Take A Sad Song and Make It Better

I never thought the whispers were true till now.

[Alanna's POV]

After a couple of days I'm embarrassed to say that I've gotten attached to Matt. I guess Travis was right, I just had to get to know him a little.

I slid next to him, waiting for Jac to finish cooking.

"Der!" Jac yelled.

"What." he answered.

"Foods ready."

"I-I'm not hungry."

"But you haven't eaten in about 2 days."

"Yes I have. You just haven't seen."

"If you're talking about the bite of the sandwich you ate a minute ago that doesn't count."

"I'll eat later."

"Fine." she mumbled sitting down.

"What's the matter with 'Rek?" Chris asked.

I looked up at Travis, he met my gaze.

"I don't know. He seems pretty down about something." Matt said, drinking his water.

"Yeah." I mumbled.

Travis coughed, "If you guys excuse me I need to have a word with him."

He got up making his way to the bunks. He closed the door quietly behind him.

We continued eating. Soon the door opened again and Travis came out Derek following slowly behind him. Travis sat back down and Derek plopped down next to him. Jac smiled widely.

"Here you go." she said fixing him a plate.

"Thanks." he sighed.

[Derek's POV]

I slumped in my seat slowly eating my food.

Stupid Travis...making me come out here, he knows I don't like being around..them..

I wiggled in my seat.

"You alright?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, fucking table is to small." I mumbled.

I moved my leg out, trying to stretch it. My foot made contact with someones leg.

"Ow." Alanna said, reaching under the table to rub her leg.

"My bad." I muttered.

"It's okay."

Matt's grip on her tightened. I looked up at him and could tell he was mad cause I accidentally hit her.

I looked down at my plate again, sighing.

"I'm not feeling to well, I'm going back to bed." I mumbled.

Travis gave me a sharp look, and grabbed my arm.

"You're not done with your food." he said

"Then you fucking eat it!" I yelled harshly, pulling my arm away from his.

I walked back to the bunks, slamming the door. I thew myself into the bed and buried my face into the pillow.

When is this nightmare going to end.
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