Stay (Close, So Faraway)

Stay (Close, So Faraway)

Landry giggled like a little girl at Frankie's joke, he was always funny, and was always able to make Landry laugh, ever since they were kids.

Her boyfriend Nash glared at her then at Frankie.

"Landry, sweetheart, can I talk to you?" Nash asked.

"Sure. Be right right back okay, guys?" All the guys nodded and continued talking and laughing and drinking. Landry walked over away from everyone's view with Nash.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Nash asked her, rage coming out in his voice.

"What do you mean, Nash? I'm not doing anything, I'm just having a good time with my guy friends, that's all." Landry stated calmly.

"You're hitting on them you stupid slut, that's what you're doing!"

"I am not hitting on them, Nash! They're my friends! I'm not allowed to talk to them? Or have fun with them?" Landry yelled back at him. "And don't even start with the name calling!"

"Yeah well the kind of fun you're having with Frank isn't just talking and hanging out, Landry, you bitch!"

"What kind of fun are you suggesting I have with Frankie? Hmm? Do you think I'm fucking him?" Landry yelled.

"I'm not just thinking it, I know it!" Nash yelled.

"I am not having sex with Frankie, okay?" Landry yelled back again.

"Shut up, bitch!" Nash slapped her hard.

"Get away from me, Nash! Leave! Go home! Okay?"

"Maybe, I will. Have fun with your Frankie tonight!" Nash walked briskly away. Landry ran to the bathroom and washed her face off.

She walked back to the table.

"Where's Nash?" Frankie asked.

"He had to leave, business call, you know."

"You know what we should all probably be getting home, want a drive Landry?" Gerard asked.

"Nah, I'm fine, Gee, I'll catch a taxi."

Matt, Ray, Mikey and Gerard left. Frank wanted to finish his beer.

"Frankie?" Landry asked softly.

"Hmm?" Frankie asked guzzling his beer.

"Can I stay at your place tonight? I don't want to be home alone."

"Sure, hun." Frank got up and called a taxi on his cellphone.

Frank's apartment

"Thanks alot, Frankie." Landry said once they got into the house.

"No problem. Umm...let's see...where do you want to sleep?" Frankie asked.

"Can I sleep, with you in your bedroom?"

"Sure...are you okay, Landry? You seem very withdrawn. What's a matter?" Frankie asked softly.

"Nothing. I'm fine, Frankie, really, I'm fine."

"You sure?" Frank asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure."


After getting changed and Frank giving Landry a shirt and a pair of his boxers to wear to bed, they crawled underneath the covers together. Landry closed her eye's but she felt a pair of smooth, wet lips pressing against hers. It was Frank.

Landry slowly wrapped her arms around Frankie's neck as Frank pulled her on top of him.

"Mmm..." Landry moaned softly. Frank's hands started up her shirt, one hand cupped her bare breast, the other held the small of her back. Frank started to rub her bare breast with his calloused fingers.

"Mmm...Frank..." She whispered. Frank slowly pulled off the boxers she was wearing.

Landry started to slide her hand down Frank's boxer shorts. She grasped his erection with her hand and moved it up and down.

"Oh God..." Frank moaned. He pulled off his own boxers. Then flipped their positions so he was on top.

He broke their kiss. "Open your legs." He panted softly. Landry swung her legs open wide. Frank slid one finger inside of her. Landry let go of his hard dick and put her hands on his back. Frank slid another finger inside of her. She groaned loudly.

"Does Nash do you like this, babe? Does he?" Frank asked.

"N-n-n-no." Landry stuttered, she couldn't help it her body was trembling.

"I-it never feels this g-g-good." Frank smiled knowing he was getting her worked up.

"How would you like it if I wasn't just putting my fingers inside of you?" Frank asked a tiny smirk playing on his lips.

"I'd love that." Landry said. Frank moved his fingers in and out of her. She moaned again. Frank rubbed his thumb against her clit. She thrust herself towards Frankie.

Frank stopped and pulled his fingers out of her. "Get on your hands and knees, babe." Landry did as she was told. Frank then stood up and started to thrust inside of her.

"Oh, Frank..." Landry moaned softly, her orgasm was buliding up. "Oh, Frank..." Louder. "Oh, Frank..." Louder. "Oh, Frank..." Louder. "OH, FRANKIE!" She cried as she Frank then quivered and filled her with his hot lust and passion.

"I love you." Frank moaned as he came.

They both calapsed.

"That was so fucking amazing..." Frank panted.

"Mmmhmm..." Landry agreed.

"C'mere." Frank whispered opening his arms to her.

Landry crawled into his arms and nuzzled her head into his chest, they then fell asllep that way.

The Next Morning

Frank and Landry were awakened by a bang at the front door.

"Shh..go back to sleep...I'll get it..." Frank whispered to Landry. He put on some boxers and went to answer the door.

Frank opened the door to reaveal a worried looking Nash. "Where is she? Is she with you Frank? Please, tell me she's with you."

"Frankie, who is it, babe?" Landry asked.

Landry walked out into the living room.

"So I was right!" Nash declared.

"No, we had sex last night and that was the first time Nash." Landry stated calmly. No shock was shown in her voice.

"I'm sick of you hitting me and treating me bad, Nash. I'm through with you, Nash. We're over." Landry then proceeded to walk up to the door and slam it in Nashes face then lock it.

"C'mon Frankie, let's go back to bed." Landry took Frank's hand and lead him off to the bedroom.