Status: Completed!

Caught up Between Two Loves

Chapter Seventeen

The date last night was great and fun. We’ve gotten closer than ever that night. We just had dinner and went to the park nothing special. It was simple and I liked it. Fancy and glam wasn’t me which I think was one of the reasons Fernando loved me. Judging by how great last night went, we ended up in my apartment. In case you were wondering yes we had sex. I woke up by the sunrays resting on my eyelids. I sighed and tried to get up, but Fernando’s arms tightened when I moved. The only way to escape without waking him up was to get him to hug something else. I grabbed my pillow and slowly pulled his hands apart and got out of his grasp and placed the pillow quickly in his arms. He didn’t seem to notice and hugged it further. I chuckled as low as I could and headed to take a shower.

I took my time in the shower and by the time I got out Fernando was nowhere to be found. Well at least he wasn’t in my bedroom. I put on a strapless knee-length blue dress and blow-dried my hair. I went downstairs and a pleasant smell hit my nose. I smiled and headed to the kitchen to find breakfast on the table. The sight really opened my appetite as I was about to take a bacon a voice stopped me.

“What no thank you or good morning?”

I grinned and turned around to see a shirtless Fernando. He was only in his boxers, normally I would blush but I’ve gotten used to seeing him half-naked. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his middle. “Good morning.” I said bringing my lips to his while tracing with my fingers the muscles on his back.

“That’s better.” He hugged and kissed me back.

“Now, can I eat?” I asked and my stomach let out a growl. I blushed and he chuckled letting me.

I quickly sat down and ate breakfast shutting my stomach up. His cooking was delicious again, can’t get enough of them. I think I was becoming addicted. Anyway, like every morning I got up to check the mail. I found it like usual in front of my door. The mailman drops it through the door around six o’clock.

I skipped the bills making a mental note on checking it later. My hands landed on the magazines I subscribe and the daily newspaper. I usually checked the front page then read the other pages later that day. My eyes scanned the front page and landed on the picture first then the title that said ‘Torres & Ronaldo rivalry gone too far?!’

My mouth dropped and eyes widened then tried to think maybe it happened before. However, if it did they wouldn’t put it on the front page! I read the article and it said that it happened yesterday when Fernando was at Old Trafford stadium. Now, I was confused. Why would he go to Old Trafford, let alone to Manchester? He had no business going there or maybe he was hiding something from me.

Pissed I went back to the kitchen. I held the newspaper in front of me and glared at Fernando. “Mind telling what this is about?” Then I dropped it on the table in front of him so he could get a good look.

I noticed how his eyes widened which was followed by a loud grown and a hit on the table. Usually I would jump by the sudden reaction, but I was pissed at that moment. Part of me was glad that he got what he deserved and I was starting to hate Ronaldo with a passion, but Fernando’s actions surprised me. I knew he wouldn’t do that out of the blue, there had to be a good reason behind it. I crossed my arms tapping my foot while waiting for an answer.

Fernando grabbed the paper and threw it in the trash bin. “What made you hit him? You haven’t seen him in like forever! And what were you doing in Manchester?” I tried to stay as calm as I could, but I had a short temper.

He just stared at me not saying anything as if scared of what my reaction would be. I sat down in front of him calming down slightly and took his hand. “Tell me. I won’t judge you.”
I hoped that helped as I struggled not to get pissed off again. Fernando seemed hesitant, not sure if he should speak yet or not. After sighing, he finally said giving up “Where do I start?”

“Why were you in Manchester?”

“That I can’t answer.”

“Why not?”

“You’ll find out later today.”

I sighed rubbing his hand and decided to skip that question and hoped to get answers for my other questions. “Why were you in Old Trafford?”

“Again, you’ll find that out later today.”

I groaned letting go of his hand and shook my head. “Ugh! Fine. At least answer me this last question and I will let this whole thing go.” I wasn’t going to let it go. “Why did you punch Ronaldo? I never thought you were the fighting type. I guess you’re not as innocent as I thought you were.”

He took a deep breath. “He pushed my last nerve and I punched his nose. Honestly, that guy’s too cocky and arrogant for his own good.” He said it as if it was nothing while it was to me.

“So? That doesn’t mean you hit the guy! What did he say or do to you?” Now I was concerned. Did Ronaldo say anything about me and him? I doubted that. Maybe he did and Nando thought he was lying and punched him or thought it was true and hit him either way.

“He said that he wants you to be his and you will once you go to Manchester. But that’s not what made me punch. He went on and on that I was a coward and pathetic and didn’t know what you saw in me. That was the last straw I had to punch him.” He said looking away.

I didn’t know what to think or say. First, I never expected Cristiano to say things like that to him. Now I had more reasons to hate him. I did the first thing that came to mind and that was jump up and hug him. He was shocked and beyond confused which made me giggle.
“Did he really say those things?” He nodded. “Anything else?” Fernando was about to say something, but shut his mouth shaking his head.

I kissed his cheek. “I’m sorry for yelling at you like that. I guess he deserved that punch.” Obviously he had been tense as he loosened a bit and let out a breath resting his head on my shoulder.

“It’s ok. You had all the right to be mad at me. I promise you will understand all of this soon.” I nodded. Well I better! “Do you have work today?”

“No. Do you have practice or anything?”

“No, I’m all yours today.” I grinned pecking his lips.

“What time’s your meeting with Sir Alex?”

“At three. Why?” I asked getting suspicious.

“Well, I wanted to come with you.” He muttered blushing.

“Wait, what? You’re going to come to Manchester, to Old Trafford with me and go into Sir Alex’s office?” I was shocked, but had a feeling that he was hiding something. There had to be a reason.

“Yes. Besides, I went there yesterday remember? So, I can survive another trip there and this time I’ll have you with me.” He said rubbing my arms to keep me cool and it helped.

“I wonder why you did.” I rolled my eyes and gave up. “Alright, you can come with me but no punching people unless I tell you to.”

“You got it.” He winked and I got up.


“Come on Rachel! We’re going to be late!” Fernando yelled putting on his jacket.
“Alright, alright! How do I look? Too casual? Too formal? Tell me.” I asked standing on a stair straightening my outfit as if it was wrinkled.

“Calm down, love. You look great, stop worrying. Now let’s go before we’re late.” He reached for my hand and dragged me out of my apartment.

He was way too anxious that I started to get worried. Something was up and I hated not knowing things. I was always curious, but knew when it wasn’t my business. However, this was my business and not knowing it was killing me. I started to play with my fingers and drumming them on my lap. Fernando seemed to have noticed since he said “Why are you nervous? You already made your decision it’s not like you haven’t, right?”

I didn’t look at him and just nodded. What if I was making a mistake not taking that job? I’m giving up my dream for what? Because of what? Ronaldo? I give up and run away too easily and stay away from challenges. Always has been and always will been. I sighed as we reached Old Trafford in an hour. Fernando parked the car and I sighed. “Ready?”

“Yes.” I tried to say that with confidence, but no luck. We got off of the car and made our way towards the entrance of the stadium. I gathered all the courage I had in me and entered the building with Fernando hoping I wouldn’t regret this.
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Thank you guys for the comments <3
Tough match Spain vs Netherlands! Podemos España! Can't wait for the second half.
Well, here's chapter 17. Let me know what you think =)