In Times To Come

Chapter XXIV

We ate our fill of sausages and cakes, milk and little crunchy things that tasted much too sweet to be eaten for breakfast. If we weren’t stuffing our faces we were laughing at each other. It was one of the most enjoyable breakfasts, but it ended all too fast.

“I wish we could do this every morning,” sighed the prince as he slouched back into his chair. He had changed from the pants and dirty shirt I had seen him in earlier to his regal, purple robe. His hair was also tied up in an intricate pattern. He almost reminded me of a girl.

“We can’t?” I leaned forward, elbows on the table.

“Once in a while,” he answered. “I’m not going to be at dinner tonight, so I at least wanted to spend some time with you.”

“You must be very busy, running a country.”

He chuckled. “Well, I suppose you could say that. I’ve got a meeting this afternoon. It will probably go on into the evening.”

I felt bad for him. I realized I didn’t know him all that well, but I was starting to think of him more and more as a brother. If only he weren’t a prince, perhaps we could be closer.

“Like a desert oasis.”

“What?” I asked.

“Oh, nothing,” he said with a smile. A knock at the door caused me to jump in my seat.

“Your highness? My lady?”

“Come in, Captain,” said his highness to the door.

A second later, Captain Reed walked through the door.

“Excuse me for disturbing you while you are eating.”

“We were finished,” said Benjamin. “I suppose you’re here for a reason.”

“Yes, your highness. The council members have already started to arrive.”

“Very well.” He stood and so did I. “Sara,” he said looking back at me. “You are to stay in your room, understand?”

“Why?” I asked. He ignored my question.

“Captain Reed will be stationed right outside your door. I don’t want to see even one of your hairs outside of this room.”

I was too stunned to even react. The two exited and I was left standing, staring at the door.

“What was that?” I asked angrily to no one. How long was I going to be left in here? I sat back down at the table and began to sulk.

It was going on towards the evening when I couldn’t take it any more. Sneaking up to the door I pressed my ear against the wood and listened. Nothing.

“Captain Reed?” I whispered into its surface.


I wasn’t expecting an answer and I backed away from the door quickly, startled.

“Um,” I searched for something to say. “May I use the restroom?”

There was a moment of silence before he answered. “I was ordered not to let you out under any circumstances.”

‘Just great,’ I thought.

“His highness warned me about you,” he continued. “You were apparently quite mischievous as a child.”

“He would remember,” I said hotly. I walked over to the bed and flopped down hard, taking out my anger on the spongy surface.

It took me only a minute to come up with another plan.

“Captain Reed?” I called from the bed. I didn’t get a response, but I knew he was out there. “How far up would you say we are?” Still no answer.

I got up and made a few clunking sounds with the chairs and opened the balcony doors before dashing to the bed and sliding underneath. Next, all I had to do was wait.

At first I thought my plan had failed, but then I heard, “My lady?”

‘There we go!’ I celebrated.

A minute later and again, “My lady?”

There was a click and the door opened slowly. Captain Reed walked in and looked around. The second his eyes fell on the open balcony doors he made a dash for the outside. I took the opportunity and scurried out from under the bed. The door was wide open and I flew out of the room.

Something tugged on the back of my collar and I was immediately halted. I grabbed my neck and let out a surprised cough.

“I thought you would try something like this.”

I leaned back and looked up into a familiar face.

“Zarek?” I exclaimed. “What are you-“

“In,” he said, dragging me back a whole three feet and into the bedroom. “Sorry,” he apologized to Captain Reed. “I’ll stay in here with her.”

The captain nodded, and after giving me an annoyed look, went back to guarding the door.