Just Can't Ripen Underwater

For Diamonds Do Appear To Be

'Bye everyone, today was...perfect.'

She paused and smiled at the four handsome sleeping faces, switched off the light and walked out of the room making sure she closed the door behind her. She lent on the closed door, sadness in her eyes.

Ryan POV

Getting up i walked over to the large living room mirror, wondering where Keira was but making sure i didn't trip over the large amount of cans, chip bags and sleeping guys.

The Light shone in through the translucent drapes making my eyes go all funny.

I walked accross the hallway and into the kitchen. My steps sounding louder than they should on the slate floor.

Everything was clean and tidy, just like Keira and I had left it.

I left the room and took the stairs three at a time to the first landing, entering my room a note was on my bed in an envelope- Keira's writing.

That's when time doubled up on itself and i really started moving. Keira didn't leave without saying goodbye and she certainly didn't write letters.

I left it where it was and this strange noise came from the back of my mouth, that i didn't even connect with me for a second, until i realised i was making it and i sounded really scared.

I can't remember taking the next set of stairs. I burst into her room. The bed was made, there was no dirty laundry on the floor. It wasn't normal.

The bathroom was where she did it.

The whole place was drowned in one colour. The bathroom was red.

The bath was full of red water,of whichhad run down the sides and onto the mat that was on the floor. Red made patterns on the square white tiles. I could never have thought that a body could of held that much blood.
Everywhere was wet with cooled steam and blood, and there was this smell, like the butcher's, like metal, like earth.

And there laying in the red watered bat, was Keira. The girl i loved, laying there peacefully, as if nothing had happened.

I didn't know what to do, so i did the only logical thing there was to do.

'oh my fucking god!' I screemed, still standing in shock.

'Jon, get here now!'

I don't know how they heard me 2 stair flights down, myvoice felt like a mouse, as though i was never going to be able to help her, but i heard quickened footsteps approaching me.
I leapt into the bath and stood over her, desperatly trying to pull her up.

'no! why you? not now! we would have workedthe problems out! don't you dare do this to me! don't leave me... i loveyou..' I sobbed pityfully into her saturated shirt.

Brendon ran into the room first, he claspedhis eyes onto the sight that beheld him, his face crumpled, i didn't know whether he was going to scream or cry.

'Spence, call 911NOW!' he shouted out into the corrider.

Hurridly Jon and Spencerarrived in the door way, they looked as though they were facing truck headlights.

Confusing and panic shot accrosstherefaces.

How could she have done this.

Jon seemed to take control, in a surprisingly calm manner.

He managed to lift her limp body out of the bath and carry her down the stairs.

i just stayed there in horror, staring at the blood splattered bathroom.

How? was it my fault?

i ran down thestairs as fast as my weak legs could go.

I felt as though i was floating- this wasn't good.

The ambulence arrived...neighbours gathered...

she was taken from me.

The one person i thought i could never have loved, yet she ment the world to me...
♠ ♠ ♠
Dun, dun, durrrr!

what will happen next! :O
hehe i do love ryan though :)