After That Night

It Sparkled On My Finger

I’m sure that almost everyone has fallen in love with their best friend, or a really good friend.

I’m no different.

I fell in love with my best friend.

That isn’t the problem. No, the problem is I’m positive he doesn’t love me back . Maybe as a sister, but never romantically, never the way that I love him. The only person who knows is his older brother. He’s like a brother to me too, I could never admit it to anyone else. He just kind of has this way of getting me to pour my heart out to him and tell him all of my secrets.

“Myra, just tell him.”

That’s what I hear all day, every day. But I couldn’t risk it. I couldn’t risk our friendship like that, I value it way too much.

But this is killing me.

Nick Jonas has always been a heartthrob. Even if he wasn’t in the ever so popular band girls would still go crazy over him. We’ve been best friends since we were babies. Our moms are best friends who grew up together, our dads were best friends since middle school. It was just meant to be that we were best friends.

Our moms have always had this crazy idea about having kids around the same time and them getting married (granted they were different genders). When Denise had Kevin my mom wasn’t yet ready for kids, but by the time she was pregnant with Joe my mom was pregnant as well. Thus they started their planning for the “dream couple” as they put it. But those dreams were crushed when they both found out they were having boys.

Welcome Joseph Adam Jonas and Orlando Jayce Bennett. Otherwise known as the terrible two. They are so much alike it’s not even funny. They were born one day apart, Joe on August 15th and Orlando on the 16th, and trust me, Joe doesn’t let him forget that. They’re inseparable, the best of friends.

Three years later Denise was pregnant again, as was my mother. She was having a boy, and by some miracle, and as she says fate, my mother was having a girl. That was the happiest day of their lives. Their plans were finally able to happen.

Welcome Nicholas Jerry Jonas on September 16th, 1992.
October 6th, 1992 was when I, Amyra London Bennett, was born.

It was the start of a beautiful friendship, and with the hope of our mothers, a beautiful relationship and marriage.

Back to his heartthrob status. Girls constantly throw themselves at him, and trust me he loves the attention. He’s almost always in a relationship, in fact I can’t remember the last time I actually saw him single.

I’ve been in a few relationships myself, but none were ever serious. I am only 16, I don’t need a serious relationship.

Wait. Let me rephrase that. I don’t need a serious relationship unless it was with him.

Joe is the only one that truly knows how I feel. Sure everyone else kind of caught on to the fact that I have a “crush” on him, but they never thought that I was absolutely head over heels in love with him. As I said before, he has this way of getting me to pour my heart out to him.

Everyone else might have caught on, but not him. He was 100% completely blind when it came to my feelings toward him. Even his little “girlfriends” could tell, and I think that was one of the things that made them hate me.

You see, I have this kind of hold over dear little Nicholas. It’s not a bad hold, it’s just we’re so close that he seems to always pick me over them.

For example; say he was going to go on a date, and he was just about to leave when I call him because I’m stranded somewhere, or I’m at home and I need a ride. He immediately calls whoever and says that he’s going to be late, and comes and gets me.

Another example; we’re at a party and a guy is getting a little too close for comfort and tries something with me, Nick would automatically leave “insert skank’s name here” and come to my rescue taking me out of the party and driving me home. All without even a goodbye to “insert skank’s name here”.

Or, this is the most frequent one.

Say I’m home alone and it’s storming outside and Nick is at his girlfriend’s house because her parents aren’t home and she feels more comfortable with him there, Nick will say he has to go and comes directly to my house. Even when my parents are home, he knows I’m deathly afraid of storms and he stays the night with me to make sure I’m okay.

Can you see why they don’t like me? I’m not clingy, and I don’t make him do any of that, he just does it on his own. I’m his number one girl, besides his mom, and he makes me a top priority.

I just don’t see how he hasn’t fallen for me. Okay so I’m not the size double zero, fake tanned, bleach (and fake) blonde hair, blue eyed girls with a large chest, which is also fake, that he dates. But I’m not ugly either.

I’m 5’6” and a size one. I have medium length curly black hair and emerald green eyes that tend to “sparkle” as everyone puts it. I’m naturally tan and I admit, I have quite the chest (a 36c to be exact), that is once again all natural.

Not to sound conceited or anything, but I’m gorgeous. Heck, even Joe said he’d date me if I was a year or two older. So why can’t Nick see me like that?

