Swear to Shake It up If You Swear to Listen


We sat in our living room.
"GAHHHHHHHHH! Nothing on," Pete sighed.
"Well MAX Movie channel gots porn," Liana shrugged.
Will grabbed the remote and turned on MAX.
"Amputee Porn!?" we all said.
Sure enough two people without their limbs were doing it.
"Ewwwwww," we all said.
"EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" We all screamed.
"Turn it off turn it off!!!" I yelled.
Ryan press the up button and the channel changed .... to more porn.
Midget porn.
A small midget girl jumped outta a suitcase and onto the bed. Then another midget jumped on her.
"Well I'm scarred," Will said.
"Really now?" I laughed. Living with Will for three years you learn some things.
"Well maybe not really, but it's kinda gross," Will laughed.

Later, in the yard.

We were chilaxing in the backyard watching some awards show. I think it was Nickelodeon or something.
"Gawd Zac Efron is sooo hawt," I sighed.
"Yea but he's a prick in real life," Liana said.
"If I was that hawt I would be too," I giggled.
"You are babe," Brendon put his head on my shoulder.
"Ayip! Water bug!" Will sheirked?
"Oy!" me and Liana yipped.
"Gawd," Pete said, stepping on it. Then---
"ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" me, Liana, and Will screamed.
One half of the waterbug squiggled to the left, it was still alive. HALF OF IT!
"Oh my gawd, I think I'ma throw up," Liana cried.
"Pete dont wear those shoes in the house!" I said.
"Why?" Jon asked.
"Cause the eggs gets on yo shoey," I said.
"Oooookay," Pete said, shaking his head.

next day

We were driving around. Why? TO find a poultry shop.
"Can we buy one live?" Will asked the Asian man.
"No. They smelly you no want," he said.
"What can we buy?" Spence asked.
"Rabbit. 3.5o lb."
"Give us the smallest one," I said.
He picked a riley black one.
"He scratch," he said as he put it in a box.
We drove home with the bunny in my lap. Should I tell you? Pete doesn't like bunnies. And he doesn't know we bought it.
"We gotta hide it!" Jon said.
"How?" Ryan asked.
"Ummm ..." we were all lost.
"Hey guys I'm here!" Pete came into our house. Yes it's me and Will's house but Pete bought it for us. So what he saids goes.
"Um Um," Brendon shoved the bunny behind his back.
"Hey Pete, wassup?" I asked.
"Nothing the FOB boys are coming," Pete grinned.
"Cool. Hey come on Bre, lets go to our room," I grabbed his hand.
Too bad the bunny jumped outta the box.
"What. Is. That?" Pete said, all serious-ness.
"Peppy ..." Penny said.
"I want it out," Pete said, closing his eyes.
"Yes PeteyPanda," I said.
"Just get rid of it," Pete said.
We hopped in the car and drive to the park.
"Bye Peppy," Ryan said.
"We love you!" Liana said.
"Wait!" I tied a ribbon on his neck. "Now we can visit you."
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Based on true events