

The next time Kevin opened his eyes, it was dark outside. Groaning, he tried to roll over and look at the clock. Something or rather someone was stopping him. Thinking for a second, Kevin remembered that not only was he in bed with Nick but Joe as well.

Looking down, Kevin tried not to laugh. It was, however, a very hard thing not to do when your younger brother was drooling onto your chest.

“God, I wish I had a camera.” Kevin spoke to himself.

Not only was Joe drooling on his chest, but he was snoring, which made Kevin want to laugh even harder.

Whereas Kevin was lying on his back with Joe almost completely on top of him, looking over, he saw that Nick was nowhere to be seen.

“What the hell?” He whispered. Finally seeing the clock ,he saw that it was barely eight in the evening.

Knowing Joe was never one to wake easily, Kevin took Joe by the shoulders and pushed him off of him. Joe never even flinched. Kevin just shook his head.

“I swear, that boy could sleep through a hurricane.” He muttered as he made his way out of his bedroom.

Kevin was half way down the stairs when he heard Frankie’s voice.

“NICK!” He screamed. Kevin took off, instantly thinking the worst.

He came to an abrupt halt when he entered the living room.

There, on the floor in front of his big screen TV, were Frankie and Nick playing one of Frankie’s new video games. Both were laughing hysterically at something he’d missed.

Trying to catch his breath, Kevin spoke.

“What in God’s name are you two doing?”

Dropping their controllers both brothers turned at hearing Kevin’s voice.

“Nick, you aren’t even supposed to be out of bed.” Kevin scolded. Nick looked away.

“Well, what else was he supposed to do? You and Joe were all hugged up on each other and he was bored. You can’t really blame him.” Frankie smirked.

Kevin’s jaw dropped, just a bit.

“I was NOT hugged up to Joe.”

Nick tried not to laugh but when Frankie started, he fell right in.

“Actually babe, yeah, you were. You both looked so peaceful, I didn’t want to bother you. Plus, Frankie was awake.” Nick smiled innocently up at Kevin.

Choosing to ignore both his brother and his lover, Kevin dropped down onto the nearest couch.

“So, you decided that screaming Nick’s name was ok? You scared the crap outta me Frankie. I thought he was sick again.”

“No, dude. He’s not sick. But he is beating me.”

Trying not to and failing, Kevin smiled. It was hard not to when Frankie was pulling his ‘cute little brother’ stunt.

“So, are you feeling better, J?” He asked.

“Yeah, I am. Better when I have all week. I checked my levels and they were kinda low so I ate a bit. Checked them again with Frankie watching, then gave myself a shot. I’m good, babe, promise.” Nick smiled.

“He’s good, babe. He promises.” Frankie cracked up at the look on his older brothers face. “Kev, seriously, you’re too easy.” He said, before turning his attention back to the game in front of him.

“Not as easy as you’d think.” Nick muttered but seeing Kevin’s wide eyes, he knew he’d heard him. This time, Nick smirked. “Well, its true.” Kevin could only roll his eyes, a small blush rising on his cheeks.

Kevin sat for the next half an hour, watching as Nick and Frankie finished their game. In the end, Nick won, but not by much.

Reaching over, Nick just ruffled his little brothers hair.

“Maybe next time, little bro.”

Kevin was so lost in his own thoughts that he missed whatever it was Nick asked.

“….me, Kev?” He caught, not knowing what he’d just been asked.

“Huh? You say something, J?”

Smiling, Nick repeated his self.

“I asked if you were listening to me, but I think I got my answer already.”

“Oh, sorry. Must have spaced for a minute. Uh, what was it you were saying?”

Moving from his spot on the floor, Nick stood and pulling his blanket with him, sat down on the couch beside of Kevin.

“I wanted to know if you were still wondering about earlier. Namely why Joe was in bed with me, why we were so tired. All of that.”

“You know I do. Not that I minded Joe being there.” He tried to pull off, but knew Nick would see right through him.

“Oh yeah, so that’s why you looked like you were ready to pull Joe from the bed and toss him right out the door. Sure Kev, you just keep telling yourself that.”

“Anyway, back to what you were saying before. What exactly had you and Joe so wore out?” Kevin asked.

Taking a deep breath, Nick started.

“We got a phone call earlier and me being me, I didn’t look at the ID.”

“Ok, so who was it? Not too many people have this number.” Kevin stated.

