With A Rosary Tucked In Side Her Lingere.


All the boys I had met in the last two days stood all leaned against a wall Seth, Red, Silver, Gabriel, Simba, Chaise and two others I didn’t know one had soft brown eyes he looked a lot like Chaise

The other one was breath taking he stood with pride as if he were a king but it was sort of defensive as well he had sharp features his blue black hair covered one of his eyes but the other one was honey coloured he had black ribbon wrapped loosely three times around his neck a tight black top Defining every muscle and baggy black jeans

He was the only one who moved he brushed his little finger across his lips he blew me a kiss slowly and when he blew a black glittery dust flew around me I closed my eyes.

I woke to a soft purring next to me my body still ached this little light brown fluffy kitten was curled up next to me he was so adorable I stoked the back of his head and he stretched I noticed a pair of shorts on the floor next to the bed the cat jumped up onto my chest and tilted his head to the side it meowed it was too cute

its fluffy tail swished behind it I got up slowly because every part of my body hurt I was wearing a purple silk bed gown, my mouth tasted stale

I got up picking the kitten up with me I started to walk to the door but the kitten jumped out of my hands and tried to drag the shorts over to me it struggled and fell over it meowed again this time at the shorts I picked the cat and the shorts up there was a phone in the pocket of the shorts with a picture of Simba holding a baby with dark brown cat ears and a tail it was kind of disturbing knowing someone was in the room while I was asleep

the cat purred as we walked down stairs Chaise was sitting on one of the counters cross legged he smiled widely “good morning lady are you hungry” I nodded and put the shorts on the counter “you’ll want blood” he mumbled to himself mostly

He went to the fridge and got out blood that was in a pitcher thing he put it in the microwave and sat back on the counter “Simba you need to name her” he said over the low hum of the microwave I looked behind me then around the kitchen and the realised he was talking to the cat I lifted it up and looked at its face I noticed Simba’s eye colour

“Your Simba” my voice sounded different I didn’t know how exactly because I don’t recall my voice before but it just didn’t seem right the kitten’s head nodded slightly I put him down on the counter he pushed the short off the other side it was easier for him now I had the phone he jumped down after them and then Simba in human form stood up with the shorts on he shook his head fixing his hair – and ears - and then smiled at me
“I haven’t decided yet” he said to chaise
“What was my name before”
“We don’t know you had already forgotten when we asked you”
“How long have I been asleep”
“About three days”
“Where am I” chaise answered me this time
“Ah welcome” he walked over to me and bowed slightly “to the bianchi’s house you will meet our brothers later” I nodded my head and smiled my eyes widened Simba had a tail it was the same colour as his ears it looked kind of like a fox tail though he laughed and said “your lucky you don’t have one it can be annoying oh but we do however have some similarities” he walked around to me and stoked my head I started making purring noises chaise began to laugh again and I ducked away from Simba’s hand I touched my head and I felt ears little cat ears

I laughed
“By the way have you looked in a mirror?”
“You should”
“Because your neko now” he said with a kinda off stuck up pride
I walked out into the hall and found a mirror my eyes where light purple almost the same as Gabriel’s my hair was as long as It had been but now it was black with white on the top in streaks I walked into the kitchen again I looked, stunned at Simba

“You know I prefer being a cat” he then took of the shorts quickly and turned back into the cat he jumped up and nearly fell off in a heart beat I was on the other side of the counter helping him up I Stepped back
“How did I do that” Simba turned around and nodded his quickly saying thank you
“You have powers now lady” he put blood in a bowl and gave it to Simba he gave me mine in a cup
“Can I turn into cat” I asked taking small sips of the blood Simba nodded chaise answered
“You turned a couple of times over the rebirth period and simba is your Vampric mother so for about a week you’ll have to turn with him”

Simba turned back to his human form grabbed my hand put my glass on the table and we both turned into kittens I felt like my body had sucked it self in my eyes crossed and when everything was clear again Chaise was looking down at me I looked up at him and meowed he stroked my head and I started purring again and of course he laughed