Swear to Shake It up If You Swear to Listen


We were eating s'mores. In my kitchen. Over the stove. Wow we're losers.
"S'mores are so messy," Penny said, mouth covered in marshmallow goo.
"Aww," Liana licked off the goo.
"Theyre cute in a twisted sotta way," Brendon, luagh-whispered.
"Why you say that?" I whispered back.
"I don't know. I mean Frankie's wild and insane and hyper and ya know and Penny's ..." Brendon said.
"Hey where's Ryan?" Will asked, scarfing down his s'more.
"I dunno, let me look," I said looking around the house. I found him outside.
He turned around, his son in his hands.
"Hey Candy."
"Of what?"
"Kacey. I miss her," he hugged Lil Ryro closer to him.
"Yea, me too Ryan."
"What if my son ...?"
"I dunno. Blames me or hates me or forgets Kacey."
"He won't I promise."
"Yea well---" his cell phone started ringing.
"Hello? ... what? ... Really? How? ... oh-okay. ... Yea I'll tell her. ... Thanks, bye." He hung up his phone and chucked it.
"Ryan wassup?!" I said.
"Dad's dead," he let out a small sob.
"Wha-what? Ha-how?" I stuttered.
"Heart attack. They found him this morning. Oh my gawd ..." Ryan didn't look good.
"Ryan ...!" I said a bit startled.
"Here take Ryro," he gave me Lil Ryro. He ran inside. I followed after him.
"What happened?" Pete asked as I walked into my living room.
"Ryan's I mean our dad ... he's dead," I sniffed.
"Come here hun," Will outstretched his arm. I fell back against it. "You okay?"
"Yea, better than Ryan. Where he go didy a see him?"
"Yea he went to his room I think," Frankie said.
I put down Lil Ryro and ran upstairs.
"Ryan?" I called. He wasn't in his room.
Maybe in his Bathroom?
I walked in to see Ryan in the tub with the shower on. In his clothes.
"You okay?"
"I'll deal, I'm used to people leaving me. My mom, Karina, you, Kacey my dad."
"Ryan ... George," I said, getting on my knees and leaning against the tub. "It'll be okay."
"I hope so."