You've Got So Much Promise


Grace's P.O.V.
April 5, 2000

Oh goodness, Gerard is babysitting me tonight! I love it when he babysits me. We always have lots of fun and he tells me funny stories.

I ran down to the basement where Gerard spends most of his time. Right now he was sitting at his drawing desk.

"What'cha drawing, Gerard?" I asked.

"It's a surprise!" he said.

"Aww c'mon tell me, please!" I pouted

"Nope, not until I'm finished!"




"Nope, not happening!"

"Please, Gerard!"

"Gracie Ann Way, If you don't stop asking me I will tickle you 'til you can't feel your face!"

I was going to push my luck.

"Oh please, Gerard!" I pouted with my best puppy dog eyes as possible.

"YOU ASKED FOR IT!" Gerard screamed as he lunged out of his chair and proceeded to tickle me until I actually couldn't feel my face.

"Ahh! No, Gerard stop it!" I giggled.

"NEVER!!!!" He yelled.

After Gerard finally stopped tickling me I had forgotten about the drawing and was a little hungry.

"Gerard, what's for dinner?" I asked

"It's a surprise!" He giggled.

"Don't you start that again, Mr.Man!" I laughed with him.

"Okay, well we actually don' have that much food so I'll call Mikey and tell him to bring us something when his movie is over."

"Okie Dokie"

When Mikey got home he had brought us some pizza. It was yummy.

"So, Gerard what was that picture you were drawing earlier?"

Gerard smiled at me and handed me a piece of paper. It was a picture of me! It was perfect. I have the best brothers in the world!
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Okay I know that was kinda lame but it gets better I promise!