

Time seemed to fly by for the Jonas Brothers.

It had been two months since Denise and Kevin Sr. had kicked their eldest son out of their house and out of their lives.

It had been one month and three weeks since Joe and Nick had shown up at Kevin’s new home in Virginia.

It had also been one month and three weeks since Nick had admitted that he was indeed in love with his older brother. Kevin had also admitted to loving Nick at the same time.

And it had been one month and a week since their youngest brother Frankie had moved in with them.

Time was flying by, at least that’s how Joe felt.

He honestly couldn’t remember a time in his life when he’d been happier. The same could be said for his brothers.

Frankie had been ecstatic when Joe had brought him to his new home. He took no time in getting used to his new surroundings. He fell right into step with his older brothers.

Kevin and Nick were like love-sick puppies. Joe still had a knack for walking in on them when he shouldn’t have. Luckily, Frankie hadn’t yet been witness to the love fest that was their older brothers.

It was hard to believe that they’d all been living on their own for nearly two months.

Joe should have known it was too good to be true. Anything worth having, anything that could possibly make them happy, he should have known it wouldn’t last. Not as long as their parents had anything to do with it.

It was a Saturday when things started to changed. Joe had opted to stay home while Kevin took Frankie to town. Someone needed to look after Nick since Kevin didn’t want him left alone.

Nick had been sick for almost a week now. It was, of course, his blood sugar. He seemed to be able to go for months without it bothering him, then out of nowhere, it would shoot up and he’d be sick.

Five days ago Kevin found him in the bathroom floor, throwing up into the toilet and they’d taken him straight to the hospital.

To say Kevin was upset when he’d learnt that Nick hadn’t been checking his blood sugar levels was an understatement.

“Damn it, Nick! Are you trying to kill yourself?” He had screamed at his lover, partially out of anger but mostly out of fear.

“Kev, no…I just forgot. That’s all. I’m sorry.” Nick had looked so fragile, lying in the hospital bed, machines hooked up to him. It scared Kevin to no end.

Dropping into the nearest chair, Kevin let out a shaky breath. Running his fingers through his hair, he sighed.

“Nick, how could you forget? I know it sucks, baby, but you should be used to this by now. Its been, what almost five years now. You know how important it is to check your levels before giving yourself a shot. Its dangerous.”

Nick knew Kevin was right. He knew he was being selfish, putting his brothers through this again. There was no excuse for letting his blood sugar reach almost 800. And Kevin was right, it was very dangerous.

“Kev, I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad at me. I promise I’ll check my levels from now on. You can watch, every time. Just please, don’t be mad at me.” His voice was so low, so weak that it broke Kevin’s heart.

Looking up, he locked eyes with his young lover.

“Baby, I’m not mad. I’m scared. I can’t lose you, don’t you know that?” This time, it was a chocked back sob that drew Kevin’s eyes back to Nick. Tears were rolling down his pale cheeks.

Moving from the chair, Kevin sat down on the edge of Nick’s bed. Bending down, he placed a kiss on Nick’s head while wrapping his arms around him, holding him close.

“Shh, don’t cry. You’re already weak enough.” He whispered as he gently rubbed circles on the small of Nick’s back.

“I’m sorry, Kev. So sorry.” Nick kept repeating. Kevin never spoke again. Instead he rocked his brother, his lover, until he’d cried himself to sleep.

Making sure Nick was comfortable, Kevin quietly made his way out of Nick’s room.

Once the door was closed, Kevin let go. He tried to hold back the scream that was threatening to escape his lips. He tried, but failed. Slapping his hand over his mouth, he muffled that same scream. Seconds later his legs gave out, sending him to the floor. Pulling his knees up to his chest, Kevin cried. Just like he did his first night alone in his empty house. He cried for Nick. He cried for himself, which he thought was selfish, but he honestly couldn’t see himself living without Nick and it scared him. It terrified him.

That was how Joe and Frankie found him ten minutes later. Still sitting on the floor, knees hugged to his chest, crying.

