‹ Prequel: Ava Grace

Absense Makes The Heart Grow Fonder (Or So They Say)...

The Sleepover

The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting.
Could it be that we have been this way before?
I know you don't think that I am trying,
I know you're wearing thin down to the core.

When they arrived upstairs, Mike carried Ava right into the bedroom, closed the door with his foot, locked it, and carried her over to the bed. Mike laid Ava down on her back and leaned over her body to kiss her. A minute later, when they parted, Mike stood up straight to pull off his t-shirt and Ava began unbuckling his belt. As she did, Ava looked up at Mike then said "Do you want my to go change into something else, or do you just want to get me out of this dress?"

Mike bit his lip, thought for a moment then said "If I let you go change, it will take longer for me to have my way with you."

Ava smiled, nodded, then said "Good point."

Ava pulled Mike's belt from the loops in his jeans and threw it across the room, as she unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. Then, she stood up on the bed and unzipped her dress. She pulled it over her head as Mike stepped out of his jeans. Within a minute, Ava had her legs wrapped around Mike's waist and he was kissing up her chest from her cleavage right up to her earlobe. Ava sighed from the touch of his lips, ran her fingers through his hair and said "Have your way with me, Michael. Right now."

Mike and Ava made eye contact, smiled at each other and quickly, Mike unclipped Ava's bra, laid her down on her back, took off her thong and she pulled off his boxers. Within a minute, once they were properly positioned on their king-sized bed, Mike thrusted into Ava for the first time in two months and she moaned in pleasure.

After a few minutes, Mike built up a steady rhythm just as he always had in their years together and all Ava could do was moan in pleasure and pant for air. Before long, Ava dug her nails into Mike's back as she reached the end of her orgasmic high and within seconds, Mike reached his as well.

A minute or so later, with her breathing returning to normal, Ava was resting her head against Mike's chest, after they changed positions then she said "So...us..."

Ava looked up at Mike and they smiled at each other. Mike licked his lips and said "Did you want to get back together? Or just meet up for sex once in a while?"

Ava slapped Mike's bare chest and said "I don't just do casual sex, you know that."

Mike chuckled and Ava said "I'd like to get back together. Do you want to get back together?"

Mike smiled then said "More than anything in the world."

Ava pulled herself up and kissed Mike gently on the lips then whispered "Then, it's just us again, Mike and Ava. And, tomorrow before I go to Adeline, I'll stop by the lawyer's and put a freeze on the divorce to get it terminated."

Mike ran his hand up and down Ava's bare back then said "I have a better idea."

Ava sat up, ran her fingers through her hair, leaned against the headboard and said "Which is?"

Mike sat up, leaned against the headboard and said "We stay in bed for the entire day."

"We have children to tend to. And, meals to eat. And, I have a clothing line to work on."

"Estelle and Jane can handle the kids, we can grab quick meals, and your clothing line can wait...you can't lead me to believe that you work on it every day."

"While they can handle the kids and we can have quick meals, the clothing line that has to be ready for February is still in the drawing stages, in case you didn't know, I've taken a lot of time off in the last two months."

Mike looked at Ava and said "February is five months away, the line can't be put off for one more day?"

Ava smiled, straddled Mike's lap, twisted her hair and pulled it over her shoulder then said "I suppose it can wait one more day. But, I'm calling the lawyer."


They kissed and within a few minutes were back to having amazing, blissful, make up sex.

Hours later, with the early morning sun shining in the large french doors to the balcony, since neither Ava nor Mike closed the curtains on them the night before, Ava was woken up. She wrapped her body around Mike's, like she formerly did, then he groaned and said "It will not be me to get up and close those."

"Why not?"

"Because it woke you up first."

"How do I know you weren't awake first?"

"Because I'm telling you I wasn't."

"Uh huh. But, baby, please...I've had to do it all by myself since July."

Mike looked at Ava and said "You're going to use that for a while, aren't you?"

Ava leaned up, nodded and pointed to the doors. Mike sighed and knowing he was about to get up, Ava unwrapped her leg and laid down on her pillow just as Mike climbed out of the bed and walked over to the doors. He pulled the curtains closed and as he was walking back to the bed, Ava pulled off the t-shirt he had worn the day before, that she had slept in, and threw it at him. He caught it, smiled at her, dropped it to the floor, and climbed back in bed where they had a sexual fix before Ava got out of bed a half an hour later to prepare breakfast for their kids.

Ava got a quick shower, towel dried her hair, put some mousse in it and then got dressed in a pair of jeans and Mike's t-shirt from the day before. With herself dressed, Ava kissed Mike gently on the lips then left their bedroom to get Estelle up to help her with the kids and then made her way downstairs to make breakfast, while Mike stayed in their bedroom watching television.

Forty minutes later at 7:55, all the kids were eating their pancakes, Estelle was starting to clean up the breakfast dishes and Ava was just coming in from taking Fender, Cali and Dolce in the backyard, when Mike came in the kitchen. In an instant, Michaela dropped her fork, got off her chair and ran to Mike. He picked her up and swung her around as she giggled, then he kissed her forehead and said "Mommy said I'd be here."

The little girl tucked her head into Mike's neck and said "I know."

Mike looked at the rest of the kids and said "Well, hi to you all too."