I’m not, and have never been a tomboy even though I grew up with all guys. I dress in the latest fashions, I have guys throwing themselves at my feet, but I still can’t get why he only sees me as his best friend or little sister.

To make it all worse, we lost our virginity to each other just after my 16th birthday.

Everything changed when I agreed to go on a date with Tom Avery, the varsity quarterback at our school. If girls weren’t trying to get with Nick, then they were trying to get with Tom. And after two years of him asking me out I finally agreed to go out with him.

He was picking me up on Saturday at 6 for our date, and Nick was not happy.

He was sat on my bed watching me happily hum to myself while in a towel and deciding on what to wear.

“So,” he paused and looked like he was thinking of what to say, “where is he taking you?”

I turned around with a bright smile on my face, “I don’t know. He said it was a surprise, he’s so romantic. I’ve always wanted to do the whole surprise date thing, but all of the other guys just told me or asked me where we were going to be going.” I turned back to my closet and walked into it, closing the doors, “I have a feeling tonight is going to be perfect, you never know, he might be the one.”

I was definitely playing this up, purposefully tying to make him jealous.

“Myra, you haven’t even gone out on a date with him yet, how do you know if he’s the one?” Yep, he sounded pissed.

I didn’t answer him as I put on black lacy boy shorts and a matching bra and walked out with my selection of clothing in my hands to see it in the mirror.

“I just have a feeling Nicky.”

I heard his breath hitch slightly as he saw me. It kind of confused me considering I do this all of the time.

I slipped on my black, with silver pin stripe mini skirt on and buttoned the two buttons on the side and admired it for a minute.

“What do you think of this skirt Nicholas?” I spun around to face him. His eyes lingered on my chest for a little while before completely scanning my body stopping at my chest again and finally stopping on my skirt.

“Isn’t it a little too short?” His voice sounded strained.

I glanced down at it confused and then looked back at him. “Not really, it’s the same length I always wear them.”

“Myra, your skirt ends just past your butt and it’s pleated, it’s going to move with you and fly up. I don’t think it’s a good idea to wear it out tonight. Besides, it’s winter and in the 40’s. Aren’t you going to be cold?” He sounded more overprotective as he went on.

Shrugging I turned back around, “Not really. I’m going to be wearing a coat and you know my legs never get cold, so I’m good.”

I picked up my black belted vest top that had sleeves and put it on. It rested a little bit before the top of my skirt and pushed my breast up even more, showing some of the lace of my bra.

Since my hair is already curly I didn’t need to do it I started on my make up. I put on a small amount of mascara, some eyeliner and finally a coat of clear lip gloss.

I grabbed my black with white lace trim peep toe pumps and put them on along with my white pea coat that ended where my skirt ended. I left my coat open and grabbed a white scarf leaving it to just hang around my neck.

“How do I look?” I pulled him up by his hands and did a spin for him with his hands loosely placed on my waist. He gulped and looked at me in a way that I’ve dreamed of for so long, “You look beautiful Amyra. Simply gorgeous.”

I blushed lightly and placed a kiss on his neck, just below his ear and whispered against his skin there, “Thank you.”

He visibly shuddered and got goose bumps. I smiled, that was the very first time he reacted that way when I did that, and placed another kiss there as he moved my hair from my neck and did it to me to.

I sent a glance at the clock and stepped back. Sending a wink towards him I turned around and called over my shoulder. “I’ll be back around 10:30 Nicholas, please be here when I get home. If anything happens I’ll call you.”

When I got downstairs I was greeted with Joe and Orlando on the couch watching a soccer game. I gave Orlando a kiss on the cheek and Joe one as well.

“Damn Myra, you look hot,” Joe stated looking me up and down with a grin on his face. After removing my coat and scarf I softly sat on his lap throwing my arms around his neck, his arms finding their way around my waist.

Joe and I don’t have any feelings towards each other. Well just a physical attraction, but that’s it. We’ve always been like this with each other and nobody ever really looks into it. Okay, so we may have a slight crush on each other, but never one big enough to act on it.

“Thank you Joe, what a sweet way of you telling me I look good,” sarcasm clearly laced in my words.

“Aw I’m sorry Amyra, you look gorgeous as always,” he said once again checking me out. It didn’t bother me nor did it bother my overprotective older brother.

I thanked him and buried my head into his neck.

“I’m only going out with Tom tonight to make Nick jealous,” I whispered into his ear.

