Take A Sad Song and Make It Better

I Wanna Tell You a Secret and Leave It On Your Lips.

[Alanna's POV]

Before I made my way over there I stopped at Chinese for take out.
"If Matt has been in his room for a long time he's probably really hungry" I thought to myself.
I stumbled to the door. Before I could attempt to ring the door bell it opened.
"What's all this?" Derek asked taking the food.
"I stopped at Chinese to get food for you guys I know since you had a show you'd be hungry and Matt's probably starving too." I replied
"Thanks babe."
Travis came into the living room were I was hanging up my hoodie.
"I smell food!" he said
"Derek has it."
Travis picked up a tray and a fork.
"You are a life saver I'm super hungry." he said sitting down on the sofa.
I picked up Matt's tray and stood up.
"I'm going to go talk to him." I said making my way to the back.
I knocked lightly on the door.
"Who is it?" I heard his muffled voice ask.
"It's me, Alanna." I said nervously.
I heard the bed squeak and then the door opened. Matt stared at me with sad eyes before stepping aside and letting me into his room. I made my way over to the bed sitting on it.

"I brought you food." I said not making eye contact.
He took it from me whispering a quick thanks.
"Why are you here?" he said after a moment.
"I just wanted to make sure you were okay I heard what happened with Jac."
"I don't need you to feel sorry for me." he snapped.
I stared at him surprised.
"Do you think that's why I'm here cause I feel sorry for you?!" I said standing up.
"Why else would you be here?! You didn't want anything to do with me before!"
"Maybe because you cheated on me. You broke my heart Matt.." I said choking on my words.
I felt tears falling from my eyes. Matt stood up brushing the tears away with his hand.
"I made a mistake I never wanted to hurt you. If I could take it all back I would."
Our eyes locked for a moment. Matt slowly pushed his lips to mine. I clung to him not wanting to let go.
I snapped around quickly seeing Maddox standing in the door way wide eyed.
"Mad-Maddox I-I.."
"Save the excuses." he said before storming out of the room.
I quickly ran after him.
"Maddox please let me explain." I said grabbing his arm.
"There's nothing to explain it seems clear to me what's going on here."
Travis, Derek, and Matt watched us as we fought.
"It's not what it seems I swear."
"Then what's going on Alanna?!" he screamed
It seemed as if time itself stopped. I looked around at all of them they were staring back at me waiting for my answer. Before anything else could be said I ran out jumping into my car.
I could hear Travis and Derek screaming for me as I sped off. Tears blurred my vision as I was speeding around the corner. I could feel the car jerking around underneath me before I knew what was happening the car flipped off the road. All I could hear was the scraping of metal and the shattering of glass.
Soon everything was dead silent. Smoke clouded my vision as I gasped for breath. I was pinned beneath the car and couldn't move. I tried screaming for help but words were not coming out. I heard a car come to a screeching halt some where around me. Before I could see who it was everything went black.
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:D I felt like updating so here it is. It's bad cause I haven't written in forever. <3