Swear to Shake It up If You Swear to Listen


#Ryan POV#

They put my son in the Maternity ward. I was too tired. Plus alot on my mind now. As in What if Kacey dies? What would I do? Stop Panic! at the disco? Of course. Maybe Candy will take care of him?
I fell asleep. I just couldn't help it.


I woke up.
"Come on Kacey, if you don't wake up today ..." I started crying.
"Remember in seventh grade? Those little poems you'd get on your locker? I wrote them. Remember how you would ran to Liana and say how pretty they were? Guess you can call me a stalker. But in truth I just really liked you alot. I still do."
WHAT WAS THAT!? I think I saw her moved her hand.
"Remember when we met in freshman year we had Gym together and then I accidently kicked the soccer ball a tyou and you made your guy friend beat me up? Yea don't worry about that. I mean you thought I did it on purpose cause of flipping Brent."
Now I definitely saw her hand move.
"Remember when the same guy you had beat me up, beat me up again for nothing? And how mad you got at him? And he asked why you'd care? And you say he's the quiet sweet poet type? Did you know I was the author of those poems?"
Nothing. Not a finger or a hand movement or noth---
"Why-an," a small sound came from Kacey.
"Kacey, if you can hear me answer me this ... please, I love you, marry me?"
She blinked her eyes open.
"Of cousre my Ryan. Oh, I kinda knew," she smiled.

later Regular POV

We sped to the hospital. Kacey was up up and kicking!
We walked straight to her room. All 7 of us.
"Kacey?" I asked, as I see my brother standing over the bed.
"Candy?" she pushed Ryan aside.
I nodded and hugged her. "Do that again and I'll ... do something dramatic," I said.
"Otay I won't," she promised.
We all hung out and talked about nonsense stuff. It was just good to have her back.

Octoeber 3o Chicogo

We got home yesterday. Lil Ryro [hehe gangsta name as Will says it] was old enough to travel on la plane.
I petted Trash Dawg. The vet said he was definitely part Beagle.
"Spence can you do me a favor?" Kacey asked.
"Can you get me a diaper and wipes?"
"Yea brb," Spence jumped up.
"Thanks Penny!" she yelled back at him.
"I hope he'd be this helpful if my baby lived," Liana said a little low.
"Of course he would hun,"I reassured.
"Candy's right. I mean that would look kinda bad if I helped Kacey out and not you," Spence came back with the tools of changing a baby. Liana smiled and jumped into his arm. She whispered something in his ear and he turned red for a hot second but said [with a smile] "Alright, come on."