Ruled by Secrecy

By My Side

I felt little kisses all over my face and my neck and then on my lips. I didn’t want it to stop.

“Alex?” I mumbled without opening my eyes.

“It’s Ryland,” He laughed and kissed my lips.

“What times is it?” I stretched opening my eyes.

“It’s 5am,” He whispered and crawled into bed next to me.

“Tell your other girlfriend not to keep you out so late,” I rolled over to lay my head on his chest.

“I’ll tell her,” He laughed and kissed the top of my head.

“I was thinking today we could go shopping for some new clothes and then head to the airport around 6pm,” He said nonchalantly as he held me in his arms.

“I told Victoria that you guys were leaving earlier than expected,” I said and shot up in bed to look at him. I rubbed my eyes.

“No, the bands not leaving early,” He laughed and propped himself up on his elbows. “We are,” He smiled.

“What do you mean? I’m really confused.”

“You know how you’ve never been to Europe and you really wanted to?”

“Yes, still too early to process,” I smiled.

“I’m taking you to Europe for a few weeks. I’m taking you away from all of this. You need a vacation,”

“What about the clubs? I’ve had no time to prepare…I don’t know if I can,” I shook my head.

“I took care of it all. I mean, being sneaky around you is hard, but I talked to John and Sara and they are more than willing to step it up. They were doing it without Eric before you and they survived, they’ll be able to do it again,” He assured me and rubbed my arms.

“I wanted to do this for you, so you’d relax,” He laughed. “But, I think I’ve stressed you out more,” He pulled me back down onto his chest.

“I appreciate it, I do…you know I just worry,” I traced circles on his chest with my finger.

“That’s why I want you to go away with me, especially before I leave. I want time with just us,” He said sweetly.

“Is that what you were doing today or yesterday?” I smiled into his chest.

“Well, I was doing This Is Ivy League stuff, but then I was in the travel agency all day,” He chuckled a bit. “And then when Victoria suggested to get you a vacation I had to tell her.”

“I was beginning to think there was a huge conspiracy and you guys were leaving early, but didn’t want to tell me.”

“No, nothing like that. I figure when I’m gone for the few months you’ll just run yourself ragged with the clubs and you deserve a break. You haven’t had a break in almost five years, you deserve one.”

“That’s so weird to thing that I haven’t had a break in five years,” It made my heart hurt.

“If you don’t want to do it, I’ll understand, but I just paid for it all,” He rolled me over and held himself above me. “I’ll cry if you don’t accept,” He pouted.

“I wouldn’t want that,” I reached up to touch his face.

“Then say ‘yes,’ and kiss me,” He smiled.

“Yes,” I said and kissed him.

“Now, we get some sleep and then we get you some clothes and off to Europe,” I rested on top of him and kissed his neck.

“Where exactly are we going,” I asked between kisses.

“Our first stop is Ireland and then Scotland, London and then to Paris and that’s all you can know for now.”

“I hope you will let me give you money, this sounds really expensive,” I nuzzled into his neck.

“Stop, it’s the least I could do for my millionaire girlfriend,” He teased.

“It’s not my money,” I groaned.

“Either way, we’re leaving tonight at 8:45.”

The rest of the day was a blur. We went shopping and I wasn’t much of a help there. I was on the phone most of the time. I had to call my parents and my friends to tell them that I was going to Europe for almost two weeks. I also called John and Sara to go over everything with them. Finally, after a while Alex took my phone away and put it in his jacket pocket.

“Should I get a nice dress? Are we doing anything fancy?” I asked trying to get hints out of him.

“Sure, why not?” He smiled and he was picking up something from the counter of the store we were in.

They came out with a black garment back and Alex took it and slung it over his shoulder.

“What’s that?” I asked like a little kid.

“You’ll see it on the trip, don’t you worry,” He said keeping the bag away from me.

“You know I hate secrets!” I groaned and went back to looking at dresses.

After we did a little shopping we went back and packed our bags. I was so excited and so scared at the same time. I was afraid to leave the clubs behind, but I had to put that behind me. I had to let the people that helped me every day and showed me that they were capable take over. I really wanted this, so I needed to not worry as much.


We had been taking on Europe by storm from day one. We landed in Ireland and we stayed in a cute little bed and breakfast right outside Dublin. He had rented a car and we took it all over and saw so many beautiful sights. We were there for three days and then took a ferry to Scotland. We stayed in Glasgow, but traveled around and then left out of Edinburgh after another three days to Paris, where we are now.

It’s been such an incredible trip; one that I never in a million years thought I would be on. Alex and I were getting along really well and didn’t have that many fights, which was nice. It was nice to be alone with him and not have the clubs and our friends keeping us occupied.

“I got us reservations at a very fancy restaurant tonight, so that you can finally wear your dress,” Alex said as he got off the phone with the front desk. “The front desk highly recommended it.”

“Does this mean I get to see what’s in your black garment bag?” I winked.

“It may very well mean that, but they are in two hours,” He wiggled his eyebrows.

“I should start getting ready now then,” I teased and walked toward the bathroom. Alex came and grabbed me and brought me back to the bed.

