Swear to Shake It up If You Swear to Listen


#Feb. 7th#

Guess what? George is coming ot Chicago for a bit. And back in June for my wedding. Turns out the local church has free AA meetings. And he's being going to them. While on the with him, he aplogised for hurting us, for being mean, and for my mom's death [he felt partly at fault because he kinda pushed her to leave.]
I couldn't believe I see the day Ryan would be waiting excitingly to meet his dad at the airport.
And then we saw him. He wasn't anything thing like I remember him. He was clean shaven and no more beer gut.
"Dad?" Ryan said.
"George," his dad said, giving him a hug. "Candy," he turned to me.
I hugged him, "hey George."
He nodded, "well come on, lets get going."


"So when you guys go on tour?" George asked.
"Soon, next month," Brendon said.
Will didn't like at all that the man for hurt me was in his living room, but he dealt with it.
"How long we staying Mr. Ross?" Liana asked.
"A week, need to get back to work. And I want to save days for June," he winked at me. "I can trust Brendon is a good man."
"Yes Mr. Ross. Come on you know me," Brendon said.
"Yes and if you're relying on that for me to trust you with my step daughter think again," George laughed.
We all joined him. Trash Dawg ran up and gave us a confused puppy look.
"Hallo TD!" Liana said.
"TD?" George asked.
"Trash Dawg," we all said. George gave an O.o look but shook his head.

week later, airport

"Great seeing you dad," Ryan hugged his dad.
"Same here George," his dad said. "Be good Candy," he hugged me too.
"I will George," I said.
"See you two in June!" George waved as he got on the plane.


"I can't believe this," Ryan said driving.
"Look at him. He changed so much. Like a real dad now."
"Too late you think?"
"No. It's great. I mean he's trying. And doing a great job."
I ruffled his hair and he mumbled something about causing an accident.

home Feb 13th

"Ew can we not discuss this," Ryan said.
"But it's funny. And aren't you happy to hear that Candy's still---" Jon started, but was interupted by Will grabbing his fingers.
"Stop it," Will gave the scarey face. Ooo I hate the scarey face.
"All I'm saying is it's funny that Brendon is still a virgin. Even after Spence I mean come on!" Jon laughed.
"Hey," Liana said. "Penny's fucking great at it."
At this Spencer blushed.
"Come on can we please change the subject," Brendon sighed.
"What's wrong Bre? Afraid Brent's better I so did not say that right now!" Spence said.
"It's okay Penny," I smiled at him. That whole thing was a distant memory.
"Shuddup," Brendon said.
"Or he's afraid once Candy sees it---wait what am I saying?" Ryan said.
"Thanks Ry," Brendon gave his friend a happy look.
"How'll she be able to see it it's so small?" Ryan joked. The guys all laughed at Bren.
"SHuddup how you know Ross?!" Brendon asked a little mad.
"Oh I know," Ryan said.
"So wait. Urie's a virgin?" Pete asked.
"Yes," Brendon sighed.
"So you and Candy ..." Pete looked at me.
"Nope, never. I only did it once with Brent," I shrugged.
"Why?" Pete asked.
"Cause I'm a fucking Mormon okay?" Brendon pouted.
"Mormon? Isn't that when you have like more than one wife?" Liana laughed.
Ryan just laughed harder, "That's why he has so many siblings."
"Shut up George," Brendon hissed.
"Sorry Boyd but that name does nothing for me now," Ryan grinned.
Brendon just sighed and leaned back.
"I was raised that I can't have sex til I'm married. If I do, my parents will hate me more."
"Hate you more?" Will asked.
"They're not exactly happy about the band."
A chorus of 'Aw's.
"Oh shuddup they weren;t your parents," Brendon joked.