“It was mom. And dad.”

Kevin froze. He was stunned and slightly shocked.

“M…mom and dad? They, they called? What did they want?” His voice was shaky when he asked.

“Basically, they wanted to know when we were coming home.” Nick said, not realizing how he’d said it.

“They want us to come home?” Kevin asked, a hint of hope in his voice.

Nick’s eyes widened.

“Oh, God. Oh baby. I’m sorry. They wanted to know when Joe and I were coming home. Damn it, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said it like that.”

Kevin dropped his eyes down to his lap.

“No, Nicky. Its ok. Just a last bit of hope on my part. I’ve had enough time to accept it. They don’t want me anymore. I can live with that.”

“But Kev, you shouldn’t have too. They are still your parents, damn it!” Nick shouted.

“No, Nick, they aren’t. Not anymore.”

Nick sighed. This was not how he intended to tell Kevin about Joe’s plan.

“Kev, listen ok, there’s something else. Something Joe should have told you a month ago, but he forgot.”

“Figures.” Kevin muttered.

“When we told them that we weren’t coming home, they demanded we send Frankie back. Joe, of course, told them no. It wasn’t happening.”

“Of course we aren’t sending him back there! How could they think we would?”

“I know. Joe told them basically the same thing, only he had a few choice words for them. Anyway, when Joe told them that Frankie was staying with us they freaked. I mean, really freaked out.”

“What did they say?” Kevin asked.

“It doesn’t matter. What matters is that Joe scared them enough into signing over their rights on Frankie. To you. He had the papers drawn up. Mom and dad said they would sign them. Kev, the thing is, will you sign the papers?”

Kevin stared at Nick.

“You honestly think you have to ask me that? Of course I’ll sign the papers! I want Frankie here with us.” Kevin smiled and pulled Nick to him, hugging him tight.

Still holding onto Kevin, Nick smirked knowing exactly what he wanted tonight. It had been too long since he and Kevin had been together.

“Kev…” He spoke softly.

“Yeah?” Kevin asked.

Instead of replying, Nick moved his hand from its spot around Kevin’s waist, to the hem of his shirt. Pushing the material aside, he ran his hand up Kevin’s chest.

Nick smiled when he heard the hitch in Kevin’s breathing.

“Nnn, Nick…what, what are you do, doing?” He asked, stumbling over his words.

“Oh, I think you know.” Nick said, roughly running his hand over Kevin’s now hardened nipples.

Kevin sucked in a deep breath.

“Nick…” He moaned.

“Its been too long, Kev. I feel better. I promise. I want this. Don’t you want this?” He asked, praying he got the answer he was looking for.

“You know I do, but you’ve been sick.” Kevin started.

“But I’m better now. Please baby. I want you.”

Hearing Nick speak those words totally undid every last bit of resistance Kevin had in him.

Looking down at his young lover, Kevin spoke.

“What exactly do you want, J?” He asked.

Kevin knew he was in for it when he saw Nick grin.

Pulling back from Kevin, Nick reached down and grabbed the hem of his older brothers shirt and pulled it over his head.

Kevin’s eyes widened, looking around frantically.

“Nick, not here! What about Frankie?” He asked.

“I sent Frankie to his room. Told him not to come out for the rest of the night. He told me to have fun. I swear, he’s too damn smart for his age.” Nick smirked, while pulling his own shirt off and tossing it to the floor.

Moving forward, Nick pushed Kevin down onto the couch and with a smirk still on his face, crawled until he was face to face with his lover. Leaning down, Nick whispered in Kevin ear, sending chills all over his body.

“I want you to ride me.”

Nick knew he was taking a risk. In all the times they had been together in the past two months, Kevin was always the one to top. Not that Nick was complaining, but he knew what Kevin wanted. He was just too afraid to ask for it. Nick decided that taking matters into his own hand was the way to go.

“Nicky, oh God…”

“Come on baby, you know you want this. Almost as much as I do, I bet.” Nick smirked again.

“I uh, are you sure?” Kevin asked.

“Positive. But only if you’re sure. I don’t want to push you.”

“Nick, you do realize that I’m the older one here…” Kevin trailed off as Nick leaned forward to kiss him.

“Hush. Yeah, you might be the older one, but I know what you want. You’re just too scared to ask for it. You were my first and now I want to be your first.”

