You Could Be a Princess, You Could Be a Working Man


[{Benji POV Home}]

"So hows everything with Roe?" Sarah asked.
"Great," I smiled. She kissed me today. Hooked up with me. A week ago I would of never but now ...
"Mom!" I called.
"Stop screaming what?" my mom asked.
"Can Roe come over?" I asked.
"And the guys? And Girls?" Joel asked.
"Girls?" my mom asked.
"Kacey," me and Joel said.
"Um sure okay."

Roe POV home

"NO! I WILL NOT!" I cried.
"YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO DATE HIM!" Ramon yelled back.
"DON'T TELL ME WHO I CAN'T DATE!" I snapped back.
"Fine I can't but MOM!" he called.\
Mom came running in, "What's wrong?"
"She's dating a loser, stoner, spazz, drunken violent---"
"He is not! You picked a fight with him! He is not a stoner or a spazz or a drunk and DEFINITELY NOT A LOSER!" I started to cry.
"Is this the man who you were tutoring?" my mom asked.
"Yes ...?"
"You can't see him."
My brother had a smart alec smirk on his face. "But mom!"
"No is No. I know what kind family he comes from---"
"So what does it matter?! He's an awesome kid and so is his friends!" I cut her off.
"No you can't not date him. That is final," my mom said. I just shook my head and ran up to my room. Crying.

in my room

I cried on my bed. Nathenial jumped up and licked my face.
"Thanks Nathenial," I sniffed.
Friday I'm In Love started playing, signaling my cell phone.
It was Benji
"Hey Roe! Listen my mom---"
"Benji? We're done ..."
"What?! Again but come on! I said sorry and I know I've been a bit jerky and---"
"Not you my mom. I'm not allowed to see you more."
He snorted "That's it? Just sneak out then."
"Yea just---Ow! Liana! Wait ow!"
"Roe? That you? Need help slipping out?" Liana's vpice rang.
"Um yea."
"Be right there!" and she hung up.

Madden resident, Benji POV

I waited for Liana and Roe tocome back. Kacey's been here foor the past hour and a half so we put on a little show for her. Was she really forbidden to see me? So? Liana for the longest time wasn't allowed to see Paul, but that all worked out.
"Benji?" I turned to see a tear stained Roe with Liana.
I put my arm out. She fell against it.
"Stupid brother. Stupid mom," She sniffed.
"It's okay," I said, kissing her forehead.
"Hey what happened?" Kacey asked, Liana nodded too.
She told how she fought with her brother and fought with her mom about me. And she doesn't want to listen but she has too.
"Why?" Liana asked.
"Cause my mom and dad will get mad," she said.
"Well duh! We're angst ridden teenagers for Pete's sake. We piss off our parents, experiment with ourselves, and touch our selves at night! It's what we're supposed to do piss off our parents!" Liana said.
We laughed, retarded fucking kid.
"Thanks Liana," Roe said.
"No prob hun."