He nodded his head to tell me he understood and that he wasn’t going to say anything.

“I think you should just go on a date with me. You know you want to.”

I slapped him gently on his arm and shook my head. “As much as I love you Joe, and even though I do have a crush on you, I’m in love with Nick and I only want him.”

He nodded his understanding and looked back at the game on the TV. Five minutes later the doorbell rang and I stood up, fixing the back of my skirt. I grabbed my coat and scarf, putting it on once again and sent a wink towards Joe.

“Good luck.” He mouthed back at me, and with that I was out the door and on my way with Tom.

He never complimented me on how I looked, and he rarely even said anything to me. Arriving at our destination I couldn’t help but drop my jaw in astonishment. He brought me to a club and immediately ditched me when we got through the door to dance with the school’s slut. I shook my head in disbelief. Tears instantly sprang to my eyes and I hastily made my way back out of the club and started my walk home.

Almost an hour later I was walking up my driveway, freezing cold, feet hurting, and crying with my make up smeared down my cheeks. Sure I may have only gone out with him to make Nick jealous, but I did have feelings for him, and no girl wants that to happen to them.

I flung open my door, all three boys looked over at me from the couch a little startled. I burst into a fresh round of tears causing them to jump up and run over to me.

“Myra, Angel what happened?” Orlando cooed into my ear as he brought me over to the couch and into his lap. I buried my head into his neck, still crying and shivered. “My god, you’re freezing. Joe, go get me a blanket, Nick go make some tea.”

Both boys scurried off and did as they were told returning a few minutes later. After I was wrapped up in a blanket with the tea in my hands Orlando tried once again to get me to talk. “What happened baby girl?”

I sighed and took a sip of my tea. “He took me to a club. He didn’t even talk to me on the way there. As soon as we arrived he ditched me and started grinding with that blonde slut Camilla. I left, just walked right back out the door, he didn’t even try to stop me and walked back home.”

The guys were shocked as I finally looked up at them. “I have never been treated that way by a guy before. What’s wrong with me? Am I not skinny enough? Do I need to dye my hair blonde? Am I not pretty enough?” I choked out.

“No, no, no, god no Amyra. You’re gorgeous,” Nick assured me. Orlando and Joe nodding their heads in agreement.

“You’re perfect Myra, and any guy is stupid to not see that. Your sweet, funny, caring, you have beautiful hair and eyes, and a guy must be blind to not see all of that, you can do so much better honey,” Joe breathed out as he stroked my hair. “Any and every guy would love to or want to date you Angel.”

I shook my head and jumped up, I started crying hysterically, “Not the one guy I want! I will never be that to him.” And with that I ran upstairs and locked myself in my room.

It’s been three days since then and I still haven’t left my room, seen anyone or talk to anyone. Even with Orlando, Joe, Nick, Kevin, Frankie, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas and my parents knocking on my door trying to get me to come out.

That night someone came through my window as I laid in bed staring at the wall. I knew who it was, there was only one person that would climb up the side of my house and in my window.

Nicholas Jonas.

I smelt him before I saw him. His Abercrombie cologne wafted through my nose.

“Myra, baby. Please look at me, please Angel,” his soft voice pleaded as he sat behind me. I rolled over and looked at him.

He was so gorgeous.

The moonlight hit him perfectly causing his eyes to spark and skin to glow.

“Oh baby, are you alright? I’ve been so worried about you,” he was relieved I actually acknowledged him for the first time in three days. I just stared blankly at him.

He sighed before laying down on top of the covers next to me. “Amyra, I have something I need to tell you.” He took a deep breath and started again, his voice a little shaky, “Amyra London Bennett I’m in love with you. I have been for a while, I could just never tell you. And I pray to God that the guy you were talking about three days ago is me.”

I instantly smiled. My first smile in days. Reaching up I touched his cheek, “I love you too Nicholas, it’s always been you.”

A breath-taking smile broke out on his face before he crashed his lips into mine. He kissed me with so much passion and love.

Years later I sat on my bed as I thought back to that night. A diamond ring sparkling on my left ring finger. I felt a pair of lips on my neck. “I love you Angel.”

My dreams came true after that night. Our parents couldn’t have been happier that we were finally together. Our mom’s plan worked out.

“I love you too Nicholas.”
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Not too sure if I like this or not. I think it could be better, but I've already rewritten more than half of it, and if I'm not 100% happy with it now, then I won't be if I try again.