ryan helped Spence inside.
"Candy, get him some First AID shit. Spence lets see. FUCK!" like outta a episode of Scarred. Spence leg looked bad.
"screw this, im calling 911." i said, dailing.


me and Ryan were waiting for Spence. turns out he broke his leg. soon his parents came in.
"what happened? George, how did it happened?" Mrs. Smith said.
"he broke his leg. i think he was skateboarding Mr. and Mrs. Smith." i said.
"agh i told him he was gonna hurt himself." his dad said, shaking his head.
a little bit later, Spence was okay. he could go home.

Spence's house, next day.

"great! now we're out a drummer." Brent glared at Spence.
"sor-sorry." Spence looked down.
"hey stop being mean to Spence!" Kacey and me snapped.
"Candy, can't you play?" RYan asked.
"yea but---" i started.
"really chica? and you didnt say anything?" Brenden spoke up.
"yea but i dont have a set." i said.
"but i do. you could use mine. as you could see, i cant play ..." Spence said, pointing to his cast.
"kay." i shrugged.
"how we know shes good?" Brent asked.
"lets see, can you play Adam's Song?" Brenden asked. i played it. "shes in. good job chica."
"why you call me that?"
"fine ummm. hmm ... ima call you ummm ... OY VEY! i got it! Skittles." Brenden jumped.
"why?" we asked.
"cause she has Rainbow hair and her name is Candy" he said.
"okay, i like it." i said.