A Song Writter

Her Dreams At Home

Once there was this 13 year old girl named Kim . When she was 11 all she wanted to do was write songs , her mom told her shes not good at all . But when she turned 12 she had 4 songs written already . Kim always kept them under her bed so her brothers or sisters wouldnt get them . She lived in a house of 6 . Her family were always expecting Kim to do everything . Her family abused her , so she'd run up stairs hurt , then she'll write about it .
She never did like her family . Then it was her 13th birthday , they didnt do anything for her but given her a good beating for 13 seconds. Of course they give the other kids parties and everything . But her , shes the left out one . So she ran to her room and wrote her song .
Her evil sister Carry was beside her door listening to her singing and writting her song . Carry ran down stairs MOM! DAD! Shes doing it again , shes writting her songs. So Kim's
parents shoved Carry out of the way with anger , ran upstairs pushed there way into Kim's door and grabbed her book she writes her songs in and ripped it to shreds ! Kim's parents said no writting for you ! You can't write your unforgiven songs with your unforgiven life. Kim tried to inore them but they grabbed her by the arm and said your the life wrecker not us !
Kim cried for along time in her room . So one night she packed up all her stuff and ran away . Her parents woke up in the morning for Kim to clean the house . When they walked into the room she was gone , all her clothes , all her everything , but the book on the floor shredding to pieces.Kim was taking the bus to Winnipeg and made it there.She sang some of her songs and parts on the streets and lay out a rag , then she'd sing .While the people would stare and throw money on to what ever they throw it on.She buy the things she needs with all that money she'd make Then Kim went by the park to sing one of her song she have written . And while singing a producer walked by and said girl you have skills