

Kevin sat, tears rolling down his cheeks, reading Nick’s writing. He couldn’t believe his brother felt this way. It was obvious that he wasn’t finished. But the pain. Kevin could almost feel Nick’s pain as he read.

From the looks of the page, Nick had turned here quite often. It was covered in tear stains. Again, Kevin’s heart broke a little more.

Looking over at his brother, couldn’t help but feel his hurt once more. Closing the book, he laid it in the table.

Standing up, he bent down and scooped Nick up into his arms. Nick stirred only a little.

“Kev?” He whispered, sleep taking over once more.

“Shh, baby. You sleep. It’ll be ok.” Kevin said as he carried his brother up to his room.

At the top of the stairs he paused. Looking from his door to Nick’s he decided. Turning, he walked towards his bedroom.

Making his way inside, he laid Nick down on his bed.

“This is how is should be.” He said out loud but more to himself.

Smiling, he laid himself down beside Nick. Positioning himself on his side, he pulled Nick close. Arms around his waist, Kevin held him tight.

“I’m the one whose sorry, Nick. I’m so, so sorry.” He whispered before closing his eyes and once more succumbing to sleep.


Standing on the other side of the door was Mya, the reason for Joe’s overreaction.

“MYA!” He yelled, smiling. Moving forward, he picked her up and spun her around.

“Joseph, put me down!” She exclaimed, laughing while she did so.

“Sorry.” He said, placing he back on the ground.

“I take it you’re here for Frankie.” She stated, smiling.

“Of course. He told you I was coming?”

“Yes. He called me this morning and begged me to come over. Said he needed help packing.”

Joe laughed as they made their way inside.

“So uh, where is he?” Joe asked.

“Poor thing was so excited he wore himself out. He’s upstairs, asleep.”

“Are his things ready?”

“Yeah. Every he’ll need is packed and waiting by the back door.”

“Good. He isn’t staying in this house a minute more than he has too.” Joe stated firmly.

Mya was fidgeting.

“Um, Joe, there’s something I need to tell you before you see Frankie.”

“Oh God, what? I knew something wasn’t right.”

“About a week ago, Frank was home alone. Said he had been all day. When your parents got home, he was still awake. He had been waiting on them. He asked when you and Nick were coming home. Um, I think your dad might have been drinking.”

“Why? What makes you say that?”

“Frankie said he got this horrible look in his eye. Said neither of you were coming home and that you both hated him.”

“I already told him that was a lie.” Joe huffed.

“Yeah, I know and so did he. Cause that’s what he told your parents. Joe, your dad got angry. He slapped Frankie across the face and caused him to fall down.”

“WHAT?” Joe screamed.

“Shh, you’ll wake him. God, I know. It was horrible. Joe, when he fell he tried to catch himself. He broke his wrist.”

Joe was fuming.

“How dare they! How dare he lay a hand on him! He’s only ten for Christ’s sake!” Joe was beyond furious.

“He’s ok now. He’s been staying out of their way any time they are here, which isn’t very often. I was here last night when they came home. I told them I spoken with you and that you were coming to get Frankie.”

“Oh, Mya, you didn’t.”

“Yeah. I could tell they were angry, but they said it was fine with them. Said it was one less thing they would have to worry about. Joe, they won’t be here while you are here. I made sure of it.”

Joe sighed.

“Thank you so much, Mya. I was worried about a run in with them.”

Mya smiled.

“Not this time at least. Now, you look tired. How about we go wake Frankie so you can get him out of here.”

“Sounds good. Our flight back isn’t until late tomorrow night. I’ve booked a room at a hotel down town for us. There was no way we were gonna stay here any longer than absolutely needed.”

Making their way upstairs, Joe smiled when he saw Frankie. Two weeks was way too long.

Reaching down, he shook his little brother.

“Frankie, hey Frankie. Time to get up.” He said, softly.

It didn’t take much to wake him. He jerked awake at the first tough.

“JOE!” He screamed, throwing himself into his brothers arms. “You came!”

“Of course I did, bro. I said I would, didn’t I?”

Frankie just laughed.

“You ready to get outta here, Frank?” Joe asked.

“YES!” Again, he yelled, causing Joe and Mya to laugh.

“Great. Let’s grab your bags and head out. Big Rob’s waiting for us outside.”

Before Joe could hardly finish his sentence, Frankie was off. Running down the stairs and towards the back door.

By the time Joe and Mya caught up with Frankie, he was nearly in tears. Joe rushed to his side.

“Frank, what’s wrong?” He asked.

“I, I can’t hold my bags.” He answered, holding up his injured wrist. Joe could only smile.

“Don’t worry about it little bro, I got ‘em.”

Frankie instantly smiled. Turning back to Mya, he hugged her.

“Bye, Mya. I’m gonna miss you.” He said.

