Rosary Tucked Inside Her Lingerie

Chapter Eight

i was looking for my drums when i foung it.
a letter.
Dear Candy,
I had to get out.
I just can't stand him anymore.
I regret ever marrying him.
I knew you would be sad, so I put this in the one place you'll always go to when you're depressed.
Your drumsticks.
Here's what I want you to do.
Grab a bunch of clothes and other things and put them in a bag.
Then grab Ryan and do the same with him.
Both of you meet me at the train station.
From there we will go to the airport and get tickets back to Brooklyn.
Love always, your mom.

i reread the letter many times. i went to Ryan's room.
"Ryan, lemme in." he opened the door.
"wassup Candy?" he asked. i gave him the letter. he read it and looked a mix of sad and happy.
"Ryan ..."
"she cared. my mom jus left, but your mom ..." he covered his eyes.
"Ryan dont---"
"no. its just ... my mom was kissing me good night and when i woke up all i got was a note. i mean okay leave if hes being an ass, but take me too." Ryan said. "god, and its wasnt like i was a bad kid. i thought she loved me."
"Ryan she did she just ..." i didnt know what to say.
"no she didnt want me. i was a mistake."
"no you werent!"
"trust me. i been told many times ..."
"Ryan, without you, i've be dead. maybe you're not a good son. but you're an awesome brother."
"you protect me from George, Brent ummmm you're funny, you cheer me up."
"thats what im supposed to do."
"no, you're not, im your stepsister, not your real one. you dont have to do anything."
"... thanks Candy."


"so when you gonna ask Kacey out?" i asked.
"when Brendon askes you." Ryan said.
"yea and doesnt use a lame excuse too."
"he likes me? like likes me likes me?"
"si senora."
as if on cue, Ryan's phone rang.
"hello ... umm i think 1347 864 9204 why? ..." Ryan gave his phone a look. "he hung up."
my phone rang. "hello?"
"Candy! hey wanna go to the cd store?" Brendon asked.
"um sure."