This time, Kevin smiled.

“Yeah, Nick, this is what I want.” He finally said.

“So, um how about we take this upstairs? Make things more comfortable.”

Instead of answering, Kevin grabbed Nick’s hand and pulled him up from their position on the couch. Nick was laughing as they took the stairs two at a time.

Stopping just outside of their room, Kevin groaned.

“Damn it. Joe’s still in our bed.” He said.

“Well he better damn well move his ass!” Nick shouted, pushing past Kevin to enter their room.

“JOE! UP, GET UP!” Nick screamed. Not even giving him time to react, Nick reached down and pulled the sheet out from under his older brother, sending him flying to the floor.

Quickly over coming his shock, Joe jumped to his feet.

“What the hell, Nick?”

“Out! You have to get out now!” Nick was still yelling.

Noticing that both of his brothers were shirtless, Joe’s eyes widened.

“Oh God! Christ you guys! Can’t you keep it in your pants for more than a day?” This time, Joe voice was raised slightly.

Stepping up to Joe, Nick spoke one more time, his voice slightly irritated.

“I’ll have you know, its been more than a week, Joseph. Nearly ten fucking days. Now, I’m only going to say this one more time. GET OUT!”

Not even looking back, Joe ran from the room, nearly knocking Kevin over in the process.

“Kev…” Nick started but was cut off as Kevin smashed his lips down onto his. Moaning, Nick wrapped his arms around Kevin’s neck, holding tight.

“Do you have any idea how hot that was? Watching you talk like that to Joe. Hot damn boy, just when I think it can’t get any better.” Kevin smirked.

Instead of answering, Nick grabbed Kevin by his belt loops, turned him around and pushed him back onto the bed. Never breaking eye contact with Kevin, Nick reached down and unbuttoned his jeans. Still watching his older lover, he pushed his zipper down as well.

“Nicky…” Kevin whispered, moving to sit up.

“No. This, all of this is for you. Enjoy it.” Nick spoke.

This time breaking eye contact, Nick pushed his jeans along with his boxers down to the floor. Stepping out of them, he finally looked up. It almost took his breath away to see the love in Kevin’s eyes. Love that he knew was for him and no one else.

Stepping forward, Nick unbuttoned and unzipped Kevin’s jeans. Not wasting any time, he pulled them down and off. Tossing them aside, he crawled up Kevin’s body. Tilting his head to the side he smiled.

“I love you, Kev.” He spoke, in an almost whisper.

“My baby J. I love you too.”

Leaning up he placed a small kiss on Nick’s lips.

“You said something downstairs. Um, you wanted me to ride you? Is that what you want?” Kevin asked, a slight blush rising in his cheeks.

“Only if you’re ok with it, but yeah. I know I said I was feeling better and I am, but I think it will be the easiest way for me not to wear myself out. Plus, its something we haven’t tried yet. I think you’ll enjoy it.”

“I take it you’ve read up on this?” Kevin asked, this time causing Nick to blush.

“Well, what else was I supposed to do in bed all week? I got bored.”

“Then tonight, you are in control. I am totally at your will.”

Showing Nick that he was indeed in control, Kevin laid back on the bed, waiting for his lover to make a move.

Smiling, Nick moved to the side of the bed and opened the top drawer of the night stand. Pulling out a small tube of lube, he moved back to Kevin’s side.

“Just like you did for me my first time, I’m going to make this a little easier for you.”

Flipping open the lid, Nick squirted a fare amount onto his fingers. Laying his body halfway on top of Kevin’s, Nick kissed a trail from his mouth down his neck. As he kissed, he moved his hand down to his brothers entrance. Slowly, he rubbed his slicked up fingers over his hole, not yet entering.

Still kissing, Nick moved down Kevin’s chest, stopping at each nipple. Sticking his tongue out, he flicked it at his brother’s left nipple, watching as it hardened almost instantly. Nick smiled as Kevin moaned, slightly arching his back.

Realizing that Kevin was slightly distracted, Nick pressed his first finger into him. Feeling Kevin tense, Nick looked up.

“Shh, its ok. Remember what you told me. You have to relax. Believe me baby, it get so much better.”

Nodding at Nick, Kevin took a deep breath. Seeing this, Nick pulled his finger almost all the way out before pushing it back in. He continued to do this until he heard Kevin speak.