Having spotted his older brother before Joe, Frankie ran towards Kevin.

It was in that very instant that Kevin and Joe both saw how mature their youngest brother really was. Frankie never spoke. Instead he sat down on the floor beside his heartbroken brother and hugged him.

Joe had to fight back a sob at the sight.

Letting go of his legs, Kevin wrapped his arms around Frankie and cried. He cried harder than Frankie had ever seen him cry before. It wasn’t long before there were tears falling down Frankie’s face as well. Turning to face Joe, their littlest brother held out his hand, beckoning Joe to them.

Sitting in the floor, outside of Nick’s hospital room, three of the four Jonas Brothers sat and cried. Each holding onto the other for dear life.

It was another two days before Nick was released.

Now, three days after their hospital stay, the brothers were home and happy.

Kevin having taken Frankie out for some shopping, Joe had been asked, well ordered was more like it, by Kevin to stay home and watch Nick. Not that he minded, he loved his brother and would do anything for him.

But a sick Nick was not an easy person to be around. He’d been trying to get his levels back to normal and frankly, he’d been a ass to everyone, Kevin included.

“JOE!” It was Nick’s shrill voice that pulled Joe from his thoughts. Groaning, Joe made his way to where Nick was. Luckily it wasn’t that far.

He stopped, outside of Kevin and Nick’s room and knocked.

From inside the room, he heard Nick’s sigh.

“Dude, its open. There’s no reason to knock.” Rolling his eyes, Joe walked in.

“So, what’s it gonna be this time? I’ve already made you lunch. I’ve brought you drinks twice now. I put in a DVD, which you didn’t even watch. I even fluffed your damn pillows. What else could you possibly want?” Joe huffed.

Before Nick could get a word out, Joe spoke again.

“And so help me God if you say you gotta take a piss, I will kill you. That’s Kevin’s job, not mine.”

Nick couldn’t help it, he laughed. Seeing Joe uncomfortable somehow made him feel better.

“Bro, its not funny.”

“Oh, yes it is.” Nick was still laughing when the phone rang. Without second guessing, he reached over to the receiver and picked it up.

“Hello?” He said, not expecting to hear the voice that answered him back.

“Nicholas Jerry Jonas, what the hell are you doing in Virginia?”

“” If it was possible, Nick’s face drained of what little color he had.

Joe froze, his eyes wide.

“Of course it is, sweetie.” Nick’s eyes went wide.

“’Sweetie’? Since when am I your sweetie?” He asked, anger in his voice.

“Oh honey, are you still feeling bad?” If it was possible, hearing his mother’s voice dripping with unwanted kindness made Nick sick.

“Cut the crap, mom. I’m already sick enough. There’s no need to make it worse.”

Joe smiled, giving his little brother a thumbs up for encouragement.

“Now, Nick, that’s no way to speak to your mother.” This time it was his father’s voice he heard.

“Dad? What the hell? How did you get this number? Its not listed.”

“The hospital called to let us know that our son had been admitted. We were worried, baby. They gave us the number where we could reach you.” Nick shuttered at hearing his mother call him ‘baby’. That was something only Kevin should be aloud to call him.

“Oh yeah, like you even care.” He threw back.

“Of course we care, darling. We miss you. And Joseph and Franklin as well.”

Nick’s jaw dropped.

“And Kevin? What about him?”

Silence was all Nick heard for the next few seconds. He almost thought they’d hung up. He wished anyway.

“He may still be your brother, but he is no son of ours. And you’ll do good not to mention his name when you speak to either of us.” His father’s tone left no room for argument. Luckily, Nick didn’t give a damn.

“You’re shitting me, right?” He yelled at them.

“Nicholas, I’m warning you, watch your tone.”

“Yeah and what’re you gonna do if I don’t?” He snapped. “Why are you even calling? Its not like you care. We get that. Actually, we’re pretty ok with you not caring. We are all better off without either of you in our lives.”

