Save Me.

Save Me

Scratch the surface of your old wooden desk with your sharp nails in a pathetic attempt to block out the silence around you as it tries to use its suffocating methods of destruction. The room is dim and the only light is the slowly fading soft glow of the lamp on your desk. Once it perishes you struggle as the darkness nearly chokes away all life within your body, attempting to squeeze the air from your lungs in order for you to drop to the floor and remain there forever. You stop scratching. Silence once more overcomes you; a false high-pitched noise pierces through you skull. It sounds like a scream.

You have been here for three days. Your mind is exhausted and you have become an emotional wreckage, holding onto false hope and broken promises. The once beautiful face you possessed is now ruined, your features sliding down it with a salty liquid you know too well. Your sparkling eyes have become dark, heavy stones as you struggle to keep them open. Your glossy hair is now matted and dun, created by your violent hands as you let your mind use your claws like puppets to fight your physical form in anger.

Murdered by the silence you quiver as you take the pen from the desk and grasp it loosely between your fingertips, letting it dance freely over the murky grey paper in front of you. Pressing harder the pen goes through the paper and leaves deep groves in solid material below it. Ink splatters and it crumbles beneath your grip.

Collapsing from your sitting position you fall down, lay on the floor curled up into a ball. A bomb. Stinging eyes wide open when metal objects on the floor reflect light from the outside moon. Smash them away with your hand and you feel blood start to pour from the crevices in your fingertips. Stay there, don’t move, don’t touch anything. A voice in your head tells you what to do, blood curdling words of hate and anger. Close your eyes, fall asleep.

Nightmares fill your mind, everything replaying itself inside your head over, and over, and over again. There was no false hope any more; the broken promises weren’t worth holding on to. Clench your fists and break more skin in your palms, awaking you again with a sudden surge. Creeping your eyes open sun beams shine directly into your eyes. Get up, slide under the dirty covers for another grimacing slumber.