You're Strangers We Know Well, and Not at All.


Meet Ally-Layla Grace Smith, Tristen Adela Conrade, Isabella Valentino and Paige Faith Preston.They are simply crazy, lovable girls living in an average city, about to embark on the beginning of the rest of their lives

Screw that. We are crazy, free, wild girls and school is over for the rest of our lives. Wah. Pssh, no way. So yes, it all happened on one crazy night when one wish was made and then BAM! Gabe Saporta and William Beckett, if you don't know who they are go shoot yourself, moved in next door.
It was like just add a wish, and instant Gabe and William. So, just when we thought it was safe to go outside, Gabe and William moved next door, oh my gosh, girlie squeal!

Oh yes, I bet you were wondering, so what next? Well, faster than you can say road trip, and oh hell yes, that will be said, romances and friendships, break ups and enemies are formed and no matter how cliched it sounds, it's the total truth. Ladies and gentleman, I suggest you grab your ankles, and kiss your ass good bye.


Word Vomit writes odd chapters in Tristen's PoV.
xRestless.Reckless.x writes even chapters in Ally-Layla's PoV.

Hope you enjoy and all comments go toward the 'Feed William Beckett A Sandwich Fund.' Hint, hint.