You Could Be a Princess, You Could Be a Working Man


[{Billy POV}]

I was sitting eating lunch when someone tapped my shoulder. I looked up and saw---OY VEY!---Kacey!
"Kay-Kacey?" I stuttered.
"Can I sit here?"she asked.
We nodded and she plopped down. She told us about what Roseanna, her, Steph, CHris and Brionca said.
"So she's still mad?" Benji asked.
"But why did yo decide to join us?" Aaron asked.
"Well---I---I mean I wanted too---BILLY!" she jumped.
"Wha-what?" I asked.
"Will you, William Dean Martin, Freshman, go out with me, Alica 'Kacey' Morlen?" she asked.
I blinked a bit. "I---but---me and ... you? Together? But I ..." I couldn't get the correct words out.
"Oh ... I see," Kacey said, and she started to get up. I still couldn't get my words right.
"Wait Kacey," Joel said.
"Billy says yes," Paul said.
I nodded furiously. She grinned.
"Yes!" and she grabbed my shirt collar and started to make with me.

Science Class. Kacey POV

I was sitting next to Joel quietly discussing the Benji-Roe relationship.
"But I know he likes her. He told me after the Roseanna incedent," Joel whispered.
"Yea and Roe liked Benji for as long as I known her. And that's a looooooooooooooooong time," I whispered back.
"We need a plan listen---" Joel whispered.
"MR. MADDEN! MS. MORLEN! If you two are so busy talking you must know what's going on?" Mr. Malgongo said.
"Uh---" I knew nothing, but Joel ...
"Cellular Respiration releases Carbon Dixiode which plants use for Photosynthesis which releases oxygen which organisms use to make Cellalur Respiration," Joel said.
I mouthed a 'wow'.
"Excellent Joel. Okay now what's the formula ..." the teacher said asking a another half sleepingg kid.
"Thanks Joel," I whispered.
"No prob."


"So you don't hate me?" I asked Roe.
"No, I envy. I need to break the mold!" she replied.
"I think Benji's REALLY sorry about what he said. In truth he's a hypocrite," I said.
"Whatever. He still hurt me."
We talked a bit more but soon we had to go.

[{Benji POV}]

I was sitting on my bed pondering. I should of never said that about Roseanna. I was waaaaaaaaaaaay too mean.
Whoa! I'm Benjamin Levis Madden! I don't have thoughts like that. You don't feel bad for rich girls!
But I made her sad. It's my fault. And I've been with her. She's not how I thought she was.
Oh shuddup! You know Liana's friends are much hotter! And you can have all of them.
This is so not helping "MOM!"
"Yes Benny?" sje appeared.
"Please don't call me that again. Ever."
She laughed. "Alright what's up?"
I told her everything. From start to finish.
"I don't know how to help Benji," she sighed.
"But mooooooooooooooooooooom! You're supposed to help," I said.
"Sorry Benji, you have to fix this on your own."

next day school.

I was walking to first period. Then it hit me.
No not an idea. Ramon.
I fell against the lockers.
"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" People chanted.
I was positioned to knock jhim out until ...
"please don't fight. Please," I heard someone Roe say.
She wasn't talking to me but I didn't think she wanted to see a fight.
Roe or Revenge?
Roe or revenge ...?
I didn't hit him, but that didn't stop him.
"This is for my sister," he punched me again. Whatever.
I could feel the kids starring at me. Wondering Why isn't he fighting back?
I was getting pretty beaten when I saw Aaron jumped in and punch Ramon. This gave me time to heal.
"Benji!" Roe ran up to me while Aaron and Ramon were fighting. I grabbed her shirt and started to make out with her.
Cool part?
She made out with me too.She pulled away. "You gotta help my brother."
I nodded and went between them. But Aaron went to punch Ramon, punched me and reflex, I punched him.
"ALRIGHT ALROGHT BREAK IT UP GET TO CLASS!" the security guard yelled.
Aaron stormed off and everyone went to class. I turned to Roe and we went to first period.

Lunch Regular POV

"You can't sit with us," Steph said. CHris and Brionca nodded in agreement.
"Why not?" I asked, but I knew the answer.
"Benji," they all said.
"Fine," I said and got up.
"That's it?!" CHris said.
"No agruement?" Brionca said.
"Nope. Seeya," and I went to join Kacey, Joel, Paul, Aaron, Billy, and of course, Benji.