Take A Sad Song and Make It Better

There is a shadow hanging over me.

[Alanna's POV]

I stuck my head out the door. Jac stared at me smiling.

"Well are you going to stand behind the door all day?" she asked, laughing.


"Don't be shy."

Jac got up pulling on the door knob. I held it tightly. She yanked on it harder, finally managing to pull it open. She stood in front of me, her mouth hanging open.

"Ma-Matt?.." she called her voice cracking.

"What is it?"

I saw him get up and walk to us. He pushed her out the way playfully.

"Oh my..god."

Soon everyone began staring at me. I stared to become very nervous trying to cover my body.

"Did...he do this to you?"

I nodded. Derek pulled a blanket out of the closet. He came over and placed it around my shoulders.

"T-Thank you."

"You're welcome." he replied

I yawned, feeling myself become sleepy.

"Maybe you should get some sleep?" Jac suggested.


"You can have my bunk, I'll sleep on the couch." Derek offered.

"Oh no I couldn't do that. I'll sleep on the couch its fine."

"You sure?" Jac asked.

"Yes. I couldn't possibly take his bunk."

"I don't mind."

"She'll sleep in your bunk Der." Jac said.

Before I could say anything Jac pushed me to Derek's bunk, shoving the curtain aside.

"In." she commanded.

I got in. She covered me with extra blankets.

"Sleep well. See you in the morning."

"See you and thanks again."

"No problem."

She pulled the curtains back and everything became dark. I heard the door to the bunks close. I could hear them talking quietly in the other room. Soon my eyes became heavy and I drowned out there voices falling into a deep sleep.