When You Stumble

Chapter one of one

Anny mumbled something incoherent as she swayed nochanlantly to the music playing. The ampliphiers where turned up to loud and the crowd where to quiet, smoke swireled around her the same time as the over-exaggerated singers voice.

"This song is for everyone with a fucking job..."

Anny wasn't listening, she was only waiting for the music to continue so she could carry on with what she had been doing. No one really knew, she herself had no idea why she came to local shows, the bands weren't that good and it cost to much money, but it was Anny and people just didn't seem to understand her motives.

In front of her there was a loud crack as an amp fell over, the noise was deafening, Anny had to get out. She was a sufferer of panic attacks and couldn't handle danger. She just knew that one day the earth was going to swallow her whole and she'd be left in a dark pit of blackness.

"Are you okay?" Someone asked concerned when she came galloping out of the venue, Anny wasn't sweating, but it was obvious she was in some state of pain.

"Yeah, yeah, fine," she brushed off the question as the feelings of panic passed and she was able to think clearly again.

The music inside was still going strong, but Anny knew it was time for her to go home, to her bed and rest. Attacks always drained her, but so did the music played in her city, the message sucked something from her soul.
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