Joe was shocked at the way Nick was speaking to their parents. Sitting down on the bed beside Nick, Joe reached for the phone.

“Nick, give me the phone.” He said. Nick looked like he was going to say no so Joe cut him off before he could. “Just give me the damn phone, ok? You don’t need to upset yourself anymore than you already have. Kevin will kill me if you get sick again.” Not waiting for a reply, he took the phone from Nick.

“You think you have the right to call here and bother us?” He demanded, skipping the niceties.

“Joseph…” His mother started.

“Its Joe. Not Joseph. Got it? You lost the right to call me that a long time ago.” This time Joe snapped, much like Nick had minutes before.

“Now you listen here, Joe, we are still your parents. Show some respect.”

He couldn’t help it, Joe laughed. He laughed so loud that it shocked Nick.

“You’re joking, right? ‘Respect’. Yeah, right. Didn’t we already have this discussion before we left. Respect is something that has to be earned, not demanded.”

“We are your parents, young man, that in itself means you must show respect to us.” Joe could swear that his mother was smirking. It made him sick.

“Yeah, real good job you’ve done at that.”

“Joseph…” His father started.

“JOE! Its Joe! Get it straight man.” There was no mistaking the anger in his voice. If Nick was honest, it scared him slightly.

No one spoke for the next minute or so. Getting tired of only hearing them breath, Joe broke the silence.

“So, what? Was there an actual reason you were calling?”

This time his mother spoke.

“Sweetie, we were wondering when you were coming home. That’s all. Like I told your brother, we miss you.”

Joe was floored. They actually thought they would be coming back, to that hell hole. Not a chance in hell.

“You’re kidding, right?” He asked, serious.

“Darling, why would I kid? Its been long enough. Now, your father and I think its about time you and your brothers, um Nick and Frankie, came home.”

Joe turned to look at Nick, a look of shock on his face.

“They want to know when we’re coming home. That is, when you, me and Frankie are coming home.”

This time, Nick’s jaw dropped.

“When pigs fly.” Joe tried not to laugh when Nick spoke.

“Listen, I hate to break it to you…” Joe started then stopped. “Actually, no I don’t. We aren’t coming home. Not to you, not ever.”

“But sweetie…”

“No, no mom. I’m not your sweetie and neither is Nick. Christ woman, you slapped him the last time you saw him. What makes you think he’d want to come back to you after that?”

“Oh, honey, I’m sorry about that. I was just having a bad day.”

“Bad day? You were having a bad day so you think, what? That gives you the right to slap your own son. News flash, not even close.”

“Joe, now I think you need to change your tone.” His father spoke.

“No. I’m not and I won’t. I don’t have to do a damn thing either of you say. I’m twenty for Christ’s sake. Legally, you have no control over me. Or Nick for that matter.”

“Oh but we do over Frankie.”

“Not if I can prove child neglect.” Joe spat.

“Good luck at that. You have no proof of anything.”

“Wanna bet.” Joe knew he might sound childish but he didn’t care. He wanted them to be scared. He wanted them to think he had all the evidence he would need to have them charged with child neglect.

“What…what are you talking about?” His mother stuttered as she spoke.

Joe laughed.

“Oh, you think I’m going to tell you. Sorry, but I’m a bit smarter than that. You had both better listen to me and listen very carefully.”

Joe took a deep breath before he continued.

“If you know what’s good for you, you will sign over all of your rights on Frankie to Kevin.”

He wasn’t expecting his father to explode like he did.


Joe’s anger tripled.

“You watch your tone, old man. You have no right to speak of Kevin like that.”

“I’ll speak of him in whatever tone I like. There is no way that queer will have rights to Franklin.”

“If you know what’s good for you, you will. There’s no way in hell we’re letting you take Frankie back. You lost your rights to him long ago. Might as well make it all official. Sign the papers. Unless you’d like this to go to court.” He snapped.

They were speaking so loud that Nick could make out almost everything they were saying. Hearing his father call Kevin those names pissed him off beyond belief.

