You Could Be a Princess, You Could Be a Working Man


I walked into first period, which I didn't have with Kacey. It was English. I sat down in the front.
"Hello Ms. Mathews. I had your brother, Ramon, last year. Am I to except the same from you?" the teacher asked.
"yes Mrs. ..." I looked at the program card. "Mrs. Walker."
"Good, good," she said. "Okay class, I am going to handout---glad you two joined us," she hissed at---GASP!---Benji was in my class. His friend Paul was right behind him.
"Hey, Mrs.! Wassup?" Benji tried to act gangsta.
"You're Josh Madden's brothers, aren't you? Who's who?" she snapped.
"Just Benjamin Mrs.. I'm Paul Thomas," Paul said, pointing to Benji.
"Well, sit down you two. I better not have the same trouble with you two as I did with Josh," she said. "As I was saying ..."
But I drowned her out. I turned to Benj and Paul, who were snickering and whispering to each other. Paul must of saw me looking at them, cause he nodded his head towards me.
Benji turned to look at me. "What rich girl?" He snap-whispered.
"I---" I started.
"Madden! Thomas! What I say?! seperate, both of you!" Mrs. Walker said.
Benji and Paul exchanged looks and Paul shrugged. He got up and moved to a different chair. Benji sighed and took out a notebook.
When class ended, Benji and Paul ran out of the room. I realized Benji left his note book. I shrugged and grabbed it.


I was at my locker and guess who has their brand new locker next to me? Billy Martin.
Say hi. Say hi and that you found Benji's notebook. And see if he has a girlfriend.
"Hi Billy!" What did I just do?
"Um, hi uhh ..." he said.
"Rosanna, or Roe is fine," I said.
"Oh, so you're Roe."
"Yea, what does that mean?"
"You know, most popular girl in school."
"Oh, well umm Benji left his notebook in English. So here, give it back to him."
"Okay, thanks," he said. Then the bell rang.
"Bye Billy!" I waved.
"Bye Roe," he left for his next class.

Benji POV

I turned to Paul. "Lets cut, alright loser?"
"Okay, lets get Joel, Aaron and Billy," Paul took out his cell phone. He can text faster than a chick.
"Joel said he'ld se us in 2, Aaron can't cut cause he's on like school probation and Billy's too much of a goody good shoes to cut. But he has your notebook."
"Huh?" I went into my backpack. My book isn't there. How he get it?
"Fine, I'll get it later tonight," I shrugged. In 5 minutes, Joel came and we went pillaging.

[{My POV}]

I was sitting at the Lunch table when I Billy sitting alone. Soon Kacey came skipping towards me. Of course we were sitting with the incrowd.
"Kacey," I whispered to her, "Billy is all alone, go comfort him." I wiggled my eyebrows. She grinned and skipped to Billy's table.
"So Roe, how was your summer?" Stephie asked.
"Okay. I went to Rome It was so pretty," I smiled at the memories this summer. Kacey came with me of course [my parents paid for her]. We met so many people and saw so many things too.
"Yes, well I went ona cruise all over the Carribean," Chris said.
I just nodded and tuned them out with White Stripes.

after school.

"How was school kids?" my mom asked.
"Okay, I have a few classes with Kacey. Oh and Ramon, I have Mrs. Walker," I updated.
"Cool. Man our quarterback quit out on us today. You know, Aaron Escolopio, he said 'Guys, I can't be in football anymore. Other stuff got in the way.' Coach flipped though. He said that he won't take him back even for a small part," Ramon shrugged. "I think I know what's going on though, he hangs with the Madden twins and that Thomas kid and that freshman kid. I know what they do. Get wasted, even high I think."
Get crunk I chuckled out loud.
"What's funny hunny?" my mom asked.
"Nothing mom. Just nothing."