When My Mind Is Frozen

Chapter 2

"Oh my God! Sammy, I can't believe we just had drinks with Klayton from Celldweller!!!"

"Don't I know it?! Even if he isn't as cute as Bill." Naia rolled her eyes.

"You're obsessed!" Sammy stuck out her tongue in response.

"It's your fault. You were the one to send me a link to Tokio Hotel's site on Facebook."

"True..." Laying on the hotel bed, Naia closed her eyes. "Night..."

"Night." With that, the lights were cut off and the two drifted to sleep.

She smiled up at him, feeling the warmth from his arms wrapped around her. Klayton's red and black hair laid flat against his skull, out of its usual spikes. His gaze burned through her, his brown eyes warm.

"Hey there..." He grinned mischievously at her, and Naia felt her body move backwards. She smiled shyly up at him, feeling suddenly nervous like a school girl.

"Hi..." At her lack of boldness, Klayton chuckled and backed away slightly. Feeling the loss of warmth acutely, Naia protested with a light groan. Bad idea. Klayton leaned in suddenly, lips brushing her ear.

"I could get you to make that sound and many others...You just need to say the words." She could feel her face light up at being so openly propositioned, but her mouth opened to speak without mental consent.

Naia's eyes shot open as the alarm went off on her phone, signifying a text message had been received. Opening the phone, she blindly punched the buttons while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

Hey there, hope I didn't wake u up. Got a ? 4 u. Naia smiled at the irony, but blushed as his greeting brought to mind her dream.

*yawns*what is it? BTW u did wake me up, but it's k. Not more than a minute passed after she sent it before her phone buzzed again.

Sorry. So, what r u doing 2day? Klayton's message, even in its briefness, smelled of excitement. Naia smiled to herself, Sammy still dead to the world across the room.

Nothing much except packing to go home. Naia set the phone down on the bedside table and climbed out of the down comforters. Grabbing a water from the mini-fridge, she gulped down several mouthfuls before her phone went off again.

u don't live here? Aw...but I was thinking of making u 2 my drinking buddies. Naia laughed out loud at the text, recalling the night of fun.

Sorry. We could hang 2day...? Naia looked out the window after pressing 'send'. Sun glinted off the buildings as it rose over them. The golden-silver light burned the cool dew on the windows and grass, and Naia watched with a sense of calm. Broken by the ringing of Naia's phone, the silence abated.

Where r u then? Naia typed rapidly as she headed towards the shower. If he was coming now, she should get ready.

Westin Hotel on 4th and Main. Receiving no other reply, Naia rushed to get ready. After jumping out of the shower and getting dressed, she pounced on Sammy's bed. A groan from under the covers signified the person was awake.

"Rise and shine!" The lump moved lethargically.

"Mrfump..." Naia smiled as she prodded Sammy in the side.

"Klayton's coming soon, so get up!" Sloppy brown hair poked out of the covers, followed by sleepy, blue eyes.

"How much time do I have?" Naia tapped her chin in thought.

"Not sure...He never said."

"Ugh!" Rolling her eyes, Sammy rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom.
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Yes! another chappie down!