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Try me. I have more than enough to take you both to court over this. No judge in their right mind would force Frankie back under your roof.”

“What proof?”

“Again I say, I’m not telling. I have witnesses, I have statements from said witnesses. I have photographic evidence as well. And if it came down to it, we have money. We have our fame. People will know the truth. We will make sure its out there for the whole wide world to see just exactly the kind of parents you really are.

“Now, I’m only going to say this one more time. Sign over your rights.”

It was obvious that they’d covered the phones so that whatever they were saying, Joe couldn’t hear.

Joe looked to Nick. His cheeks were red now. It was easy to see how upset this had made him. Reaching over, he slung his arm around his shoulders.

“It’ll be ok. I promise.” He smiled at his little brother.

It was his mother’s voice that caught his attention.

“Fine, Joseph. Send whatever papers we need to sign. Kevin can have Frankie. Like we even really cared to begin with.” Joe was slightly shocked. He didn’t let it show though.

“They’ll be in the mail first thing Monday morning.”

And with that Joe hung up.

“They’re actually going to sign over their rights?” Nick asked, shocked.

“Yeah. It seems so.” Joe let out a shaky breath and slumped down onto the bed still beside Nick.

“So Kevin is actually gonna be Frank’s legal guardian?”

“Yep. Damn, maybe I shoulda told Kev about this.” Joe swore.

Nick just sat back and laughed.

“So, you think Kev’ll mind if he finds me here, in bed with you? Cause bro, I gotta tell ya, that exhausted me and I really don’t wanna move.”

“Don’t see why. And yeah, I could go for a nap too. It wore me out just watching you.”

Joe was grinning as he closed his eyes. He was asleep almost instantly. Yawning, Nick snuggled further down into the bed. Deciding it would be fine, he moved over and pulled Joe close to him.

Muttering, Joe sighed as Nick wrapped his arms around his waist. Unconsciously, he wrapped his arms around Nick as well, pulling his close.

Nick was on the verge of sleep when he heard the front door open and then close.

Opening his eyes, he waited for Kev to come up to their room. He figured it might be a good idea to be awake when Kevin walked in and saw them. No need for him to overreact to what he was about to see.

It was only after hearing Kevin walk a very noisy Frankie to his room and tell him it was time to calm down that Nick saw the door knob start to turn.

Kevin literally froze when he walked into his room. He was completely shocked to see Joe in bed with Nick. His Nick.

He opened his mouth to scream at Joe until he saw that Nick’s eyes were open, begging him to be quiet.

Motioning him over, Nick grabbed Kevin’s hand.

“He’s wore out, Kev. Its, uh we’ve had a lot to deal with while you and Frank were gone. Listen, I’ll explain everything later. Just shut up and lay down.”

Kevin’s eyes were wide. Nick just stared, waiting.

“Baby please. Just lay down. I’m sure Frankie wore you out. I know you probably wanna rest. Its Joe. He’s our brother.”

“Promise you’ll tell me everything later?” Kevin asked, already pulling his shoe’s off.


Reaching over Joe, Kevin leaned down and kissed Nick.

“Guys, please, not while I’m in the middle.” Came Joe’s sleepy voice.

Kevin snickered while Nick smiled.

“Sorry, Joe.” They both said.

Dropping down beside of Joe, Kevin draped his arm over his middle, pulling him close and linking hands with Nick.

From the doorway, Frankie smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: Alrighty then, here’s a little ‘FYI’ for you lovely readers. I know a bit about Diabetics. I’ve lived with them and around them for my whole life. Since I’m writing this, I’m gonna write Nick dealing with his diabetes from personal experiences. So, there’s no Omni pod here guys. Nick’s stuck checking his levels and taking shots the old fashioned way. K? Just thought you should know.

A/N2: Was it worth the wait? God, I hope it was! I’m so sorry its been a few days since I posted. Real life has just been getting in the way of my writing time.

Comments are love and I need love to live. Not really but you get the picture. :P