In Times To Come

Chapter XIII

The silence turned to idle chatter as we were joined by Jace and Mikeal. Mikeal still refused to have much to do with me; I figured something really bad must have happened for him to be this wary of humans. Whatever it was forced him to sit as far from me as possible, but Jace acted as peacemaker and took his seat next to me.

I sat quietly, content to slurp my soup and enjoy the company of the men around me. They talked over the day’s events; finding Zarek’s horse in a nearby oasis and how it took Mikeal only thirty seconds to wrangle it out of the pool of water. It had occurred to me that they couldn’t have possibly spent all day searching, but I didn’t think it the right time to ask.

When that story was over, Jace began on a lengthy and detailed description of some rare disease his father had found in his medical training days. Apparently, he had inherited the clinic from his father and was determined to carry on his life’s work. I began to lose my appetite when he came to the part about blood seeping out of your ears and boils popping up on your thighs. I never was one to handle injuries very well. I pushed the bowl forward, away from my ever-paling face.

‘That reminds me.’ I stole a glance at Zarek who seemed to be enjoying every minute of this little medical conference. He was turned away from me, but it only took me a second to catch the white corner of a bandage hidden behind his black hair.

“…he tried popping it, but the puss that exploded out was enough to burn half the skin off his…”

That was enough to get me off the bench and through the front door. I had forgotten I was in a large city; that meant no bushes or even a hole with which I could take care of this. Instead, I chose a conveniently placed bucket to aid in containing what had once sat happily in my stomach. Thank God no one decided to take an evening stroll at that point in time.

“That’s my lunch bucket!” exclaimed Mikeal.

“Get me a glass of water,” I heard Jace. Mikeal might have been a loudmouth, but he was obedient to a tee. Before I knew it, I was once again inside and chugging down the cool liquid; a futile attempt to wash down the terrible taste and have my stomach full as it had been just moments before.

“Are you alright?” I could sense the concern in Zarek’s voice and I felt his hand press lightly on my back.

I put the glass down hard on the table and slouched forward onto its surface. “I’m fine,” I mumbled into the wood.

“Maybe it’s time to get a little sleep,” Jace said it more as a command than a question. “Especially if you plan on leaving at nightfall tonight.”

“Leaving?” I asked. Mikeal shut the door and I could see the first rays of dawn shoot over the tops of the buildings.

“That’s right,” Zarek got up from where he was kneeling on the floor and tugged me to my feet. "With the recent incident here-“

“You mean the murder of Lord Vash,” I added firmly.

He glanced at Jace who gave him an apologetic smile. “Yes,” he confirmed with a grumpy tone. “He was a trusted friend and so I thought we would be safe here for a while. However, they got here first.”

“They?” Zarek pushed me towards the stairs as I fought back.

“Bed,” he said in his commanding voice.

“That’s not fair!” I whined. “You haven’t answered my-” I was carried roughly up the stairs and plopped down on the bed.

“Goodnight,” he said before shutting the door behind him.

I threw a pillow at the closed door and laid on my back, wallowing in exasperation.

* * * * * * * *

I clung with all my strength to the cold boot. I could no longer hear my own sobs or feel the warm tears as they streaked my cheeks. All I felt was the slick leather under my palms.

The man stood there, hand still outstretched. ‘Why won’t he go away?’

“Sara,” he said soothingly. His voice calmed my sobs and stopped my tears, something only my father was able to do; till now. “Sara.”

“Papa, he’s-”

“I’ll stay with you, Sara,” he said. He reached toward me all the more. His hand was scratched and blistered, but as I took it, it felt very warm.

With one fluid motion he held me tightly against his body and we made our way quickly through the once grand hall.

* * * * * * * *

“…up.” I felt a soft slapping on my check and I shook my head to try to get it to stop. “Wake up.”

“Mmmmph,” I mumbled. Once again my hands felt all stiff, so I brought my arms up to my head and started to flex my fingers. I expected to be blinded by the sun form the window above me, but when nothing happened I opened my eyes in surprise. Above me the sky was dark except for the occasional twinkle of a far off star.

“Good.” I sat up and watched Zarek head for the door. “It’s time to go,” he said before opening the door. He had his right hand gripping his left arm awkwardly. When he closed it on his way out he dropped his hand to his side just a little too early and I saw the distinct marks left behind by fingernails.

I looked down to my own hands, which now rested on my lap. ‘Had he stayed with me all this time?’

The downstairs was quiet and both Mikeal and Jace wore a solemn look. It had only been a day, but our time together wasn’t at all unpleasant. I’m sure I would remember them for years to come; even if one of them was vehemently mad at me for barfing on his lunch.

“Take care,” said Mikeal. It was obvious that his endearing words were directed to Zarek and Zarek alone.

“For you.” Jace handed me a small bundle. “Some ointment and bandages. Never can have too many,” he said with a wink.

“Thank you,” I smiled up at him.

None of us were expecting the hard wrapping that suddenly erupted on the door.