Keeping Secrets In Can Cause Tumors, You Know

Chapter 4

“Remember, Mikayla, you can’t tell anyone!” I reminded Mikayla as we walked up the high school steps.

Mikayla abruptly stopped and slapped her hands to her forehead. “Amber! We’ve been over this a million times! I will not tell anyone.”

I sighed and said, “You better not.” She grunted as we walked into the school and through the crowded halls.

Lots of people stopped and said “Hey, Amber! What’s up Mikayla?” or “Yo wazzup girls?” Of course, those were the guys who thought they were ‘all that’ and hooked up with every girl in the school, hoping to find that whore they could ‘ride’ for a little while; little while meaning about a week, maybe two.

We went to our first three classes of the day, and ended up at the lunch table with our group we usually sit with. I stabbed the so called ‘pasta’ and it was as hard as a rock. I gagged as I pushed it aside and looked back to Mikayla. “Kay, you coming over today after school?”

“Duh! Isn’t your dad making ribs tonight?” I nodded. “Then I’m catching a ride home with you! Who’s driving you home?”

“I’m not sure. My mom said she might but if she couldn’t she would get one of her friends to come pick me up. “ She smiled as we dug in our backpacks for our back up lunches. We always kept them in case our school lunch was not edible.

I sat on the school steps, waiting for someone to call my cell phone. Even though it was kind of after school, a lot of people decided to stay. Why would ANYONE want to stay at school?

Mikayla came back and threw me my coke I asked her to buy. She sat next to me and opened up her coke and her bag of sour cream and onion chips. “What’s it been now; twenty minutes? Amber, you need to find out who’s driving us home.”

I stuck my hand in her bag and took out a chip. She snatched the bag away and gave me a face as I just smirked. “You should know not to get those when you don’t want to share them. They are my weakness!”

“Whatever.” I flipped open my phone and saw that it was 3:56.


Mikayla and I both shot up our heads and looked at the white hybrid in the school pick up lane. Everyone else took a look at it. I saw someone get out with a hat on and glasses. He walked towards Mikayla and me. I noticed the curly hair.
Obviously, so did Mikayla…

“NICK JONAS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING PICKING US UP??” Mikayla screamed with a smile on her face. Nick dropped his jaw and so did as I slapped my hand over her mouth and Mikayla slapped her hand over mine.

“Mikayla!” Nick said, as he slowly turned around, letting his hat fall to the ground revealing himself. All of the girls screamed and ran towards him. “Come on! Hurry up!” We all ran towards the car and literally dove in and landed in some weird positions. Nick closed the door and the girls started banging and shaking the car.

I sat up in the middle and fixed my hair in the rearview mirror as I said, “School is going to be so interesting tomorrow now that everyone knows that I know you guys.”

“I’m really sorry, Amber!” Mikayla said with a guilty face on. “It’s just it hasn’t totally sunk in that I know the Jonas Brothers. Sorry.”

I sent her a smile and said, “It’s fine, Kay. They would have found out eventually. Plus, “ I turned to Nick and said, “it’s ya’lls fault for picking us up in the first place!”

“Us? Ugh, Ams, that’s not fair! You’re mom called us and asked us to pick you up!” Nick said defending him and his brothers. I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my seat.

About ten minutes later we arrived at my house; no one was home. Thank god I remembered to bring my key. I unlocked my house and Mikayla ran straight in.

“Kay, what’s your problem?” I screamed after her.

“I have to pee really badly!” I shook my head and laughed as I lead the way into my house. The guys walked in and Joe and Kevin ran and jumped onto the sofa. I closed the door and turned around and saw Nick right behind me.

I jumped back against my door and screamed, “God, Nick! You scared the living shit out of me!”

We both laughed as he walked towards me. “Amsburger,”

“Amsburger? That’s a new one!” I said as I laughed.

But Nick didn’t laugh. He kept walking closer to me. I stopped laughing and tilted my head to the left in confusion. “Amber, do you forgive me?” He asked, stepping really close to me.

I looked down at our stance then back up and asked, “For… what?”

“For letting your secret out?” Nick said putting his hands on my shoulders. I looked behind him and saw Joe smiling and Kevin looking at us, confused. Nick was even closer to me now. I don’t know why he was doing it. Never at any time has he ever done anything like this. I got goose bumps when he tapped his fingers on my shoulders.

“Of course I forgive you, Nickykinz!” I said with a smile. He smiled back and grabbed me in a hug.

Not a friendly hug. No, not one of his bear hugs either. It was.. the right hug. Never has one of his hugs felt this way before.

“Hey, Amber, you’re out of toilet paper so I-“ Mikayla said as she walked down the stairs, but didn’t finish because she was too busy staring at Nick and I. “Umm.. are you two going out?”

I let go and looked down then at Mikayla. “No! He just said sorry, and I forgave him.”

Mikayla smiled a smile basically saying “Uh huh.. doubt it.”

“Keeping secrets in can cause tumors, you know,” Joe said from the couch.

I walked away from the awkward moment and over to him saying, “Is that so? Now where did you hear that one, genius?”

“From a friend.” He smiled as I mouthed “OH” and jumped in between Kevin and Joe.

“What secret am I keeping in then?” I asked as I turned towards Joe.

He shrugged and said, “I don’t your life! I was just talking about that secret about how you know us.”

“Yea. Well I don’t have any other secrets.” I turned back around and grabbed the remote. Kevin snatched it from me and I just rolled my eyes.

Now that I think about it, I think I might just have another secret.
♠ ♠ ♠
woohoo! nothhaa chappyy, :]

youu knoww what to doo noww.

COMMENT if u wantt anothaa chapterr.

ii need some feedback.

and idk whyy but i LOVE the lastt sentencee in this chapterr. lol.

thanks for reading!

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