The New Way.

Burn, Burn

As Alex hopes off the bus, he says bye to Molly quickly and marches of towards his road. It was a quiet little road with perfect neibours with perfect lawns, perfect wives and perfect kids along with perfect teeth. It really got on Alexs neves how every thing was perfect in this little corner of Jersey. No crime, no vandilism, nothing bad. A complete change from the other lives hes lived so it surprised Alex to hear sirens. He thought it might just be a robbery in a house down the road, he had noticed how they left windows open and keys in obvious places, he'd thought of having a go but it was only a thought.
He was even more surprised at the fire engine go hurtling past, it was then wen he noticed the smoke. A fire! He picked up his pace the blue streak in his hair covering his eyes so he kept having to move it out of the way.
Alex ran toward the burning carcass of what was his house. The fire brigade had four engines there all trowing water over the now blackened house. A few police held Alex back as he ran toward the buring building.
It might just have been coinsidence but his I-pod blured out Burn, Burn by Lostprophets. His whole body was shaking. Then.
"Fuck, Where is she?"

"Wheres who?"

"My sister you twat!"
Alex quickly yanked out his phone and punched in Ambers number. It rang, it was then wen he could see that the car was still in the garage.

"Fuck! Shes still in there!"

"Who? Who is in there?"

"I fucking told you. My sister!"

"Right! send in a squad" The cheif fireman was now alert and active making things happen, even gearing himself up to go in. "Now dont worry we'll get her out alive!"
Alex sat on the perfect lawn sobbing into his boold stained t-shirt. It was there were he fell asleep, amongst the comotion of the fire fighters and police.
It was dark wen alex woke up. A large man was squating next to him shaking him gently.

"Hello? You Awake?"

"I am now!" Alex woke slowly then his mind kicked in!

"Have they found her? Is she ok?"

"Alex? isnt that your name?!

"Yeah, I'm Alex! Is she ok?" Alex was getting impatient now, he needed to know.

"Alex get up and follow me." The man lead Alex over to a police car and sat him down.

"Can I get you anything?" He looked around looking for someone. "I'm sgt Bewer. We have been unable to find your sister. Are you sure she was in the house?"

"YOU FUCKING WHAT?! Are you saying shes dead?" Alex was crying the words escaped between sobs.

"It is the only awnser we can come up with. Is ther any reason someone might do this?"

"Your saying it was deliberate?" Alex's sobs turned into a grinding of teeth and balling fists.

"Its the only reason our forensics can come up with, they think it was a petrol bomb through
the kitchen window and into your sisters liquer draw. We believe that is what started the fire."

"Ok, I dunno what to do I've got nowhere to stay."

"That was gunna be my next question. We can arange some where if you need it."

"Nah, is ok, I've got a plan but I'll need a ride there." Tears still streaming down his face.

"Anything we can do to help. " The chubby officer ment it, Alex herd it in his his voice.

"Ok mate gimme a second I might be able to pull this one out of the hat"

"You what? Ok take your time."

Alex pulled out his phone and flicked through the phone book until Molly's number pops up on the screen. He hits the green button and it rings.

"Hey hun its Alex."

"Err.......Hi Alex.........Do you know what time it is?" her voice was tired and it sounded as if she just woke up.

"I dunno, but i need a favour."

"What at this time of night? cant it wait till the morning?" It was then she could hear his voice, it was still hard and accentred in scottish but there was hurt,and he was trying to cover it up.

"No it can't. Can I come over to yours I need a chat."

"Er......Ok. I'll be up in a minute. Do you know where i live?"

"No I dont. Thanks honey your a life saver-" Alex broke down in tears.

"Ok I live in Ney York drive. I'll wait out side my house." She could hear Alex pulling himself together.

"Ok honey. I'll see you in a minute."

"Mr Bewers?"

"Yeah?" The man came round from behind a big 4x4 holding box of doughnuts.

"Right, can you take me to New York drive?"

"Yeah sure, I can't leave the scean so I'll get one of the other officers to drive you over."


A hispanic officer drove him over to New York Drive, the ride only took a couple of mintures but it felt like a lifetime for Alex.