“More. Please, Nick. I can take more.” He moaned.

The next time he pushed in it was with two fingers. He worked them in and out until he thought Kevin was ready for more. This time inserting three fingers, Nick was greeted with the most amazing sound he’d ever heard. Such low, deep moans.

“Kev…” Nick spoke.

“I’m ready, J. Just tell me what to do.” Kevin replied.

Laying down on his back, Nick motioned for Kevin to knee over top of him.

“Watch me.” He spoke and Kevin watched with wide eyes as Nick slicked himself up. He was already extremely hard, just as Kevin himself was. It was only a few seconds later that Nick looked up at Kevin.

“Here baby. You basically just sit down. I’ll guide you.”

Hovering over top of Nick, Kevin reached down to grip Nick’s erection. With Nick’s hand over top of his own, he began lowering himself down. He groaned and tensed slightly as he felt the tip of Nick’s cock enter him.

“Take your time. Go as slow as you need.” Nick spoke, moving his hands to grip Kevin’s hips.

Slowly, Kevin lowered himself until Nick was completely inside of him. Breathing hard, he opened his eyes and looked down at Nick. He was greeted with the sight of Nick, head thrown back, eyes closed and mouth open. It was beautiful.

Kevin sat, not moving until he felt the burning need to.

“Nick. Nick, open you eyes and look at me.” He said. Nick did as he was told.

“Oh God, Kevin…you feel amazing. Tight…so tight.”

Kevin moaned as Nick moved his hips. Sliding his hands up Nick’s chest, Kevin moved his hands til the found what they were looking for. Nick’s curls. Gripping his hair tight, Kevin moved.

“Oh fuck…” Nick moaned, deep and loud.

“Good, so good.” Kevin kept repeating as he leaned forward, moving his hips back and forth.

“J, baby J…move with me.” Kevin panted as he picked up the pace.

Nick moved with him, matching his movements with each thrust. Still holding onto Kevin’s hips, Nick raised his legs up and planted his feet flat on the bed.

“Harder, Kev…for fuck’s sake, move faster.” Nick commanded.

Kevin complied, picking up the pace and moving himself up and down on Nick’s erection faster and harder. So hard that all he could hear was skin slapping on skin and the deep intakes of his and Nick’s breathing.

“Baby, I’m not gonna last much longer.” Nick spoke.

Throwing his head back, Kevin let go of Nick’s hair with one hand and moved it to his own painfully hard cock. He wasted no time in starting to bring himself off in time with Nick. Kevin gasped when he felt Nick’s hand over top of his own.

“Almost…Christ, Kevin, almost there…” Nick panted, arching his back completely off of the bed. He sat up and pulled Kevin to him, smashing their mouths together.

“Baby J…” Kevin gasped, bracing himself as Nick pushed him back on the bed. With Nick now over top of him, he nearly screamed as Nick slammed into him.

“Fucking hell, Kev…” Now on his back, Kevin wrapped his legs around Nick’s waist.

“There, Nick…harder!” Kevin practically screamed.

Two more thrusts was all it took before Nick was cuming inside of Kevin. Feeling Nick’s orgasm sent Kevin into his own.

Both brothers were panting, trying to catch their breath as their orgasms tore through them. It was minutes before either moved. Gently, Nick pulled out of Kevin causing his brother to groan as he did.

Hearing Kevin’s pained groaned, Nick’s eyes shot open.

“Shit, Kev, are you ok?” He asked, eyes filled with worry.

Kevin smiled when he answered.

“Fine, J. I’m fine. A little sore but fine.”

“Oh God, I’m sorry! I was too rough. I, I just, it was just so good. I didn’t mean to get out of hand.” Nick stuttered.

“No, Nick, honestly, I’m fine. Amazing actually.” Kevin smiled again, looking up at Nick.

“You’re sure?” He asked.

“Positive. Baby, that was amazing. You were amazing.”

Nick smiled.

“So were you.” Leaning down, he pressed a gentle kiss to Kevin’s lips. Pulling away, he saw that Kevin’s eyes were starting to droop.

“Sleep now, Kev. Seems I wore you out this time.” Kevin chuckled as he reached down and pulled their comforter over them.

Holding Nick close, they both drifted off to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: Honestly, how was it? I'm still new to writing slash sex scenes. This one makes the 4th that I've written.

Comments are the only way to let me know how it was.