Swear to Shake It up If You Swear to Listen


hmm wonder what they gonna play? not Blink-182 right? whats the band name?
"so go on ..." Pete said to the guys.
"um okay. Nails For Breakfast, Tacks For Snacks." Ryan said, a little nervous.
Brendon took a big breath and started to sing. "Watch your mouth
Oh, oh, oh
Because your speech is slurred enough
That you just might swallow your tongue
I'm sure you'd want, want to give up the ghost
With just a little more poise than that
Or was it God who chokes
In these situations, running late?
No, no, he called in
Or was it God who chokes
In these situations, running late?
No, no, he called in
The hospice is
A relaxing weekend getaway
Where you're a cut above all the rest
Sick and sad patients
On first name basis with all the top physicians
Prescribed pills
To offset the shakes
To offset the pills
You know you should take
It a day at a time
That's when you stu-stu-stutter something profound
To the support on the line
And with the way you've been talking
Every word gets you a step closer to hell
That's when you stu-stu-stutter something profound
To the support on the line
And with the way you've been talking
Every word gets you a step closer to hell
Prescribed pills
To offset the shakes
To offset the pills
You know you should take
It a day at a time
Prescribed pills
To offset the shakes
To offset the pills
You know you should take
It a day at a time
I am
Alone in this bed, house, and head
And she never fixes this
But at least she...
I am
Alone, in this bedroom
She never fixes this
But at least she...
Prescribed pills
To offset the shakes
To offset the pills
You know you should take
It a day at a time
Prescribed pills
To offset the shakes
To offset the pills
You know you should take
It a day at a time
The hospice is
A relaxing weekend getaway
Where you're a cut above all the rest
Sick and sad patients
On first name basis with all the top physicians." Brendon and Ryan finished.
i clapped and cheered. Will smiled at my eagerness. Pete just nodded.
"pretty good. i knew you guys were good. alright lets go out to eat!" Pete smiled.
"wha-what?" Spence said.


i sat down next to Ryan. "how was he?" i knew he knew who i was talking about.
he sighed and lifted his shirt a bit. it revealed a scar running down his side. "threw a broken bottle at me. i couldnt take it. i went to live with Spence's family."
i hugged him. "i shoulda been there."
"nah, then you would of gotten hurt too." he said. "its okay. im fine now."
Spence went to pick the girls up. since Liana didnt tell Kacey yet we were plannoing to surprise her.
"so Brendon ... hows life?" i asked.
"aww he missed you soo much!" Jon mocked.
"yea he was so emo and like 'my Skittles!!!!!'"Ryan teased.
"shuddup. what about you chica?" Brendon asked.
at this Will sat next to me. "oh well me and him are going out now." i joked, placing my hand by Will's crotch. Will gave me a 'you're an idiot' look and chuckled.
"really?" Ryan asked.
"nah jk jk."
"Can-Candace?" i looked up to see ... KACEY!!!!!!!!!!!
"Kacey ..." i got up.
she looked both ways and---BAM!
i was on the floor with Kacey laughing hysretically.
"oy vey it is you my love!" Kacey grinned.
"yep its me! now lets eat." i smiled.
we eat and talk. alot of catching up to do.
"so Candy, ya wanna be happy hap hap?!" Kacey smiled.
"hells yes!"
"... IM PREGANT!!!!! 6 months!" she smiled really really big!
"oy vey! whose kid?" i joked.
"so mean Candy, so mean." Ryan glare-laughed.
"thats soo cool. wondered why you were fat." i smiled. im gonna be an aunt. next best thing to a mom.
"what about you and Spence?" i asked Liana.
"slamming!" Spence smiled.
"yepp but unlike the bunnies" at this Liana pointed to Kacey and Ryan "we use protection." she laughed.

later back at Pete's house.

"so where you guys staying?" Will asked.
"hotel." Kacey shrugged.
"how about here?" i looked hopefully at Will. he shrugged and i grinned.
"really?" Ryan asked.
"yea just keep it PG-13." Will yawned.
"yay!" Spence jumped, doing a little dance. "Candace and a free place to stay woot!"
"yea yea." i said. "so whats the band's name?"
"Panic! at the disco." they all said.
"with the exclaimation point!" Liana chipped.
we laughed and chilled in my living room.
"LETS WATCH POKEMON THE MOVIE!!!" Kacey shout-laughed.
"shh man you guys are loud." WIll shook his head.
"sorry. can we pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease????" Kacey begged.
"sure!" i popped the tape into the VCR. thats right, tape and VCR!
the movie was really good. old pokemon always was. i yawned. it was 3:oo am.
"gus you tired?" they nodded. "come on ill show you your rooms."
Room A: Kacey and Ryan.
Room B: Spence and Liana.
Living Room: Jon and Brendon.
i changed into my jammys and slid into my bed. hot august night, so i decided to put on the ac. i was almost asleep when i felt some slid next to me. it was Brendon.
"do you still love me?" he asked.
"never stopped."
"me neither. can we get back together?" he asked.
"i dunno. ask me in the morning when im not delusional. kay?"
he chuckled "okay." and we fell asleep.