Swear to Shake It up If You Swear to Listen


Liana came back from the hospital this morning. She was fine, but oh the tension. Neither her or Spence were talking to eachother. How long can this hold up?
"Moose ..." I sighed, sitting by the little grave we made him, "what are we going to do?"
"Skittles?" I heard a voice, excepting it to be Brendon. It was.
"Miss Moose do ya?"
"A lot. He was such a good puppy."
"Yea well---" Brendon was interupted by yelling. From Spence and Liana's room.
"Oy vey, not again," I sighed.

after fight

"Now you two are going in that room and making up. NOW!" WIll demanded.
"Or???" Liana asked.
"Or you'll hate eachother for ever. Now get in there!" Will pushed Spence and Liana into the room.
"now we listen," we ran into the next room and put our ear by the wall.
"DRUGGIE!" Spence cried.
"LAZY!" Liana shot back
The last insult Liana shot at Spence made everything quiet. Then ...
"Am I really fat? I mean I heard some people say it behind my back I mean in school ..." Spence said very sadly.
"Well no. Chubby maybe but fat ... I mean you are very cute chubby. And your voice matches the way you look."
"When we were in school, me and my friends would see you talking to Ryan and we thought that ..."
It got really quiet. Then we heard a small laugh. Then a quiet exchange of sorrys.
We pulled away from the wall and smiled. They're back together again!

3:oo am

We were chilling on the front lawn when we heard garbage cans toppling over. Ours toppling over.
"What was that?" Liana asked, sitting on Spen---Penny's lap.
"I dunno. Come Pete lets find out," I said. Pete nodded and followed me.
We went to the garbage cans and heard something rumaging in there.
"HEY!" Pete yelled, kicking the cans.
And there is was.
The cutest dog ever.
"Awwww he's so cute," I said picking him up in my arms. It he was shivering. He had his tail in between his legs.
"Come on, lets show the others," Pete said.
We brought the puppy to the front. And everyone fell for him.
"Pete can we keep it?" Kacey asked.
"Please?!??!?!!??!" Jon and Ryan begged.
"Of course," Pete smiled.
"NAMES!" Kacey jumped.
"Moose the Second," Liana suggested.
"Beak!" Spence grinned.
"Pandaman," Pete shrugged.
"Trash Dog," JOn said.
"Trash Dog?" we all repeated.
"Well we found him in the trash soooo," Jon said.
"Okay. Trash Dawg," I said. "But it must be spelled D-A-W-G."
"Yea okay," everyone agreed.