Take A Sad Song and Make It Better

Chasing The Night To Make Our Days Better.

Later that night when Maddox was fast asleep I decided to call Derek. I wandered out to the living room and sat on the sofa. I sighed quietly dialing his number.


"Hey 'Rek..." I mumbled.

"Alanna? How are you doing?" he asked concerned.

"I'm doing..better." I replied slowly.

"I'm really sorry we didn't tell you about Jac being pregnant.." he said hurriedly.

"It's not your fault just took me by surprise.."

"What happened after we went on stage?"

"We just..talked.." I replied unsure.

"About what?"

I bit my lip nervously not answering him right away.

"He-He said he still l-loved me.." I whispered

He sighed.

"What did you say back?"

"I walked away and he told me to not walk out on him again...."

"I can't believe he blamed it on you when he's the one who cheated."

"It doesn't matter. What happened after I left?" I asked wanting to change the subject.

"Jac and Matt got into a huge argument. Jac left with some guy and Matt locked himself in the bedroom and hasn't come out since we got home."

"How long has he been in his room?" I asked worried.


"I'm coming over.."


"Uh yeah I need to..talk to him."

"What about Maddox?" he asked

"He's sleeping plus I'm sure he won't mind."

"Alright well I'll see you then."

"Yeah, bye."
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