You Could Be a Princess, You Could Be a Working Man



Of course Kacey knew about Benji. She was excited.
"I can't believe this! You're so lucky," she smiled.
How's it going with Billy?" I asked.
"Great, I think he sees me as friend I hope," she grinned.
"Billy? Billy Martin? Or Billy Lewis?" Steph sat down next to Kacey.
No! If she says Martin---LEWISLEWISLEWIS I sent mental messgaes to Kacey.
Luckily she got the message. "Lewis of course! Why would I, Alica Morlen, date a silly freshman."
Too bad Billy was right behind her, looking like he was going to ask her something. He shook his head and went back to his table.

after school

"Mom ...?" I asked.
"Yes dear?"
"A friend at school asked me to tutor him. Is it okay if he comes?"
"What time?"
"5:oo he said. So?"
"Okay, see if he'll stay for dinner."
I nodded and went to my room.
Around 5:oo, my mom called me downstairs.
"RoeRoe!" my mom called.
I ran downstairs to see my mom and Ben-benji sitting at my kitchen table.
"Hi Benji," I smiled weakly.
"Hi RoeRoe," he smirked.
"So Benji? Are you staying for dinner?" my mom asked.
"What time?"
"6:oo. Is that good?"
"Sure," Benji shrugged.
"Come on, lets go to my room," I grabbed Benji's hand. He quickly pulled away but followed me upstairs.

mi cuarto

"So what you need help in?" I asked Benji. He was currently looking around my room, which was covered in pictures and posters.
"You met Green Day?" he asked picking up a picture of me and Green Day chilling at one of my dad's many hotels.
"Yes, they stayed at one of my dad's hotel's for a summer," I nodded.
"Hm, cool. Oh and what's up with your friend Kacey?" he asked.
"Listen ..."

[{Flashback benji POV}]
"So how's Kacey Billy?" Joel laughed.
Billy gave us a look. "Hawt."
whoa! Aw my Billy's growing up. Paul said exactly what I was thinking. "Billy's finally all grown up!"
"William, when a man loves a woman---" Joel started.
"Okay, stop," Billy said.
"So ask her out," I shrugged.
"Wh-what?" Billy's eyes widened.
"Yea go do it!!!" Aaron joked. Billy started to shake his head but stopped. "Fine I will."
He got upa nd went to the table. We saw he stop and turned around after a bit.
"What happened Bill?" Paul asked. He told us what he heard her say.
"Aw, sorry man," I said.
[{End-o-Flashback Regular POV}]

"Aw, poor Billy. I know, but she only said that because that if Steph and Chris and the others knew, she would be---" I started.
"See that's the trouble with you guys! Always thinking about what others think about you!" Benji said, sacrasiticly laughing.
"So do you!"
"WHat do you mean rich girl?!" he narrowed his eyes at me.
"I doubt you'ld go out with Kacey, or Steph, or Brionica, or me cause your "punk rocker" friends might not like you," I snapped.
"No, I won't go out with you cause you're fucking privilaged rich girls!"
uncalled for. "Oh yea!"
"Yea! 'Oh I'm cool cause my daddy's a lawyer with hotels in New York!' Yea? Well my dad's been gone since last Christmas Eve. Me, Joel, Josh, my mom, and my sister don't always have food!" he shouted.
Wow, really wasn't excepting that. "It must be hard."
"Last winter, right after he left, know how it was really cold? Well we didn't have money for heating, so my sister got really sick," he looked down a this.
"Benji?" I said.
"What?" he snapped.
"Um ... so what do you need help in?" I asked. Lets change the subject.
"Wanna see my last report card? Everything."

later, Benji POV

Around 6:oo, her mom called us down. We did get alot done in one hour. I tried to replay what happened earlier in the tutor session. I shook my head.
"Hope you like Veggie Lasagna," her mom chirped.
Actually I did. "Thanks Mrs. Mathews."
They dinner conversation was normal for a normal family. Different than my house.
Then he came. I forgot he lived here to.
"Benji," he hissed.
"Ramon," I hissed right back.
Roe whispered something to Ramon and he sat down, glaring at me.
We finished dinner and went back upstairs to finish the tutoring.


"So how was the sweet life?" Joel laughed. He and Josh were eating some of the Lasagna Roe's mom gave me.
"Good," I shrugged. I was tired.
"Any sexual activity?" Josh laughed.
"NO!" I said.
"Benj, Joel, Josh? Mom saids to keep your voices down," Sarah popped her head into the kitchen. "Is that lasagna?" She grabbed Josh's fork and started eating.
"Ha, I doubt you could get a date with her," Josh laughed.
"Oh yea?" I said.
"Yea, I bet you 2o bucks you can't score a date with Roseanna Mathews," Josh said.
"Yea but she---" Joel started.
"Deal!" I cut him off. Easiest 2o bucks ever made.