

The first thing you need to know about Kevin Jonas is that he was not the person the media perceived him to be.

The other thing you need to know is that he has no relationship, whatsoever, with his parents. For the sake of Joe and Nick’s career, Kevin Sr. and Denise Jonas decided it was important for Kevin to still be in the picture.

That was why Kevin now found himself alone.

Two days ago began their year long vacation. After working themselves to the bone for the past four years, the label had decided maybe it was time for the boys to have a break.

Kevin was glad for the break. He and his brothers needed it. Actually, they’d needed it for a while now but because of his parents and their record label they had been denied a much needed break for way too long.

The best part about being the oldest Jonas Brother, not having to live at home anymore. Not that his parents would let him live there anymore anyway. Thankfully, being the smart one he is, Kevin had a separate bank account from his brothers. One his parents knew nothing about. That’s why not only was he alone, but he was alone is his brand new house. One he had purchased with a little help from Big Rob, nearly four months ago.

No one, save for Big Rob, knew about his house.

Not like his parents were even wondering where he was. Three nights ago, after their last show in some city he couldn’t remember the name of, his parents had practically shoved him out the door saying he was no longer needed nor wanted.

He hopped on a plane that night and headed for his new home.

After six hours on a plane Kevin was exhausted. It took another half an hour to actually reach where he would now be living. Paying the cab fair, he walked up the path to his front door.

Once inside, Kevin dropped his bags and sank to the floor. Pulling his knees up to his chest, he laid his head down and let the tears fall.

He cried for the family he’d lost. He cried for himself. He cried knowing his brothers would right about now be thinking he’d abandoned them. He cried because he knew they’d never know the truth.

The truth being that his parents had disowned him for being gay.
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A/N: Shall I continue to post this here?. So far I have ten parts written out.

Thoughts? Opinions? Comments? Any and all are appreciated.