An Arranged Marriage To Nick Jonas, Are You Kidding Me

Wait A Minute I'm In A What!?!

“Mom why are the Jonas’s sitting on the our couches” I ask her as she walks towards me

“If you sit down, I’ll tell you okay now please if you will” She says pointing to an empty seat on a couch, Mrs. Jonas Speaks up and says

“Joseph, Kevin, Franklin can you please leave the room to accompany little Jonathan upstairs please” She says to the boys, as they nod their heads and leave the room

“Okay, so Nick and Bethany we have news for the both of you” my mother started, we both nodded our heads signaling them to continue

“Since me and your mother can remember we have been best friends, so when we got pregnant with you guys we decided that….” Mrs. Jonas said

“You two have a arranged marriage to each other!” My mother continued as she smiled, while me and nick just sat there with confused looks on our faces

“So now that you guys know what do you say” as my mother continued to smile

“Umm…I really don’t know how to respond to this…” I said with a dumb look on my face as I looked at Nick

“Wow… uhhh this is pretty uhhh…Pretty…Wow” Nick said with a shocked expression looking at me

“So your saying I’m getting married to him because you guys decided that we’d get married a long time ago!!” I said looking angry and mad

“Well you two are still going to have to get married so don’t say that you’re not Bethany” My mother said in an angry tone

“Why not I hardly even know him and yet I have to get married to him, I don’t think so!” I yelled and ran up to my room and slammed my door

Nick’s POV
“Wow that was extremely shocking and loud” I said breaking the silence

“Sorry for her behavior, I’m going to talk to her” Marie said getting up from the couch

“Wait no I should she is going to be my future wife, so I‘ll go talk to her” I said getting up from the couch

“Whatever you say Nicholas go upstairs her room is right across from Jonathan’s room, okay’ Marie said as she pointed to the stairs

“Yes and thank you Marie” I thanked Marie as I ran up the stairs

Bethany’s POV
“Ahhhhh!!!!! I hate my life, I just hate it!!” I said as I screamed into my pillow, then I heard a gentle knock at my bedroom door, so I got up and opened my door to find Nick Jonas at my bedroom door

“Ummm…. Hi, is it okay if I come in” he said with his cute sweet voice, OMG!!! I’m supposed to be against this not falling for him, come on Beth pull yourself together

“Umm… Sure come in” I said as I opened my door wider so he can come in

“Soo… You have a nice room” He said trying to make small talk

“Well thanks, so why are you up here, did my mom send you?” I said as I lifted up one of my eyebrows

“Oh no, I wanted to come up here I just wanted to know you better” He said as he sat on my bed, which was already messed up

“Wow no guy really took that much interest in me before” I said blushing a little and gladly he didn’t see me blush

“Well I would do anything for my future wife” He said with a twinkle in his eyes when he said future wife

“Wow really maybe you are going to be a great husband” I said as I sat besides him, the talk went on for another good 10 minutes before he asked me

“Well I know we only met what 15 minutes ago but, May I kiss you?” He asked as I just sat there in shock
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Hey all my peeps I want thank all of you readers and thank you for all of the comments!