My super sweet sixteen with Nick Jonas

It is every girls dream to have a huge birthday party for there sixteenth birthday. The lights , the food and especially the entertainment counts. Well that's not what Amber has in mind she just wants a quiet and sweet dinner party where only her closest friends are invited. Well that's what Amber wants but not what she gets. Her Dad the president and founder of am a major company barely ever listens to what she has to say so when she tells him about a the QUITE dinner party he does the complete opposite. He gives her a huge party in the La Grand De fate where she has to have a dress and make a speech which is her greatest fear! However, that is'nt the least of her problems, The Jonas brothers are hired as the entertainment for the evening! Every girls dream come true right, NOT! She likes them and all but can she stand with everyone thinking that's shes a spoiled rich girl especially Nick the leader of the band will she go through with this party and find true love or will she just let this million dollar party go to waste!