Swear to Shake It up If You Swear to Listen


I paced the waiting room, sat on Brendon's lap, paced again, cried a bit, bought a snapple, sat on Will's lap, then fell asleep across two chairs.
#Will's POV#
Candy finally fell asleep. She was torn up about Kacey since we got here. She was shaking and stirring in her sleep. I sang Bulls in Brooklyn in her ear. She stopped stirring and shaking and finally was peaceful.
I sighed and got up. I put my hands behind my head and walked up the the food thingy.
"What would you like?" the person-lady asked me.
Me, Pete, Brendon, Ryan, Jon, Liana, Spence, Candy probably want one when she wakes up "8 coffees please."
She handed me two bags of coffee-ness and I returned my group.
"Kacey Morlen?" the doctor said.
"Yes?" we all said.
"Wheres the dad?" the doctor asked.
"Rye-right here," Ryan got up.
"Follow me," the doctor led him behind the too white doors into a too white hallway to probably too white room.

a little while later.

Jon, Candy, Liana and Spence were all sleeping comfortablyon the chairs. I sighed, Ryan was still in there.
I saw a small girl walk in being carried by what I'm guessing is her brother. Both were very bloody.
"Me and my sister were riding my bike si? And we crashed si? So yea," the brother said. The nurse nodded and the brother put his sister on a chair. She was crying and in pain and all aww-ness.
"Come here," I said.
"Ha-hi," she waved.
"I'm Will. Whats your name pretty lady?" I asked.
"Alica," she tried to smile at the fact I called her pretty.
"Are you okay? Wanna hear a song?" I asked. She nodded.
I rack my brains for a kids song. Then ...
"A horse and a flea and three blind mice
Sat on a curbstone shooting dice
The horse he slipped and fell on the flea
"Whoops," said the flea, "There's a horse on me!"
Boom, boom, ain't it great to be crazy?
Boom, boom, ain't it great to be crazy?
Giddy and foolish the whole day through
Boom, boom, ain't it great to be crazy?
Way down South where bananas grow
A flea stepped on an elephant's toe
The elephant cried, with tears in his eyes
"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"
Boom, boom, ain't it great to be crazy?
Boom, boom, ain't it great to be crazy?
Giddy and foolish the whole day through
Boom, boom, ain't it great to be crazy?
Way up North where there's ice and snow
There lived a penguin and his name was Joe
He got so tired of black and white
He wore pink slacks to the dance last night!
Boom, boom, ain't it great to be crazy?
Boom, boom, ain't it great to be crazy?
Giddy and foolish the whole day through
Boom, boom, ain't it great to be crazy?
Eli, Eli had some socks
A dollar a pair and a nickel a box
The more you wear 'em the better they get
And you put 'em in the water and they don't get wet!
Boom, boom, ain't it great to be crazy?
Boom, boom, ain't it great to be crazy?
Giddy and foolish the whole day through
Boom, boom, ain't it great to be crazy?
Called myself on the telephone
Just to hear that golden tone
Asked myself out for a date
Said be ready 'bout half-past eight!
Boom, boom, ain't it great to be crazy?
Boom, boom, ain't it great to be crazy?
Giddy and foolish the whole day through
Boom, boom, ain't it great to be crazy?
Took myself to the picture show
Sat myself on the very last row
Wrapped my arms around my waist
Got so fresh I slapped my face!
Boom, boom, ain't it great to be crazy?
Boom, boom, ain't it great to be crazy?
Giddy and foolish the whole day through
Boom, boom, ain't it great to be crazy?" I sang softly to the little girl.
"Come on Alica, we gotta go in," Alica brother said. She nodded, "Bye Will!" She hugged me.

____'s POV

So beautiful.
So elegant, even in a hospital gown.
So ... so young.
Too young to have given birth prematurely. But the dad. The dad's still here, even though he's a big rockstar.
He was rocking his baby son.
"Don't worry Ry---George. Mommy's gonna be okay," he sang.
But was she?
The doctors. Trying so hard. But they say, if she she's still not here tomorrow, she's done.
Poor daddy, cried so much he forgot his friend outside.
But they walked in. And poor Daddy it's his job to tell mommy and daddy's friends. Poor mommy's bestie cried so hard, mommy's bestie's boyfriend took her outside. The other girl just bit her lip and promised pancakes when we got home.
Who am I you ask.
It's me, George Ryan Ross.
The fourth.