A moment passed with the room completely silent then Patrick, Olivia, Julianna, Isabella, and Ryan got up and went to their father. Meanwhile, Audrina, Sophia and Estelle all looked at Ava. Ava sheepishly grinned then said "Don't look at me that way."

Ava walked over to the island where Estelle was leaning, sat down, took a drink of her coffee and opened her laptop to email Claire to tell her she wouldn't be in that day. Estelle cleared her throat and Ava looked up at her. Estelle pointed at her father, who was now sitting down with Michaela in his lap and was feeding her, then whispered "Did he stay the night?"

Ava nodded then Estelle said "So? Does this mean you two are back together?"

"We discussed it and I'm putting a freeze on the divorce, today. Then, when the hold is up, the divorce will be terminated."

"Is he moving back in?"

"Once everything gets sorted out. But, he will be sleeping here."

"Of course..."

Ava smiled at Estelle then said "So, I suggest you let him in on the whole you and Joey 'together' in Pennsylvania details. Considering I found your one way plane ticket to Pennsylvania for next weekend."

Estelle sighed then said "I will...soon."

Ava gave Estelle a knowing look then said "Really soon."

"I'll give you two a few days to be happy and in love then I'll drop the bomb."

"Why don't you tell him when we get back from taking everyone to school...that way I don't have to lie when I take you shopping for Louis Vuitton."

Estelle's jaw dropped then Ava said "You deserve to have it with the life we live...and the one you could end up living in the next few years."

Estelle shook her head then said "Joey's scared of marriage. I would like it just fine if we stayed the way we were right now."


Ava took a sip of her coffee then Estelle shrugged then Mike came over and quickly kissed Ava's cheek. He sat on the the stool next to her then said "What are you talking about?"

Ava typed a few things, sent her email, smiled at Mike then said "You."

Estelle nodded then said "I should get them ready to go. Should I just take them all in the Escalade?"

Ava shook her head then said "I'll take the Highlander with Michaela, Ryan, Audrina, and Sophia. I have to go see one of Ryan's teacher's anyways."

Ava looked down at her outfit the said "Which means I should go change..."

She kissed Mike, closed the laptop, got of the island stool and said "Eat something, gain some strength."

Estelle's eyes went wide then she said "Dad, can I have a credit card to go shopping for the day?"

Mike took a drink of Ava's coffee then said "Yeah. Just take one of Ava's."

"Does it matter which one?"

"How much do you want to buy? Do you want to have a day like Ava would, or do you want to shop like a normal person?"

"Somewhere in between."

"Take the gold American Express. It's her emergency card."


Estelle left the kitchen and went upstairs to Ava's closet. She knocked on the closed door and from the other side, Ava responded "Michael, not now."

Estelle opened to door to find Ava in her ice blue bra and matching boy cut underwear, holding up two different dresses in front of her panel mirrors. Ava turned to look at Estelle then said "Should I wear the lavender Valentino or the navy Rebecca Taylor?"

"While I love the flower child dress, I think you should go with the Valentino. The dean of discipline probably won't enjoy your retro side. You have to look like you're in control of my delinquent brother for this meeting."

"He's not delinquent. Ryan was just having a hard time when I kicked your dad out, he'll get over it now. And, make sure your father doesn't know who the meeting is truly with."

Ava put the Rebecca Taylor dress back in its place and began to put on the Valentino. As she was buttoning the last few buttons, she walked over to her shoe wall and said "Is is a Louboutin or Blahnik kind of day?"

She looked at Estelle and she said "The lavender suede Louboutin's. With that new black quilted Marc Jacobs satchel the girls gave you for your birthday."

Ava nodded, put on the Louboutin's, grabbed the purse off of its shelf and began transferring everything from her Kate Spade tote to it. Estelle came further into the closet, picked up a pair of Jimmy Choo's then said "Can I wear these today?"

"We're just taking everyone to school."

"Actually, I'm giving you and dad alone time as well. He said to get your gold Amex for my shopping."

Ava sighed, opened her wallet, took out the gold American Express card, kissed it and said "Be gentle. It's never been used."

"What's the limit on it?"

Ava sighed again then said "There is none."

Estelle's eyes went wide and said "Maybe I should just take a Visa or something...let you get the first swipe."

Ava smiled at her stepdaughter and said "Really?"

Estelle nodded, gave Ava back the credit card and took the Visa that Ava held out to her. Ava put her wallet in her purse then said "And, there's no limit on that Visa. But, a few days ago, I spent like ten thousand. Just give your dad the heads up later that it wasn't all you."


Estelle slid into the Jimmy Choo's and the two left to get everyone to school on time. An hour and a half later, when Ava got home, she quickly made a phone call to the lawyer to explain about putting a freeze on the divorce proceedings because on reconciliation was imminent. After that phone call, as she made her way upstairs to the bedroom where Mike was either showering or laying in bed, Ava texted Charlie to tell him that for now, they'd have to remain just friends.

Walking into their bedroom, Ava heard the shower still going so she turned off her Blackberry, put it on the entertainment system near the ipod dock, and stripped down to nothing. Then, she walked into the bathroom and joined Mike's shower, where they happily stayed for the next hour.

For the rest of the day, until two-thirty when they left to pick up the kids, Ava and Mike spent their time in bed, either in each others arms relaxing or having amazing make up sex.

As the next few weeks passed, Ava and Mike spent all the time together they could, even at the Adeline offices while Ava worked to complete her new Spring/Summer fashion line.

Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find