You're Strangers We Know Well, and Not at All.

A Purple Hoodie Can Only Mean One Thing.

Ally-Layla’s PoV

We stood there, Tristen’s smirk still plastered across her face. On the other hand, I was standing there, dumbstruck. I swear I was drooling!

Then, we heard a distinct ring of a doorbell.

“Shit!” We whispered in unison, looking at each other momentarily before the realisation kicked in.

“Holy crap! William Beckett and Gabe Saporta just knocked on OUR door! Al, do you know what this means?! Oh, and you might want to wipe your face, you’re drooling,” She screamed while jumping around like a maniac, but in my eyes it was perfectly normal.

“What does it mean?!” I yelled from the stairs whilst Tris sprang off the bed and ran ahead of me, trying to skip a step, resulting in a crumpled up Tristen at the foot of the staircase.

“Ouch! This means, that all my dreams about getting high with Gabe and having baby cobras are going to come true! Did I say that out loud? Can you help me up?” She said, her mind racing through a million thoughts at once, while rubbing her left arm which had banged against the rail.

I obviously won the race to the front door, because Tristen was still trying to stand on two feet. I quickly opened the door, revealing a very happy looking Paige and a very frightened, tall, dark haired man. But no William.

“Oh my gosh, hi Paige! How are you? Are you looking forward to graduation? Who’s this?!” I rambled on to her, carefully glancing at the half-naked, tanned man nervously standing next to her. I clearly knew who he was but I didn't want him to think I was some stalkerish fan girl. He would find that one out later. Heh.

“Hey Ally! I’m doing okay! I went to the mall this morning and bought a new bikini. It’s like, pink with black stripes and I love it! I'm not really looking forward to graduation, only because I had to see that a-hole I dumped last week again. Oh, this is Gabe," She quickly said while staring at Tris, who came through hallway door looking annoyed, still rubbing her left arm.

“I stumbled across him when I was walking here this morning and started up a conversation,” She proudly said. Tristen and I both knew that Paige was extremely shy, but recently she fell in love with Stage Gabe. You know the sexy pictures on Google and his crotch dances. Talking to someone new was an accomplishment for her.

“H-hi Gabe, I’m Ally-Layla, but you can call me Al or Ally and this-” I stumbled along my vocabulary, trying to string another sentence together. “This is Tristen. And Isabella-she’s sleeping,” I quickly mumbled, not wanting to make a fool of myself in front of the lead singer of Cobra Starship.

“H-h-h-h-h-h-hi!” Was all Tristen managed before Isabella, nicknamed Bella, walked out in lime green pyjamas with yellow ducks on them.

I wasn’t paying attention to what Bella was saying. I think it was something about Pop Tarts. I zoned out after the first sentence. I was more interested in trying to read the looks Gabe and Tris were giving each other. I came to the conclusion that a), Tristen still didn’t realise that the man she’s worshipped for longer than I can remember is standing directly in front of her, b) Gabe wants to have baby cobras with Tristen or c) Gabe is asking Tristen to make Paige get the hell away from him. I think I’ll go with the latter.

“Anyway, it was nice to finally meet you in person Gabe, we have to get ready for graduation in, crap we only have 40 minutes! Sorry you can’t stay for a drink or anything. But tonight, we’ll have a welcoming party for you and you’re roommate! It’ll be mint! Tristen and I will take advantage of our newfound age and stock up on the vodka and tequila,” I said referring to the birthday we shared yesterday.

“Yeah, it was nice meeting you all too. I’ll see everyone tonight! And I’ll make sure to bring the crew…this is going to’ be one fucking good party!” He cheerfully said as we watched him tap knuckles with Bella and Tristen. Apparently they were chatting while I “zoned out”.

Tristen closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief. I was kind of disappointed that William wasn’t there! But we’ll just make up for it tonight at the PAR-TAY!

Meanwhile, I grabbed a stressed out Tristen, a tired looking Isabella who was complaining about toilet paper for reasons unknown and an annoyed Paige and we tried to skip up the stairs to find outfits.

*After Graduation*

“Oh my gosh, Tristen! I can’t believe you fell over up on the stage!” Isabella, Paige and I burst out in a fit of giggles once we reached home sweet home.

“Okay, you guys can STOP laughing now!” Tristen said while folding her arms and pouting at the three of us ‘ROTFL-ing.’

“Alrighty!” Paige said rather loudly after we shut up. “You three, I need help finding a sexy dress so I can impress Gabe!” She grabbed my arm, ignoring Tristen and Bella who rolled their eyes and began fighting over a waffle, pulling me upstairs into my room to find of course, the perfect dress. I began roaming my closet while Paige was staring out the window.

“Oh em gee! Al, come here!” Paige practically screamed. I walked over to where she was standing and looked to where she was pointing; the next door neighbour’s window. But I saw something vaguely familiar lying on the bed. A purple hoodie. And there’s only one person that wears a purple hoodie. Gabe Saporta.

“Can we please put a bed next to the window?! Or I’ll just sleep in the closet!” Paige asked, looking the most serious I had ever seen her in her life. Wow.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so here’s my first chapter! I’m xRestless.Reckless.x (Heliena) and sorry it took me so long to update, but I suck at writing. =] (DO NOT! -Word Vomit)

But yeah, I hope you liked this chapter, and if you didn’t, then TELL ME! (But if you did, tell us also!)
Be ready for the next chapter, Word Vomit (Holly) writes this one and it’s going to be awesome as!