“I’ll miss you too, my little Bonus Jonas. You take care of your big brothers for me, ok?” She teased.

Rolling his eyes, he answered.

“Who else is gonna do it?”

Joe’s mouth dropped.

“Hey!” Frankie and Mya just laughed.

Grabbing Frankie’s bags in one hand, he reached for his little brothers good hand. Gripping it, he held on tight.

“If you need me, Joe, I’m just a call away.” Mya said as she followed them out the door.

“Thanks, Mya. That, it means a lot.”

She watched as Big Rob loaded Frankie’s bags. She watched as Joe helped his little brother into the backseat of the SUV. She watched as they pulled out of the drive.

Waving, she turned down the street and made her way home, the whole way praying things would get better for her favorite brothers.


The last thing Nick remembered was falling asleep in the living room. When he opened his eyes and saw that he was in a bed, he was slightly confused.

What confused him even more was realizing that he wasn’t in his room, he was in Kevin’s. Not just in Kevin’s bed, but alone in Kevin’s bed.

Looking around for a clock, he saw that it was nearly noon. Sitting up, he stretched and yawned. It wasn’t him to sleep so late. Seems his body was trying to tell him something.

Moving to stand, he groaned.

“Oh, God.” He said, sitting back down. His head was pounding. “Too much damn crying.” He muttered.

“You know they say the first sign of insanity is talking to yourself.” Startled, Nick jerked his head up.

Standing in the doorway of his own room was Kevin, with what looked like a tray of food in his hands, smiling.

“Hungry?” He offered.

Nick’s jaw dropped.

“Babe, close your mouth. You know I can cook. Why the shock?” Kevin smiled at the shocked look on Nick’s face. Walking over, he sat the tray beside the bed.

“I, we…I thought, aren’t we fighting?” Nick asked, confused.

“Not unless you want to be fighting.” Kevin answered.

“No, God no. But, last night…” He started.

“Is in the past. Nicky, I’m sorry. So sorry about last night. I had no right to assume anything. Please, don’t be mad at me. I can’t stand it when we fight.” Kevin said honestly.

Nick thought his heart might have broken just a tiny bit. Scooting over, he threw himself into Kevin’s arms.

“I’m sorry too. I had no right to talk to you like I did. I guess I was just frustrated. Forgive me?” Looking up at Kevin, he gave him his best puppy dog eyes.

Kevin just laughed.

“You know I can never say no to those eyes.” Smiling even more, Kevin held Nick close. He loved the feeling of having his brother in his arms. It just felt so right.

Looking over at the tray of food, Nick’s mouth started to water.

“Um, is that for me?” He asked.

Kevin laughed.

“Us, baby bro. Its for us.” He grinned. “I figured you might be hungry when you woke up, since we both missed dinner last night.”

They sat on the bed and had a late breakfast. They talked and laughed both staying clear of last night’s conversation.

Once they were done, Kevin set the tray aside and turned to Nick. Letting out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding, he spoke.

“Nick, I want to talk about last night.” He said.

“Re…really?” Nick perked up. Since he was usually the one to bring it up, he was slightly shocked when Kevin did.

“Yeah. Uh, actually I don’t really know where to start.” He said.

“How about with the fact that I love you, Kevin and I want us to be together, in every way possible. But not until you’re ready. I don’t want to be the one to pressure you into anything.” Nick said truthfully.

“Oh God, Nick, you have no idea how bad I want that too. But I honestly thought…” He stopped.

“You thought I’d slept with Miley. Kev, why would you think that? I’m still wearing my ring. I wouldn’t lie about something like that.”

“I don’t know. I mean, Miley’s a great girl and I know you loved her.”

“Yeah, but Kev, I already knew I was gay when I got together with Miley. She knew I wasn’t serious about us. I just needed a cover and she never asked why.”

Kevin was slightly shocked.


“Yeah. She really is a good friend and nothing more.” Nick answered.

Both sat in silence for the next few minutes.

Standing, Kevin held his hand out to Nick.

“Feel like a shower, baby J?” He smirked.

Nick was floored.

“You, you’re serious?” He asked, needing to make sure.

“As a heart attack.” Kevin laughed out loud when Nick practically leaped from the bed and into his arms.

Kissing his older brother, Nick couldn’t help but grin.

“I love you so much, Kevin.”

“Love you too, baby J.”

Once inside Kevin’s bathroom, he closed the door behind them, locking it. Nick looked at him puzzled.

“Knowing us, Joe would walk in. Even if he is on the other side of the country.” Nick chuckled but stopped as soon as Kevin started to undress.

True, he’d seen his brother without a shirt before, but it was still a sight to behold.

Walking up to Kevin, Nick ran his hands up his chest and around his neck pulling his close.

“You’re beautiful, did you know that?” He asked.

