You Could Be a Princess, You Could Be a Working Man


[{Benji POV}]

In my room, Joel closed the door and plopped on his bed.
"What are thinking?" Joel asked me.
"Easy 2o bucks I ever made. She likes me already, so I'll date her for like a week and then break up with her," I shrugged.
"You're really mean Mr. Dieablo," he shook his head.
"Whatever. I don't care about the rich girl."

next day, Regular POV

By lucnh, I was a very confused person. Benji had been giving me looks all day today. But the the usual death glares. No these were more simple smiles and waves.
And now I was in line to get my food.
"Hey Roe!" I turned to saw Benji running up to me.
"Hey Benji, wassup?" I asked.
"So Roe, how would you like to come over today? Ya know, to tutor me some more?" he smiled.
"Um, yea sure. Where do you live?"
He wrote his address on my arm and went back to sit with his friends. I sighed happily and went to my table.
"So Kacey, I've talked to Billy Lewis for you," Brionca said.
What? "What?" she asked.
"Yea. And he said of cousre he'll go out with you!" she beamed.
"O-oh cool!" Kacey faked happyness. I've already told her about Billy.
"Yes, so prepared to be asked out today," Brionca smiled.
"Thanks Bri," Kacey smiled weakly.
"No problem Kacey!"

after school, Benji POV

"Mom, my tutor's coming over today okay?" I asked.
"Okay, is she staying for dinner?" she asked.
"Probably. She'll be here soon," I shrugged. I went to my room. In about an hour, the bell rang.
"Hello, are you Roseanna?" I heard my mom say. "... okay, they're upstairs."
I heard footsteps and saw Roe appear in our doorway.
"Hey Roe. Sarah-ROe. Roe-Sarah," I introduced them. "So shall we start?"


Wow, she's not actually that bad. She's kinda pretty too.
Whoa!? Where that come from?
"So x equals ...?" Roe asked.
"Um ... -3/6?" I said, looking over the problem.
"Yepp!" she clapped. "I'm proud of you!" She started to pat my head, but jerked her hand back.
"DINNER!" my mom called.
We ran downstairs.

[{Regular POV}]

I laughed as I took my seat. I sat between Benji and Sarah. Dinner: Taco Bell. Veggie style cause of me, Benji and Joel.
Here's how dinner went:
"Hands off my chalupa Joel."
"I want Nachos!!!!!"
"I always liked these sauce packet sayings."
"Ew, I think I got an E. coli one. JK!"
Yea. It was pretty funny.
Thats the door.
"I'll get it!!!" Sarah jumped, still eating her burritio. "Hiya guys!"
I turned to see Billy, Paul, Aaron and a girl.
"Hey Aaron, hey Billy, hey Paul, hey Liana," the Maddens waved.
"Hey Liana! How's Dunkin Donuts? Still gonna work at Coldstones?" Sarah asked.
The girl yawned. "Coolio. They don't pay me enough to sing."
"Sit down eat," Ms. Madden said.
"Nah thats co---is that Taco Bell?!" Paul grinned, grabbing a taco.
"May I?" Liana asked. Josh nodded and she grabbed Benji's chalupa.
"Hey!" Benji laughed.
"I love you," Liana signed. "Yo who this?"
"Oy! Liana-Roe. Roe-Liana. Roe's tutoring me," Benji introduced.
"Oy hola! I'm Liana from Brook," she gangsta signed.
"Brooklyn. I go to Montgomery Blair High," she srugged.
We finished eating and went upstairs. Soon I had to leave. SO I waved bye and walked home.