You Could Be a Princess, You Could Be a Working Man


"So how was Benji?" Kacey asked. I was home, talking on the phone with Kacey.
"Good, good. Know he has a dog too? Yepp, Cashdogg," I smiled.
"Wow, you really seem to bond with Benji. Think he's gonna ask you out?" she asked.
"Maybe. Hopefully. Know what you're gonna do about this Billys problem?"
"No. Not a clue," she sighed.
"Well you'll we'll think of something," I said. I told her I'll talk to her later and hung up.
I sighed and picked up Nathaniel. "So Nat, do you think Benji will ask me out?" He licked my nose. "Yeah, I hope so too."

next day, Benji POV

"So you gonna ask out Roseanna today?" Josh laughed.
"Yepp, first period," I nodded.
"Come on! You guys might like being late, but I don't!" Sarah laughed, pulling me, Joel and Josh towards Josh's car.


Me, Joel and Paul were walking to first period when it happened.
"You three, come with me," Mrs. Walker smiled evilly. I gulped and followed her.
We followed her into the Prinicpal's office, Mr. Waterbuckets office.
"Hello gentlemen. I assume you know why you're here," Mr. Waterbuckets asked.
"Why?" Joel asked.
"I don't know, it might have something to do with my car!" Waterbuckets snapped.
"Wha-what?" I said, trying to stay calm.
"You know, the wonderful artwork on my car!" he said, only a few notches from yelling.
"Sir, but we---" Paul started.
"Sir, Martin is here," Mrs. Walker smeered.
"Ah, Mr. Martin will back me up," he snickered.
Martin? No, not---
And Billy walked in with his head down.
"Bil-billy?!" Paul's eyes widened.
"Mr. Martin, tell us what you saw on the day my car was vandalise!" Mr. Waterbuckets said triumphitly.
I looked sympathicly at Billy. He wouldn't rat us out, would he?
"... Nothing," Billy said.
"I know you were ther Martin. Now tell me!"
"Nothing sir, can I go to class now?" Billy asked.
"Sit!" Billy obeyed, taking a seat next to me. "You all are facing Suspension, and maybe you guys won't graduate, how about that?!" Waterbuckets snapped.
My jaw dropped. Not graduate, but ... no, my mom would flip! Plus it be hard to get a job.
I looked at Paul, Billy and Joel.Paul eyes had widened and Joel looked like he was gonna kill Mr. Waterbuckets.
"Even me sir?" Billy asked.
"Yes, even you," Waterbuckets snapped.
"Sir, I was sent to give you this," Roe appeared in the doorway.
"Ah, Ms. Mathews. Yes thank you. I'm just dealing with these ... deliquints," Waterbuckets smiled.
"Deliquints? What they do?" Roe asked.
"They wrecked my car!!!" Waterbuckets snapped.
"How could they? I was with the when it happened," she said.
Huh? "What Ms. Mathews?"
"I was with them all day that day," Roe shrugged.
Score! "Fine, you men may go," Waterbuckets waved us away, clearly upset.
Outside his office---"Thank you thank you thank you!" Billy said, giving Roe a hug.
"Thanks Roe," Paul said.
"Yeah what he said," me and Joel nodded.
"No problem. I knew he'ld believe me!" she smiled. "See you guys later," she started to walk away.
"Hey Roe!" I called after her.
"Wanna go out sometime?"
I saw her expression change from a 'confused puppy' to a 'hells fucking yes!!!!'
"Umm yeah sure of course," she smiled.
"Good, pick you up tonight at 6."

6:oo. Me POV

I was waiting for him in my room. Was he really gonna take me out? Or is he sitting home laughing at me with his friends?
I told Kacey what happened and she wished me luck.
At 6:3o my mom called me downstairs.
"Hey Benji!" I smiled.
"Hey Roe. Hello Mrs. Mathews. Come on lets go!" Benji smiled, grabbing my arm.

[{At his house}]

"So why are we here?" I asked, while being greeted by his boxer, Cashdogg.
"You'll see," he said.
I walked into his garage to see Joel, Billy, Paul, Aaron and Liana hanging out on beat up old sofas and laxy boy chairs.
"Hey guys!" I waved.
"Hiya Roe!" Liana pipped up.
"Come on now we're ready?" Joel asked impatiently.
"Yea, yea," Benji picked up a guitar. Billy picked one up too and Paul grabbed the bass. Aaron monaed and went to the drumset. Liana clapped excitedly. "Get ready!" she smiled.
I watched as Joel grabbed the mic.
Oy vey, are they a ... band?!
Joel started to sing "I don't care about a thing today
I used to but I'm fed up
And I can hear the words you say
I wish that you would shut up
I've got responsibility
that is my liability, a menace to society
At least that's what they say to me
But tonight, tonight, it's on tonight
I don't want your boring life,
And I don't want your 9 to 5,
Or anyone to tell me how to live my life
People always tell me not to waste my time,
To get a real job and get back in line,
You can say I'll never be a millionaire,
Tell me this guitar won't get me anywhere,
I've got responsibility, that is my liability,
I'm questioning authority
They say there's not a chance for me
Your future's no future,
Your future's no future,
Your future's no future,
I control my future
[Chorus x2]
I'm leavin
I'm leavin
I'm leavin
I'm leavin
"Whoa! That was awesome!" I grinned.
"Athank you, athankyou," Paul bowed like an idiot. Liana laughed and kissed him.
"Likey?" Benji asked.
"Yea babe," I smiled.
"Babe?" Josh walked in.
"Yepp, Josh meet Roe, my new girlfriend."
He introduced me as his girlfriend. This is the geastest thing that ever happened.