This time, Kevin blushed. Leaning down, he kissed Nick. It was slow and passionate. Both knew this would changed their relationship forever. It wasn’t something to take lightly. But Kevin loved Nick and that was all that mattered.

Breaking the kiss, Kevin stepped back. Reaching into the shower, he turned the water on. Giving it time to get warm, he turned back to Nick.

Grabbing the end of his shirt, he pulled it over his head. He copied Nick, running his hands up his chest.

“Smooth.” He said, smiling.

“I like your chest hair.” Nick said, causing Kev to laugh.

“You would.” He said, pulling Nick close once more.

“Is this what you want, Nicky?” He asked, sounds more seductive than Nick had ever heard.

Nick moaned.

“More than anything.” He answered, eyes dropping shut as Kevin’s lips attached to his neck.

Nick’s hands moved lower, stopping at the waistband of Kevin’s pajama’s. Not waiting for Kevin to stop him, Nick shoved them down.

Looking down, Nick groaned. It seemed Kevin had forgotten his boxers this morning.

Kevin smirked.

“Like what you see?”


Copying Nick, Kevin’s hands moved down to his pajama’s.

“You’re sure?” He asked once more.

Nodding, Nick answered. He didn’t think he’d actually be able to speak at the moment.

Pushing his pajama bottom’s down, Kevin took his boxers down as well. Taking Nick’s hand, he pulled him into the shower. Both groaned as the hot water hit their bodies.

Hands on Nick’s waist, Kevin leaned down and placed his lips on those of his younger brother, soon to be lover.

Nick ran his hands up Kevin’s back, tangling his hands in Kevin’s now wet hair. Leaning up, he pressed their naked bodies together. Nick moaned when he felt Kevin’s erection brush against his own. Both were already hard.

Gasping into their kiss, Nick pulled back.

“Kev…Kevin, oh God…can I, I want to…” Nick was stumbling over his words. Knowing what he was asking, Kevin took pity on him.

“Whatever you want, baby.” He smiled.

Leaning up once more to kiss Kevin, Nick’s hand trailed down his chest. Knowing that this was what he wanted, to be with Kevin, Nick’s hand continued further down.

This time it was Kevin who gasped. Nick’s hand had reached its destination.

Moaning, Kevin’s eyes dropped closed.

Nick worked his hand up and down over Kevin’s shaft. It felt so different from his own. It was thicker and slightly longer.

“Oh, God….” Kevin moaned. Glancing up, Nick smirked. He loved hearing Kevin make those sounds. It turned him on even more.

“Nick, please…faster.” Kevin gasped out.

Instead of obeying his brothers wishes, Nick stopped all together. Kevin’s eyes snapped open.

“Watch me.” Was all Nick said before dropping to his knees. Kevin’s eyes widened, knowing what was about to happen.

Gripping Kevin’s erection, Nick leaned in, teasing his brother at first. Ever so lightly, he ran his tongue over Kevin’s slit, licking off a bead of pre-cum. Nick grinned when Kevin gasped. Opening his mouth, he took as much of Kevin as he could.

“Shit…oh God, Nicky…” Kevin’s words were no longer coherent and Nick was loving it.

With his hand at the base of Kevin’s cock, he moved his mouth up and down, humming over so slightly, knowing what the vibrations would do to Kev.

“Fa…faster…Nicky, please…” Gasping, Kevin tried to speak.

This time, he complied. Moving his mouth down, he took all of Kevin until he felt his cock hit the back of his throat. Nick hadn’t known it was possible, but he’d done it.

“Fuck.” Kevin whispered. Nick grinned and picked up his pace.

Reaching his hand up, Nick cupped Kevin’s balls and began rolling them in his hand. This brought even more gasps and moans from his brothers lips. Nick didn’t think he’d even been as hard as he was at this very moment.

“Nick, I…I’m almost…” Kevin knew he wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer. He could feel his climax approaching. Bracing himself on the shower wall, he grasped Nick’s hair.

“Cu…cuming, J…” He tried to give Nick enough warning.

Nick knew what was happening and there was no way he was stopping. He sped up his pace.

Before he knew it, Kevin was cuming. Nick grasped his hips, trying to hold him still so he wouldn’t fall.

Kevin screamed as his orgasm ripped through him.

Nick drank everything Kevin offered. It wasn’t as bad as he’d thought. Slightly bitter and way too salty but he drank it all down.

Pulling back, he wiped the excess off of his face.

Kevin was still gasping as Nick stood. Still holding onto this brothers hips, he smashed his lips to Kevin’s, causing him once more to moan.

Breaking the kiss but not pulling away, Nick spoke.

“Fuck me, Kev.”
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: -dodges flying objects- Please don’t kill me for stopping! This chapter already went on for way longer than I meant it too. -runs and hides-

Did you like it? Seriously, was it ok? I really want to know what you thought. Comments are the only way to let me know.