Just Like You

Just Like You

You bring out the very worst in me.
I can just be so mean to you it makes your insides crawl.
I can be so pissed and so mad that it makes tears sting the back of your eyes.
I can just be you, right Frank?

I can sit here, lie, and just cover up everything as it never existed.
I could overlook everything and be oblivious to it all.
I can be just like you, right Frank?

I don't see how you even fathomed the fact that you were always here by my side...
You weren't Frank.
You're always oblivious to things like that.
I'll never wanna be like you Frank.

You just don't get it.
You don't get that all you do is stand in my way when I wanna accomplish things.
You bring me down the darkest level available.
You don't believe in me.
You don't help me do anything.
When I cant get the painting or sketch the way I see it in my head, instead of saying "Come on! You can do it!".
All you say "Gerard..you know you can't do that..just give up baby and come to bed."
It's a shame I can remember it word for word...
I never wanna be like you Frank.


I can be just so cold and icy to all your ways.
I can even be heartless and cruel to you and everything you stand for.
I could even try to be just like you, Gerard.

I could be a big canvas of broken images of broken thoughts.
I can be just another fool for anything someone throws at them.
I could even be just like you, Gerard.

I don't see how you even fathomed the fact that you were always here by my side...
You weren't Gerard.
You're always oblivious to things like that.
I'll never wanna be like you Gerard.

You don't understand me so it's obvious you're just blocking my ambitions.
You think you can do so much, that you're invincible.
Think about how I feel when you don't even meet my eyes when we're in the same room together.
I try to drag you down only because you drag me down without realizing it.
Whatever level you put me on, I try my best to put you 2 levels lower.
It's never ok with you Gerard.
Everything I do is panicked over.
Everything I do is just so inappropriate for your lifestyle.
Instead of say "Please Frank can you stop picking at the hems of your clothes." when I do my nervous habit.
You yell "Jesus Christ Frank! What are you five?!!? Put down your fucking shirt!"
I hate how I remember your words so clearly.
I cant ever be like you Gerard.


As the two boys packed their things into separate vehicles, they took a step back to look at each other.
"Don't be like me Frank." Gerard spoke as he turned away.
Frank was completely at a lost for words as Gerard turned the ignition and sped off without a glance back.
"Don't be like me Gerard...please God don't be like me."
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So this a songfic from Three Days Grace.
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