Rose Tinted View


Dominic James Howard was perfect… Almost.

We have been together for a little over 5 months and that was something rare. You see the thing with Dom is… well… he doesn’t really ‘do’ relationships, he’s a more of a ‘life’s to short, when you look like me, you can get any girl you want’ type of guy and didn’t everyone know it.

But some how this amazingly good looking self centred twonk had fallen for me. Me of all people, the best way to describe me is… average. In truth I AM the girl next door, no literally. The Howard household live next door and I know what you are all thinking ’oh it’s the typical, they grew up together and eventually found out they liked each other’ but your wrong. Before I go on a huge history lesson about mine and Dom’s life I will let you into a secret… Matthew Bellamy.

I met Dom around a year ago, when I moved to the boring littletown that is Teignmoth, honestly when you have lived in London for the first 16 years of your life, a village in Devon is not very appealing.
My parents had decided to have a huge 'welcome' barbeque, inviting all of the neighbours which was basically the entire town. Everyone came but there was one attention seeking smart guy that thought he was incredible. i took an extreme disliking to this boy. the boy in question was of course Dom. But i will tell you more about that later ;)

It had been at that very same family party that I had met Dom’s best friend, the very strange yet mysterious guy that was - nay - is Matthew Bellamy. It was obvious that he didn’t have the same ego as Dom, yet he still liked the attention to be focused on him. He was scrawny yet held a gentleman-like charm. There was something about this guy that enticed me into his blabbering conversations about all things Alien which was surreal to me.

But that was last year and thankfully this is this year.


‘Oliviaa, can you go get me some juice? pretty plleeassee?’
And there it was, as charming as ever, the Dominic Howard ’I can charm you over with this smile’ smile.

‘are you physically unable to get off your scrawny arse and…’
I trailed off as I saw the hurt face that had taken over his confidence, I knew I had hit the nail on the head.

‘scrawny but very sexy arse… which is looking especially hot in those gorgeous blue skinnies that you are currently sporting’

The smile had immediately rose on his face at the slightest thought of a compliment, not to mention an extra special one.
I smiled and ran over to the sofa that he was currently lolled on, and jumped. The poor guy probably didn’t know what hit him, as I miss placed my footing and landed bum first onto his man hood.

‘oh shit, Dommy, shit, I’m so sorry!’
I resisted the temptation to laugh hysterically but I felt so bad.

‘can you still have children?’ I asked in a panic!

Wheezing Dom managed to cough out
’ how the bloody hell should I know? But yeah I probably can..’

At this point I thought that the pain had gone as he burst out into laughter.

‘If you wanted me that bad, you could have just said?
But in the mean time you can always rub it better?’

Dom smirked with a wink.

‘well, that is a hard offer… let me ponder it… err.. Your alright thanks as your parents are in the room next door’

Giggling like a child I slid to the left to let Dom sit down.

‘come here’

He said whilst grabbing me and resting my head onto his soft black topped shoulder and entwined his other hand with mine.

I smiled softly and remember that this is why I put up with his arrogance. Deep down he was kind and gentle. I knew he cared.

‘Oli…’ he whispered while stroking my long light brown hair gently.

‘yeha?’ I mumbled

‘I think I’m falling in love with you’

I rose up at the sound of these words, they had certainly shocked me. The biggest player in the college was claiming that he was falling in love with me… there had to be a catch… didn’t there?

My lips moved before I had time to think properly

‘well… I think I’m falling in love with you too’

I smiled before he leaned in gently, brushing away my hair and connected his lips with mine softly. My lips tingled and I could feel a sensual feeling running throughout my body. I kissed back and found my self very much ’going for it’.

Dom leaned back and I went with him too, I was straddling him yet I didn’t feel awkward. He slipped his right hand up my shirt. My eyes darted to his hand, then back to his face. He drew a breath and smiled. It wasn’t his usual smile there was something sincere about it, as though he was portraying real happiness through it.

‘do you… you know… wanna… umm…’ He mumbled.

Well this was certainly a first the heroic Dominic Howard lost for words because he was so incredible happy… I don’t know why I’m sounding so snide about it all because in truth I was ecstatic too.

‘umm…yeah…’ I replied sheepishly.

Through a mix of passionate kisses and fumbling of hands we managed to make our way across to the single bed that lay neatly folded on the other side of the room.

Dom lay back, bringing me with him. I hesitantly lifted up his top to reveal his gorgeously tanned upper torso. A strange feeling rushed through my body, as if I was going to explode.
Next thing I knew I was in my underwear and trying to un-do his trousers but failing miserably.

‘well… not very romantic, why the hell do they make men’s zips the wrong way round!’
I exclaimed whilst looking up at Dom’s amused face then into his perfect brown eyes, a faint feeling in my legs appearing.

Feeling a little humiliated, I let him do it, in doing so he managed to remove them and flip me round so he that he was now straddling me.

He bent down and whispered into my ear…

‘I have waited almost a year for this’

He smiled sweetly then pressed his lips against mine and well…

It was at that point that Matthew Bellamy stormed in.
♠ ♠ ♠
hehe i love dom :)