“Thank you for all of this,” I smiled up at him. “I couldn’t have asked for a better trip.”

“I should probably be thanking you for this trip,” He eyed me suspiciously and I knew I had been caught.

“Because I’m so amazing?” I laughed uneasily.

“No, because you went behind my back and paid off my credit cards,” He didn’t seem too mad about it.

“Who told you?” I asked biting my lip.

“I got a call from my credit card company thanking me for my payment and wanting to know if I wanted to increase my limit again,” He smiled.

“What’s their problem? Can’t they let me have a surprise!” I tried to make it a joke.

“I guess, thank you because I can’t take the payment back, but don’t think you’re getting away with it,” He said with a smirk.

“It was just too much, Alex. I felt guilty,” I looked away from him and felt guiltier about paying it off now.

“I wanted to do it. If I couldn’t afford it, I wouldn’t have done it. This just means I need to buy you something extra special,” He brought my face back up to look at him and he kissed me.

“Sorry,” I mumbled against his lips.

“You’re in for it,” Said sternly and then laughed giving me a kiss. Why wasn’t he pissed? I was hoping for him to find out after our trip.

I finally got dressed and came out into the bedroom where Alex was waiting. He looked so handsome. He had on a beautiful suit and tie and new shoes. I had seen him in a suit before, but there was just something different about seeing him now.

“You look beautiful,” Alex finally said after we stared at each other for a bit.

“You look very handsome,” I said and gave him a wink.

“Thank you. Ready to eat some fancy French food?” He offered his arm to me.

“Oui,” I smiled and we headed out of our room.

We made it to the street and waited for a taxi. Alex opened the door for me when one came and I got in. Alex sat beside me and shut the door. He handed the driver a piece of paper and we were off.

“I do have one thing I have to do,” Alex said pulling a scarf out of his pocket.

“What’s that?” I asked nervously.

“I’m blindfolding you,” He said and tied the scarf around my eyes.

“I don’t know Paris, so it’s not like I’ll recognize where we’re going,” I adjusted the scarf on my head.

“No peeking either!” Alex pulled my hands away from my face.

“Fine, but you’re really testing me on this trip. Is everything a secret?”

“Yes, now no more whining.”

When we came to a stop I felt Alex leave my side and get out and I slid across the seat. Alex took my hands and helped me out of the car. I felt a little awkward because I was sure to be the only one walking around blindfolded at this fancy restaurant.

“Watch your step,” Alex whispered and held my arm tight as I stepped up on a stair, I was guessing.

“Okay, I’m gonna sit you down and then take off your blindfold,” He said and helped me sit down and push my chair to the table.

“Okay, blindfold!” I laughed and he undid it. “Are you kidding me?” I asked in disbelief.

“They’re not paper cut outs,” Alex teased still standing next to me.

I was sitting at the end of a long table of my friends and family. My mother and step-father were right next to me and then Alex’s family on the other side. Lipski, Danny, Victoria, Gabe, Nate and his girlfriend, Ryland, Keisha and her boyfriend, Andrew and Liz, my step-brother. Everyone that was so important to me was there.

I got up and went around the table hugging everyone and thanking them for coming. I couldn’t believe they were here. I made my way back to Alex.

“So, you bought them all tickets to come out as pay back?” I laughed giving him a kiss.

“No,” He smiled. “They are here because we all love you,” He kissed me again.

“Thank you,” I was tearing up now. It was all setting in.

“Don’t cry just yet,” Alex wiped my tears. “They are also here because I wanted them to know how much I love you. How much you’ve taught me in the time we’ve been together. Michael, you’ve taught me how to be strong. Strong when it’s come to being who I am and my job and in our relationship. You’ve taught me what it is to be good and that good things come to those who wait and deserve it. You didn’t deserve everything that happened to you, but you do deserve all the success you are having now. You deserve all the recognition and the people in your life that love you. And all of this, as well as your drive, humor, kindness and intelligence are why I love you. I’ve never met someone like you and I’m hoping that you feel, even a tiny bit the same,” Alex rambled and I was just stiff with tears streaming down my face.

I couldn’t believe that all of this was happening. Alex pulled a box from his pocket and got down on one knee and I swear the entire table shifted as everyone got up to watch.

“Will you marry me?” He asked as his shaky hands opened the box.

All I could do was nod. I couldn’t find my voice for a minute. “Yes, of course, I love you,” I finally croaked.

“Phew, I was totally worried there,” Alex teased and put the ring on my finger. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him.

“I would have said ‘yes,’ if you asked me the first day I met you,” I whispered to him.

“Good,” Alex kissed me again and everyone at the table clapped.

“Now that the crying and stuff is out of the way, let’s eat!” I smiled at Alex and we sat down at the table.

This was definitely unexpected, but absolutely amazing. I was in Europe with my family and friends who I loved and I would be leaving in another week with my fiancé. Words couldn’t describe my emotions at this moment, but I also knew what I had to do next and who knew he would have been so right about needing that one thing.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, 1 more chapter and then it's done :(

Thank you to all that have read, commented, subscribed! You mean the world to me!

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