Take A Sad Song and Make It Better

You've unlearned about who you are inside.

[Alanna's POV]

I opened my eyes slowly, rolling over. I gasped seeing Derek.

"Sorry, I was just waking you up cause breakfast is ready and didn't want you to miss your first day on the bus." he said grinning.

I smiled.

"Thanks. I'm glad you woke me up don't be sorry."

I got out of bed quickly forgetting about my ankle. I let out a scream as I stepped down. Derek hurriedly pushed me so I was sitting on the bed.

"Are you okay?!" he asked, worried.

"Fine, I just forgot about my ankle that's all." I whispered.

"I'll re-bandage it for you after breakfast okay?"

I nodded.

He grabbed my arm putting it over my shoulders, lifting me

"Everything okay?" Chris asked, staring up.

"Yeah she just forgot about her ankle and stood on it. She should be okay."

After everyone was settled we began eating.

"So Alanna not to be...nosey..but who was that guy that was with you at the concert?" Jac asked.

I froze.

I felt someones hand on knee. I looked up to see Derek's worried face.

"I think it was her dad." answered Matt.

"H-He was my...boyfriend, actually." I mumbled.

"But you called him sir.." added Travis.


"Why do you stay with him?" Chris asked.

"I have no where to go..plus if I leave-..."

I closed my eyes tightly.

"...Bad things happen..." I finished.

"Well its all over now. I promise."

I opened my eyes taking a deep breath.

"Thank you..all of you."

"It's the least we could do." Jac said.

When we finished eating. I got dressed in some more of Jac's clothes and washed up. I was sitting on the couch reading when someone touched my ankle. I hissed in pain.

"I'm sorry!" I heard Derek yell frantically.

I moved my book to see him kneeling in front of me.

"I was just trying to change your bandages."

I smiled at him.

"It's okay."

He continued up wrapping them carefully.

"So...how did you and Maddox meet anyways?"

"He well was best friends with my brother..my family died in a house fire 3 years ago and he took me in."

"I'm sorry."

I laughed it off.

"Don't be sorry. It wasn't your fault."

He blushed and looked down, tying my bandage. I reached over and tucked a piece of hair behind his ear. He looked up smiling at me.

"All done."

"Thanks Der."
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