You Could Be a Princess, You Could Be a Working Man


Josh rolled his eyes and left.
"Oy! Halloween's coming up soon!" Liana grinned.
"Like next month," Paul said.
"So? I can't wait. This year, I'ma be a vampyre!" she smiled.
"You're such a little kid," Aaron rolled his eyes.
I thought about it for a second. "Liana?"
"Wanna do a group costume?"
"Oo, like what?"
"The Powerpuff Girls?"
"Oo yes!!! Can I be Bubbles?"
"Sure," I wanted to be Blossom.
"Yay!" Liana moshed around.
"Prepare yourself ..." Paul shook his head.
"Why?" Liana pouted, grabbing a capri sun.
"You know ..." Paul smirked.
"Ass," she giggled biffing him lightly.

Bengi POV

I laughed as I saw Liana beat Paul up for a bit.
"Why you soo mean to him?" Roe asked.
"She's mean to all of us," Billy said.
I sighed and pulled down my shirt by my shoulder to reveal many little bite marks.
"Her? She did that?" Roe asked wide-eyed.
"Yepp, when she hugged me," I said.
"Yepp, but they knows I love them," Liana grinned.
"Suuuuuuuuuuuure," Billy laughed.
"Err, I'm hungry," Liana moaned.
"Well what do you want?" Joel asked.
"... umm. Hmm, I dunno," Liana shrugged.
"How about Mcdonald's?" Roe suggested.
"Yea!! There's one by here that sells breakfast all day!" Liana jumped. And off we were.


"Why do I hangout with you guys?" Aaron shook his head.
We laughed. Me, Joel, Paul, Billy, Liana, and Roe were in the play thingy.
"Weeeeeeeeeee" I yelled childishly as I went down the slide. I sat on the bottom of the slide when someon bump into me.
"Hi!" Roe smiled.
"Hey ..." I said.
"Oy vey! Just kiss her already!!!" Liana grinned.
"What?" me and Roe said.
"Yea, I mean you are dating. Or was it---" I cut Liana off by giving Roe a quick kiss. Roe kissed back.
"Aw, slide love." Billy cooed.
I sighed and got off the slide. This is gonna be a long week